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// Import LoRa Module Library
#include "RYLR896.h"
// Drone ID, for future use when using with multiple drones
#define DRONE_ID 1
int MQ2 = A0;
int MQ4 = A1;
int MQ5 = A2;
int MQ6 = A3;
int MQ7 = A4;
int MQ8 = A5;
int MQ9 = A6;
int MQ135 = A7;
// Define Serial interfaces for GPS and LoRa (easier configuration)
#define GPS_SERIAL Serial1
#define LORA_SERIAL Serial3
// Create global LoRa library object
RYLR896* lora;
void setup() {
// Initialize Serial0 for debug messages
Serial.println("Starting up...");
// Set sensor pin modes
pinMode(MQ2, INPUT);
pinMode(MQ4, INPUT);
pinMode(MQ5, INPUT);
pinMode(MQ6, INPUT);
pinMode(MQ7, INPUT);
pinMode(MQ8, INPUT);
pinMode(MQ9, INPUT);
pinMode(MQ135, INPUT);
Serial.println("Initializing communications...");
// Initialize LoRa's serial interface outside the library because of
// weird HardwareSerial.h behavior when called within another library.
// Initialize LoRa Library
lora = new RYLR896(&LORA_SERIAL, 115200);
// Set RF Parameters for close range message transmission
// (see: page 2,
// Set AES encryption passcode
Serial.println("Initializing GPS...");
// Initialize GPS' serial interface
Serial.println("Setup completed!");
void loop() {
// Read sensor values
float GAS_MQ2 = analogRead(MQ2);
float GAS_MQ4 = analogRead(MQ4);
float GAS_MQ5 = analogRead(MQ5);
float GAS_MQ6 = analogRead(MQ6);
float GAS_MQ7 = analogRead(MQ7);
float GAS_MQ8 = analogRead(MQ8);
float GAS_MQ9 = analogRead(MQ9);
float GAS_MQ135 = analogRead(MQ135);
// Once we have available GPS data
if (GPS_SERIAL.available() > 0){
// Store NMEA sentence
String gpsData = GPS_SERIAL.readStringUntil('\n');
// Since we are only keeping GPRMC NMEA sentences, only enter
// if we are on that sentence (see
if (gpsData.startsWith("$GPRMC")){
// Construct message to send over LoRa
String data = String(DRONE_ID) + "|" + gpsData + "|" + "MQ2=" + String(GAS_MQ2) + "|" + "MQ4=" + String(GAS_MQ4) + "|" + "MQ5=" + String(GAS_MQ5) + "|" + "MQ6=" + String(GAS_MQ6) + "|" + "MQ7=" + String(GAS_MQ7) + "|" + "MQ8=" + String(GAS_MQ8) + "|" + "MQ9=" + String(GAS_MQ9) + "|" + "MQ135=" + String(GAS_MQ135);
// Print a debug message on Serial0 with the data we are about to send
// Transmit message over LoRa