import { browser, ExpectedConditions as until } from 'protractor'; import { AppSharedPage } from './page-objects/app-shared.po'; import { ShellPage } from './page-objects/shell.po'; describe('when the app loads', () => { const app = new AppSharedPage(); const shell = new ShellPage(); beforeAll(async () => { await app.navigateAndSetLanguage(); }); it('should display the shell page', async () => { expect(await browser.getCurrentUrl()).toContain('/'); }); describe('and the page loads', () => { it('should display the hello message', async () => { await browser.wait(until.visibilityOf(shell.welcomeText), 5000, 'Element taking too long to appear'); expect(await shell.getParagraphText()).toEqual('Hello world !'); }); }); });