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# Changes
Version 2.0.0 introduces uses wait_for_it script for the cluster startup
# Hadoop Docker
## Supported Hadoop Versions
See repository branches for supported hadoop versions
## Quick Start
To deploy an example HDFS cluster, run:
docker-compose up
Run example wordcount job:
make wordcount
Or deploy in swarm:
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose-v3.yml hadoop
`docker-compose` creates a docker network that can be found by running `docker network list`, e.g. `dockerhadoop_default`.
Run `docker network inspect` on the network (e.g. `dockerhadoop_default`) to find the IP the hadoop interfaces are published on. Access these interfaces with the following URLs:
* Namenode: http://<dockerhadoop_IP_address>:9870/dfshealth.html#tab-overview
* History server: http://<dockerhadoop_IP_address>:8188/applicationhistory
* Datanode: http://<dockerhadoop_IP_address>:9864/
* Nodemanager: http://<dockerhadoop_IP_address>:8042/node
* Resource manager: http://<dockerhadoop_IP_address>:8088/
## Configure Environment Variables
The configuration parameters can be specified in the hadoop.env file or as environmental variables for specific services (e.g. namenode, datanode etc.):
CORE_CONF corresponds to core-site.xml. fs_defaultFS=hdfs://namenode:8020 will be transformed into:
To define dash inside a configuration parameter, use triple underscore, such as YARN_CONF_yarn_log___aggregation___enable=true (yarn-site.xml):
The available configurations are:
* /etc/hadoop/core-site.xml CORE_CONF
* /etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml HDFS_CONF
* /etc/hadoop/yarn-site.xml YARN_CONF
* /etc/hadoop/httpfs-site.xml HTTPFS_CONF
* /etc/hadoop/kms-site.xml KMS_CONF
* /etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml MAPRED_CONF
If you need to extend some other configuration file, refer to base/ bash script.