@ -41,26 +41,21 @@ sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose |
``` |
==== error |
==== |
---- |
``` |
Get https ://registry.vlabs.uniwa.gr:5080/v2/: x509: certificate |
Pulling ... |
ERROR: Get https://registry.vlabs.uniwa.gr:5080/v2/: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority |
---- |
==== |
``` |
* run |
==== |
---- |
``` |
$ sudo su |
# touch set-ca.sh |
---- |
==== |
``` |
* copy-paste into file |
==== |
---- |
``` |
registry_address=registry.vlabs.uniwa.gr |
registry_port=5043 |
mkdir -p /etc/docker/certs.d/$registry_address:$registry_port |
@ -77,39 +72,35 @@ openssl s_client -showcerts -connect $registry_address:$registry_port < /dev/nul |
registry_port=5480 |
mkdir -p /etc/docker/certs.d/$registry_address:$registry_port |
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect $registry_address:$registry_port < /dev/null | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > /etc/docker/certs.d/$registry_address:$registry_port/ca.crt |
---- |
==== |
``` |
* exec file |
==== |
---- |
``` |
sudo bash ./set-ca.sh |
---- |
==== |
``` |
=== Δημιουργία σμήνους (swarm) από Docker |
==== Δημιουργία cluster |
* Make a new directory to store the project + |
==== |
---- |
``` |
mkdir myproject |
cd myproject |
../install/usr/share/swarmlab.io/sec/swarmlab-sec create |
---- |
==== |
``` |
* Spin up the cluster (5 clusters shown here) + |
==== |
---- |
``` |
cd myproject #if not already on the directory |
../install/usr/share/swarmlab.io/sec/swarmlab-sec up size=5 |
---- |
==== |
``` |
* Login to the cluster + |
==== |
---- |
``` |
cd myproject #if not already on the directory |
../install/usr/share/swarmlab.io/sec/swarmlab-sec login |
---- |
``` |
NOTE: When you are inside a container: + |
`ssh docker@<IP>` + |
User password: docker + |