You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

30 lines
736 B

var assert = require('assert')
var deindent = require('./index')
describe('de-indent', function () {
it('0 indent', function () {
var str = '\nabc\n bcd\n cde\nefg'
var res = deindent(str)
assert.equal(str, res)
it('non-0 indent', function () {
var str = ' abc\n bcd\n cde\n efg'
var res = deindent(str)
assert.equal(res, 'abc\n bcd\ncde\n efg')
it('tabs', function () {
var str = '\tabc\n\t\tbcd\n\tcde\n\t\tefg'
var res = deindent(str)
assert.equal(res, 'abc\n\tbcd\ncde\n\tefg')
it('single line', function () {
var str = '\n <h2 class="red">{{msg}}</h2>\n'
var res = deindent(str)
assert.equal(res, '\n<h2 class="red">{{msg}}</h2>\n')