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# Aiolos
This project was generated with [ngX-Rocket](
version 7.1.0
# Getting started
1. Go to project folder and install dependencies:
npm install
2. Launch development server, and open `localhost:4200` in your browser:
npm start
# Project structure
dist/ web app production build
docs/ project docs and coding guides
e2e/ end-to-end tests
src/ project source code
|- app/ app components
| |- core/ core module (singleton services and single-use components)
| |- shared/ shared module (common components, directives and pipes)
| |- app.component.* app root component (shell)
| |- app.module.ts app root module definition
| |- app-routing.module.ts app routes
| +- ... additional modules and components
|- assets/ app assets (images, fonts, sounds...)
|- environments/ values for various build environments
|- theme/ app global scss variables and theme
|- translations/ translations files
|- index.html html entry point
|- main.scss global style entry point
|- main.ts app entry point
|- polyfills.ts polyfills needed by Angular
+- test.ts unit tests entry point
reports/ test and coverage reports
proxy.conf.js backend proxy configuration
# Main tasks
Task automation is based on [NPM scripts](
| Task | Description |
| ----------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `npm start` | Run development server on `http://localhost:4200/` |
| `npm run serve:sw` | Run test server on `http://localhost:4200/` with service worker enabled |
| `npm run build [-- --configuration=production]` | Lint code and build web app for production (with [AOT]( in `dist/` folder |
| `npm test` | Run unit tests via [Karma]( in watch mode |
| `npm run test:ci` | Lint code and run unit tests once for continuous integration |
| `npm run e2e` | Run e2e tests using [Protractor]( |
| `npm run lint` | Lint code |
| `npm run translations:extract` | Extract strings from code and templates to `src/app/translations/template.json` |
| `npm run docs` | Display project documentation and coding guides |
| `npm run prettier` | Automatically format all `.ts`, `.js` & `.scss` files |
When building the application, you can specify the target configuration using the additional flag
`--configuration <name>` (do not forget to prepend `--` to pass arguments to npm scripts).
The default build configuration is `prod`.
## Development server
Run `npm start` for a dev server. Navigate to `http://localhost:4200/`. The app will automatically reload if you change
any of the source files.
You should not use `ng serve` directly, as it does not use the backend proxy configuration by default.
## Code scaffolding
Run `npm run generate -- component <name>` to generate a new component. You can also use
`npm run generate -- directive|pipe|service|class|module`.
If you have installed [angular-cli]( globally with `npm install -g @angular/cli`,
you can also use the command `ng generate` directly.
## Additional tools
Tasks are mostly based on the `angular-cli` tool. Use `ng help` to get more help or go check out the
[Angular-CLI README](
## Code formatting
All `.ts`, `.js` & `.scss` files in this project are formatted automatically using [Prettier](,
and enforced via the `test:ci` script.
A pre-commit git hook has been configured on this project to automatically format staged files, using
(pretty-quick)[], so you don't have to care for it.
You can also force code formatting by running the command `npm run prettier`.
# What's in the box
The app template is based on [HTML5](, [TypeScript]( and
[Sass]( The translation files use the common [JSON]( format.
#### Tools
Development, build and quality processes are based on [angular-cli]( and
[NPM scripts](, which includes:
- Optimized build and bundling process with [Webpack](
- [Development server]( with backend proxy and live reload
- Cross-browser CSS with [autoprefixer]( and
- Asset revisioning for [better cache management](
- Unit tests using [Jasmine]( and [Karma](
- End-to-end tests using [Protractor](
- Static code analysis: [TSLint](, [Codelyzer](,
[Stylelint]( and [HTMLHint](
- Local knowledgebase server using [Hads](
- Automatic code formatting with [Prettier](
#### Libraries
- [Angular](
- [Bootstrap 4](
- [ng-bootsrap](
- [Font Awesome](
- [RxJS](
- [ngx-translate](
#### Coding guides
- [Angular](docs/coding-guides/
- [TypeScript](docs/coding-guides/
- [Sass](docs/coding-guides/
- [HTML](docs/coding-guides/
- [Unit tests](docs/coding-guides/
- [End-to-end tests](docs/coding-guides/
#### Other documentation
- [I18n guide](docs/
- [Working behind a corporate proxy](docs/
- [Updating dependencies and tools](docs/
- [Using a backend proxy for development](docs/
- [Browser routing](docs/