# {%= name %} {%= badge("fury") %} {%= badge("travis") %} {%= badge("coverage") %} > {%= description %} This module helps you when you want to output the line-number of certain locations in a string while iterating over the string otherwise. For example, if you want to ## Example Suppose, we want to extract all occurences of 'sed' and 'ipsum' from the following text: {%= embed("./examples/example.txt") %} We can easily match all the occurences with a regex, but we only get the char-index of each match. Using the `line-counter` module, we can print line-numbers as well: {%= replace(embed("./examples/regex-matches.js"),"../",name) %} ### API {%= apidocs("index.js") %} ## Running tests {%= include("tests") %} ## Contributing {%= include("contributing") %} ## Author {%= include("author", {github: 'nknapp', twitter: 'knappi79'}) %} ## License {%= license() %} {%= read("./CHANGELOG.md") %}