You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# HTML coding guide
## Naming conventions
- Everything should be named in `kebab-case` (lowercase words separated with a `-`): tags, attributes, IDs, etc,
**except for everything bound to Angular** such variables, directives or events which should be in `camelCase`
- File names should always be in `kebab-case`
## Coding rules
- Use HTML5 doctype: `<!doctype html>`
- Use HTML [semantic elements](
- Use double quotes `"` around attribute values in tags
- Use a new line for every block, list, or table element, and indent every such child element
- Clearly Separate structure (HTML) from presentation (CSS) from behavior (JavaScript):
- Never use inline CSS or JavaScript
- Keep any logic out of the HTML
- `type` attribute for stylesheets and script tags should be omitted
## Common pitfalls
- **Block**-type tags cannot be nested inside **inline**-type tags: a `<div>` tag cannot be nested in a `<span>`.
This rule also applies regarding the `display` value of an element.
- HTML is **not** XML: empty tags cannot be self-closing and will result in improper results
- `<div/>` will be interpreted as a simple `<div>` without closing tag!
- The only tags that allows self-closing are the one that does not require a closing tag in first place:
these are the void elements that do not not accept content `<br>`, `<hr>`, `<img>`, `<input>`, `<meta>`, `<link>`
(and others).
## Templates
In accordance with the [Angular style guide](, HTML templates should be extracted in
separate files, when more than 3 lines.
Only use inline templates sparingly in very simple components with less than 3 lines of HTML.
## Enforcement
Coding rules enforcement and basic sanity checks are done in this project by [HTMLHint](