You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

89 lines
3.3 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const stringify_1 = require("./stringify");
const quote_1 = require("./quote");
* Root path node.
const ROOT_SENTINEL = Symbol("root");
* Stringify any JavaScript value.
function stringify(value, replacer, indent, options = {}) {
const space = typeof indent === "string" ? indent : " ".repeat(indent || 0);
const path = [];
const stack = new Set();
const tracking = new Map();
const unpack = new Map();
let valueCount = 0;
const { maxDepth = 100, references = false, skipUndefinedProperties = false, maxValues = 100000 } = options;
// Wrap replacer function to support falling back on supported stringify.
const valueToString = replacerToString(replacer);
// Every time you call `next(value)` execute this function.
const onNext = (value, key) => {
if (++valueCount > maxValues)
if (skipUndefinedProperties && value === undefined)
if (path.length > maxDepth)
// An undefined key is treated as an out-of-band "value".
if (key === undefined)
return valueToString(value, space, onNext, key);
const result = builder(value, key === ROOT_SENTINEL ? undefined : key);
return result;
const builder = references
? (value, key) => {
if (value !== null &&
(typeof value === "object" ||
typeof value === "function" ||
typeof value === "symbol")) {
// Track nodes to restore later.
if (tracking.has(value)) {
unpack.set(path.slice(1), tracking.get(value));
return; // Avoid serializing referenced nodes on an expression.
// Track encountered nodes.
tracking.set(value, path.slice(1));
return valueToString(value, space, onNext, key);
: (value, key) => {
// Stop on recursion.
if (stack.has(value))
const result = valueToString(value, space, onNext, key);
return result;
const result = onNext(value, ROOT_SENTINEL);
// Attempt to restore circular references.
if (unpack.size) {
const sp = space ? " " : "";
const eol = space ? "\n" : "";
let wrapper = `var x${sp}=${sp}${result};${eol}`;
for (const [key, value] of unpack.entries()) {
const keyPath = quote_1.stringifyPath(key, onNext);
const valuePath = quote_1.stringifyPath(value, onNext);
wrapper += `x${keyPath}${sp}=${sp}x${valuePath};${eol}`;
return `(function${sp}()${sp}{${eol}${wrapper}return x;${eol}}())`;
return result;
exports.stringify = stringify;
* Create `toString()` function from replacer.
function replacerToString(replacer) {
if (!replacer)
return stringify_1.toString;
return (value, space, next, key) => {
return replacer(value, space, (value) => stringify_1.toString(value, space, next, key), key);