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4 years ago
{"version":3,"file":"bootstrap-vue-icons.common.js","sources":["../src/constants/regex.js","../src/utils/env.js","../src/utils/inspect.js","../src/utils/string.js","../src/constants/components.js","../src/utils/identity.js","../src/utils/math.js","../src/utils/number.js","../src/icons/helpers/icon-base.js","../src/icons/helpers/make-icon.js","../src/icons/icons.js","../src/constants/config.js","../src/utils/object.js","../src/utils/clone-deep.js","../src/utils/config.js","../src/icons/icon.js","../src/icons/iconstack.js","../src/utils/warn.js","../src/utils/plugins.js","../src/icons/plugin.js","../src/icons-only.js"],"sourcesContent":["// --- General ---\n\nexport const RX_ARRAY_NOTATION = /\\[(\\d+)]/g\nexport const RX_DIGITS = /^\\d+$/\nexport const RX_EXTENSION = /^\\..+/\nexport const RX_HASH = /^#/\nexport const RX_HASH_ID = /^#[A-Za-z]+[\\w\\-:.]*$/\nexport const RX_HTML_TAGS = /(<([^>]+)>)/gi\nexport const RX_HYPHENATE = /\\B([A-Z])/g\nexport const RX_LOWER_UPPER = /([a-z])([A-Z])/g\nexport const RX_NUMBER = /^[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+$/\nexport const RX_PLUS = /\\+/g\nexport const RX_REGEXP_REPLACE = /[-/\\\\^$*+?.()|[\\]{}]/g\nexport const RX_SPACES = /[\\s\\uFEFF\\xA0]+/g\nexport const RX_SPACE_SPLIT = /\\s+/\nexport const RX_STAR = /\\/\\*$/\nexport const RX_START_SPACE_WORD = /(\\s|^)(\\w)/g\nexport const RX_TRIM_LEFT = /^\\s+/\nexport const RX_TRIM_RIGHT = /\\s+$/\nexport const RX_UNDERSCORE = /_/g\nexport const RX_UN_KEBAB = /-(\\w)/g\n\n// --- Date ---\n\n// Loose YYYY-MM-DD matching, ignores any appended time inforation\n// Matches '1999-12-20', '1999-1-1', '1999-01-20T22:51:49.118Z', '1999-01-02 13:00:00'\nexport const RX_DATE = /^\\d+-\\d\\d?-\\d\\d?(?:\\s|T|$)/\n\n// Used to split off the date parts of the YYYY-MM-DD string\nexport const RX_DATE_SPLIT = /-|\\s|T/\n\n// Time string RegEx (optional seconds)\nexport const RX_TIME = /^([0-1]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5]?[0-9](:[0-5]?[0-9])?$/\n\n// --- URL ---\n\n// HREFs must end with a hash followed by at least one non-hash character\nexport const RX_HREF = /^.*(#[^#]+)$/\n\nexport const RX_ENCODED_COMMA = /%2C/g\nexport const RX_ENCODE_REVERSE = /[!'()*]/g\nexport const RX_QUERY_START = /^(\\?|#|&)/\n\n// --- Aspect ---\n\nexport const RX_ASPECT = /^\\d+(\\.\\d*)?[/:]\\d+(\\.\\d*)?$/\nexport const RX_ASPECT_SEPARATOR = /[/:]/\n\n// --- Grid ---\n\nexport const RX_COL_CLASS = /^col-/\n\n// --- Icon ---\n\nexport const RX_ICON_PREFIX = /^BIcon/\n\n// --- Locale ---\n\nexport const RX_STRIP_LOCALE_MODS = /-u-.+/\n","/**\n * Utilities to get information about the current environment\n */\n\n// --- Constants ---\n\nexport const hasWindowSupport = typeof window !== 'undefined'\nexport const hasDocumentSupport = typeof document !== 'undefined'\nexport const hasNavigatorSupport = typeof navigator !== 'undefined'\nexport const hasPromiseSupport = typeof Promise !== 'undefined'\n/* istanbul ignore next: JSDOM always returns false */\nexport const hasMutationObserverSupport =\n typeof MutationObserver !== 'undefined' ||\n typeof WebKitMutationObserver !== 'undefined' ||\n typeof MozMutationObserver !== 'undefined'\n\nexport const isBrowser = hasWindowSupport && hasDocumentSupport && hasNavigatorSupport\n\n// Browser type sniffing\nexport const userAgent = isBrowser ? window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() : ''\n\nexport const isJSDOM = userAgent.indexOf('jsdom') > 0\nexport const isIE = /msie|trident/.test(userAgent)\n\n// Determine if the browser supports the option passive for events\nexport const hasPassiveEventSupport = (() => {\n let passiveEventSupported = false\n if (isBrowser) {\n try {\n const options = {\n get passive() {\n // This function will be called when the browser\n // attempts to access the passive property.\n /* istanbul ignore next: will never be called in JSDOM */\n passiveEventSupported = true\n }\n }\n window.addEventListener('test', options, options)\n window.removeEventListener('test', options, options)\n } catch (err) {\n /* istanbul ignore next: will never be called