import random, requests, json from time import sleep url = 'http://localhost:3000' previous = [0, 0, 0, 0] #holding the previous values current = [0, 0, 0, 0] #holding the current values data_names = ["temperature", "air humidity", "ground humidity", "beaufort"] first = 0 percentage_dif = 0 timer = 0 while True: temperature = random.randint(-100,100) #temperature air_hum = random.randint(0,100) #air humidity ground_hum = random.randint(0,100) #ground humidity wind = random.randint(0,12) #Beaufort scale for wind print("Temperature:", temperature, "C") print("Air humidity:", air_hum, "%") print("Ground humidity:", ground_hum, "%") print("Wind:", wind,"Beaufort\n") current[0]=temperature #putting the current values in the list current[1]=air_hum current[2]=ground_hum current[3]=wind if first == 1: #this code works for the second time so as to have current and previous values in the lists print("Current temperature: ",current[0], ", Previous temperature: ", previous[0]) print("Current air humidity: ",current[1], ", Previous air humidity: ", previous[1]) print("Current ground humidity: ",current[2], ", Previous ground humidity: ", previous[2]) print("Current wind: ",current[3], ", Previous wind: ", previous[3],"\n") if timer==10: #sending current data after 5 minutes of not sending anything print("Sending everything to server...") else: for i in range(4): if (current[i] == 0) and (previous[i] == 0): #if both values are 0, move on to the next element continue elif previous[i] == 0: #cannot have division by 0 percentage_dif = 11 #giving a random value >10 so as to send the current value to the server, #since the previous one was 0 and any change is important to send else: #calculating percentage difference of values percentage_dif = round(((current[i]-previous[i])/abs(previous[i]))*100,2) print("Percentage difference between previous and current value of", data_names[i], ":", percentage_dif) if (percentage_dif > 10) or (percentage_dif < -10): #if the diffenece is more than 10%, current value is sent to server print("Sending current value to server...") data = {0:current[i]} #sending previous value r =, data) #sending json object to specified url timer = 0 #when data is sent to server, make timer 0 print("\n\n") sleep(30) #to generate the data every 30 seconds timer+=1 previous[0]=temperature #putting the current values in the list holding the previous values previous[1]=air_hum previous[2]=ground_hum previous[3]=wind first = 1