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# TypeScript coding guide
[TypeScript]( is a superset of JavaScript that greatly helps building large web
Coding conventions and best practices comes from the
[TypeScript guidelines](, and are also detailed in the
[TypeScript Deep Dive Style Guide](
In addition, this project also follows the general [Angular style guide](
## Naming conventions
- Use `PascalCase` for types, classes, interfaces, constants and enum values.
- Use `camelCase` for variables, properties and functions
- Avoid prefixing interfaces with a capital `I`, see [Angular style guide](!#03-03)
- Do not use `_` as a prefix for private properties. An exception can be made for backing fields like this:
private _foo: string;
get foo() { return this._foo; } // foo is read-only to consumers
## Ordering
- Within a file, type definitions should come first
- Within a class, these priorities should be respected:
- Properties comes before functions
- Static symbols comes before instance symbols
- Public symbols comes before private symbols
## Coding rules
- Use single quotes `'` for strings
- Always use strict equality checks: `===` and `!==` instead of `==` or `!=` to avoid comparison pitfalls (see
[JavaScript equality table](
The only accepted usage for `==` is when you want to check a value against `null` or `undefined`.
- Use `[]` instead of `Array` constructor
- Use `{}` instead of `Object` constructor
- Always specify types for function parameters and returns (if applicable)
- Do not export types/functions unless you need to share it across multiple components
- Do not introduce new types/values to the global namespace
- Use arrow functions over anonymous function expressions
- Only surround arrow function parameters when necessary.
For example, `(x) => x + x` is wrong but the following are correct:
- `x => x + x`
- `(x, y) => x + y`
- `<T>(x: T, y: T) => x === y`
## Definitions
In order to infer types from JavaScript modules, TypeScript language supports external type definitions. They are
located in the `node_modules/@types` folder.
To manage type definitions, use standard `npm install|update|remove` commands.
## Enforcement
Coding rules are enforced in this project via [TSLint](
Angular-specific rules are also enforced via the [Codelyzer]( rule extensions.
## Learn more
The read of [TypeScript Deep Dive]( is recommended, this is a very good
reference book for TypeScript (and also open-source).