5 years ago
1 changed files with 0 additions and 151 deletions
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//very crude libraries with objects for motor and tandrive system (2 motors no steering)
//tandrive is an object that you attach the motor objects you make bellow made some functions
//in hope it will be more easier to read etc.
#include "Motorz.h"; |
#include "tankdrive.h"; |
#include <NewPing.h> |
#include <DHT.h> |
#define DHTPIN 2 // temp humidity sensor pin (why? sound speed changes according to temp/humidity)
#define iterations 3 // can be used with function ping_median from new ping (takes median value ,unused)
#define SONAR_L_PIN 3 //left sonar sensor 3 pin configuration (trig&echo) are bound to 1 pin
#define SONAR_M_PIN 4 // middle sonar sensor
#define SONAR_R_PIN 5 // right sonar sensor
#define MAX_DISTANCE 400 //max sonar dinstance according to the type of sensor i use Hc-SR04
DHT dht(DHTPIN, DHT11); |
float soundcm; |
float temp=20.0; |
float hum=50.0; |
float duration; |
//calculating speed of sound uses floats and multiplications we don't want to bog down
// our already slow and weak cpu so i use a the variables bellow along with function millis()
// to take measurments every half minute (still too often in my opinion)
// (also you can't get readings more often than 2 seconds from this sensor)
unsigned long temp_startcnt; |
unsigned long temp_currcnt; |
int i; |
int dist[3]; //table that holds the distances the sensors measured
//using an L298N motor driver module
int enr=10; // enable pin for motor r (must be pwm)
int in1=11; // pin for one of the two connections of the mottor
int in2=12;// other connection (these two are digital pins)
// depends on how you end up wiring and placing the motors it will spin a certain way
// and another way when you reverse the voltage , direct holds (0,1) depending on how you
// wired the motor to go "forwards" what ever that means for your project
int directr=1; |
int enl=9; |
int in3=7; |
int in4=8; |
int directl=0; |
Motorz motorR(enr,in1,in2,directr); |
Motorz motorL(enl,in3,in4,directl); |
TankDrive mytank(&motorR,directr,&motorL,directl); |
void setup(){ |
temp_startcnt=millis(); //temp&humidity counter
dht.begin(); //it needs this
Serial.begin(115200); //serial monitor for debugging
Serial.println("Setup"); |
motorR.SetSpeed(200); //im using diffrent motors (trying to simulate wheels so i figure things out )
motorL.SetSpeed(60); // so that explains the diffrent speed in each motor
soundcm = 331.4 + (0.606 * temp) + (0.0124 * hum) ; |
soundcm=soundcm/10000; //speed of sound per cm
} |
void loop() |
{ |
temp_currcnt=millis(); |
if((temp_currcnt-temp_startcnt)>=30000){ |
GetTemps(); |
Serial.println(); |
Serial.println(); |
Serial.print("temps aquaried "); |
Serial.print(millis()); |
Serial.println(); |
Serial.println(); |
} |
//for now it only detects things from the front sensor but
// with only few lines and ifs you can make it better
// moves forward until there's something 5cm in front of it
// carefull this sonar sensors aren't that accurate in < 6 cm distances in my opinion
GetDistances(); |
if(dist[1]>5){ |
Serial.print("Moving forward\n"); |
mytank.MoveForward(); |
} |
else{ |
Serial.print("Object detected\n"); |
mytank.Stop(); |
} |
mytank.MoveForward(); |
delay(5000); |
mytank.Stop(); |
delay(2000); |
mytank.TurnRight(); |
delay(5000); |
mytank.Stop(); |
delay(2000); |
mytank.MoveBack(); |
delay(5000); |
mytank.Stop(); |
delay(2000); |
*/ |
} |
void GetDistances(){ |
/*duration = sonarL.ping_median(iterations);
dist[0]=(duration / 2) * soundcm; |
duration = sonarM.ping_median(iterations); |
dist[1]=(duration / 2) * soundcm; |
duration = sonarR.ping_median(iterations); |
dist[2]=(duration / 2) * soundcm; */ |
duration =; //sending supersonic sound wave and measuring the time it takes to come back
dist[0]=(duration / 2) * soundcm; // devide by 2 (hit object came back ) and multiply by speed of sound
delay(100); //the delay is crusial since we're firing one sensor after another
duration =; //we don't want noise from one sonar waver of one sensors affecting another
dist[1]=(duration / 2) * soundcm; |
delay(100); |
duration =; / |
dist[2]=(duration / 2) * soundcm; |
delay(100); |
Serial.print("Distance L:"); |
Serial.print(dist[0]); |
Serial.print(" M:"); |
Serial.print(dist[1]); |
Serial.print(" R:"); |
Serial.print(dist[2]); |
Serial.print(" Temp:"); |
Serial.print(temp); |
Serial.print(" Humidity:"); |
Serial.print(hum); |
Serial.println(); |
} |
void GetTemps(){ |
hum = dht.readHumidity(); // Get Humidity value
temp= dht.readTemperature(); // Get Temp value
temp_startcnt=temp_currcnt; |
soundcm = 331.4 + (0.606 * temp) + (0.0124 * hum) ; |
soundcm=soundcm/10000; //speed of sound per cm
} |
Reference in new issue