1 changed files with 0 additions and 68 deletions
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//Requiered modules
const amp = require('amqplib'); |
const serialPort = require('serialport'); |
//Serial port initialization
var port = new serialPort('/dev/ttyUSB0', { baudRate: 9600, }); |
//RabbitMQ Settings initialization
const rabbitmqSettings = { |
protocol: 'amqp', |
hostname: 'localhost', |
port: 5672, |
username: 'iotproject', |
password: 'iotproject', |
vhost: '/', |
authMechanism: ['PLAIN', 'AMQPLAIN', 'EXTERNAL'] |
} |
//The main function (connect), implement all the functionality for the purpose of reading the serial port and send the data to the broker (tempValues) queue...
async function connect() { |
const queue = 'tempValues'; //RabbitMQ queue name...
try { |
//apply the RabbitMQ settings to create a link between the producer and the queue...
const conn = await amp.connect(rabbitmqSettings); |
console.log("Connection Created..."); |
const channel = await conn.createChannel(); |
console.log("Channel Created..."); |
let res = await channel.assertQueue(queue); |
console.log("Queue Created..."); |
//read the data from the serial port...
const Readline = serialPort.parsers.Readline; |
const parser = new Readline(); |
port.pipe(parser); |
port.on('open', function() { |
console.log('port open...'); |
}); |
//create an empty object and fill it with the sensor name and the temp value...
parser.on('data', function(data) { |
var tempValueObj = new Object(); |
tempValueObj.sensorName = "TMP36GZ"; |
tempValueObj.temperature = data.slice(0, -2); |
//convert the object to JSON (requiered from the RabbitMQ broker)
channel.sendToQueue(queue, Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(tempValueObj))); |
console.log(`Message sent to queue ${queue}`); |
}); |
port.on('close', function() { |
console.log('port closed'); |
}); |
port.on('error', function() { |
console.log('something went wrong in serial communication'); |
}); |
} catch (error) { |
console.log(`Error => ${error}`); |
} |
} |
connect(); |
Reference in new issue