import os import smtplib from email.message import EmailMessage EMAIL_ADDRESS = os.environ['MAILUSER'] EMAIL_PASSWORD= os.environ['MAILPASS'] def send_mail(measurment_temp, latest_measurment_temp, measurment_hum, latest_measurment_hum): '''Handles email compose and connection to SMTP''' print(f"Email send: {measurment_temp} and {latest_measurment_temp}", flush=True) message = f"""The temperature went from {measurment_temp} to {latest_measurment_temp} in five minutes, thats a 40% increase! And the air humidity went from {measurment_hum} to {latest_measurment_hum} in five minutes, thats a 50% drop! """ msg = EmailMessage() msg['Subject'] = 'Weather Staion Report' msg['From'] = EMAIL_ADDRESS msg['To'] = '' msg.set_content('This email was send automaticly from the weather server') msg.add_alternative(f"""\
""", subtype='html') with smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 465) as smtp: smtp.login(EMAIL_ADDRESS, EMAIL_PASSWORD) smtp.send_message(msg)