# Import Temporary solution to inline importing front-end Javascript for modular development. Has tabulation support. More lightweight than [smash](https://github.com/mbostock/smash). Removed automatically importing 'index.js'. ## Installation ```npm install import -g``` ## How to Use foo.js ``` function foo(){ return "foo"; } ``` bar.js ``` function bar(){ console.log("bar"); } ``` baz.js ``` import "foo"; function baz(){ console.log(foo()); return import "bar"; } baz()(); ``` *** See final output ``` $ import test/data1/baz.js function foo(){ return "foo"; } function baz(){ console.log(foo()); return function bar(){ console.log("bar"); } } baz()(); ``` or Create an output file ``` $ import test/data1/baz.js > test/data1/out.js ``` or Execute in Node ``` $ import test/data1/baz.js | node foo bar ```