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Backend proxy

Usually when working on a web application you consume data from custom-made APIs.

To ease development with our development server integrating live reload while keeping your backend API calls working, we also have setup a backend proxy to redirect API calls to whatever URL and port you want. This allows you:

  • To develop frontend features without the need to run an API backend locally
  • To use a local development server without CORS issues
  • To debug frontend code with data from a remote testing platform directly

How to configure

In the root folder you will find a proxy.conf.js, containing the backend proxy configuration.

The interesting part is there:

const proxyConfig = [
    context: '/api',
    pathRewrite: { '^/api': '' },
    target: '',
    changeOrigin: true

This is where you can setup one or more proxy rules.

For the complete set of options, see the http-proxy-middleware documentation.

Corporate proxy support

To allow external API calls redirection through a corporate proxy, you will also find a setupForCorporateProxy() function in the proxy configuration file. By default, this method configures a corporate proxy agent based on the HTTP_PROXY environment variable, see the corporate proxy documentation for more details.

If you need to, you can further customize this function to fit the network of your working environment.

If your corporate proxy use a custom SSL certificate, your may need to add the secure: false option to your backend proxy configuration.