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4 years ago
const { addSideEffect } = require('@babel/helper-module-imports')
// slightly modifiled from @babel/preset-env/src/utils
// use an absolute path for core-js modules, to fix conflicts of different core-js versions
// TODO: remove the `useAbsolutePath` option in v5,
// because `core-js` is sure to be present in newer projects;
// we only need absolute path for babel runtime helpers, not for polyfills
function getModulePath (mod, useAbsolutePath) {
const modPath =
mod === 'regenerator-runtime'
? 'regenerator-runtime/runtime'
: `core-js/modules/${mod}`
return useAbsolutePath ? require.resolve(modPath) : modPath
function createImport (path, mod, useAbsolutePath) {
return addSideEffect(path, getModulePath(mod, useAbsolutePath))
// add polyfill imports to the first file encountered.
module.exports = (
{ types },
{ polyfills, entryFiles = [], useAbsolutePath }
) => {
return {
name: 'vue-cli-inject-polyfills',
visitor: {
Program (path, state) {
if (!entryFiles.includes(state.filename)) {
// imports are injected in reverse order
.forEach(p => {
createImport(path, p, useAbsolutePath)