5 years ago
5 changed files with 903 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,667 @@ |
// Adafruit Motor shield library
// copyright Adafruit Industries LLC, 2009
// this code is public domain, enjoy!
#if (ARDUINO >= 100) |
#include "Arduino.h" |
#else |
#if defined(__AVR__) |
#include <avr/io.h> |
#endif |
#include "WProgram.h" |
#endif |
#include "AFMotor.h" |
static uint8_t latch_state; |
#if (MICROSTEPS == 8) |
uint8_t microstepcurve[] = {0, 50, 98, 142, 180, 212, 236, 250, 255}; |
#elif (MICROSTEPS == 16) |
uint8_t microstepcurve[] = {0, 25, 50, 74, 98, 120, 141, 162, 180, 197, 212, 225, 236, 244, 250, 253, 255}; |
#endif |
AFMotorController::AFMotorController(void) { |
TimerInitalized = false; |
} |
void AFMotorController::enable(void) { |
// setup the latch
CLK_DDR |= _BV(CLK); |
SER_DDR |= _BV(SER); |
*/ |
latch_state = 0; |
latch_tx(); // "reset"
//ENABLE_PORT &= ~_BV(ENABLE); // enable the chip outputs!
digitalWrite(MOTORENABLE, LOW); |
} |
void AFMotorController::latch_tx(void) { |
uint8_t i; |
digitalWrite(MOTORLATCH, LOW); |
//SER_PORT &= ~_BV(SER);
digitalWrite(MOTORDATA, LOW); |
for (i=0; i<8; i++) { |
//CLK_PORT &= ~_BV(CLK);
digitalWrite(MOTORCLK, LOW); |
if (latch_state & _BV(7-i)) { |
digitalWrite(MOTORDATA, HIGH); |
} else { |
//SER_PORT &= ~_BV(SER);
digitalWrite(MOTORDATA, LOW); |
} |
digitalWrite(MOTORCLK, HIGH); |
} |
digitalWrite(MOTORLATCH, HIGH); |
} |
static AFMotorController MC; |
******************************************/ |
inline void initPWM1(uint8_t freq) { |
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega48__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega88__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) |
// use PWM from timer2A on PB3 (Arduino pin #11)
TCCR2A |= _BV(COM2A1) | _BV(WGM20) | _BV(WGM21); // fast PWM, turn on oc2a
TCCR2B = freq & 0x7; |
OCR2A = 0; |
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) |
// on arduino mega, pin 11 is now PB5 (OC1A)
TCCR1A |= _BV(COM1A1) | _BV(WGM10); // fast PWM, turn on oc1a
TCCR1B = (freq & 0x7) | _BV(WGM12); |
OCR1A = 0; |
#elif defined(__PIC32MX__) |
#if defined(PIC32_USE_PIN9_FOR_M1_PWM) |
// Make sure that pin 11 is an input, since we have tied together 9 and 11
pinMode(9, OUTPUT); |
pinMode(11, INPUT); |
if (!MC.TimerInitalized) |
{ // Set up Timer2 for 80MHz counting fro 0 to 256
T2CON = 0x8000 | ((freq & 0x07) << 4); // ON=1, FRZ=0, SIDL=0, TGATE=0, TCKPS=<freq>, T32=0, TCS=0; // ON=1, FRZ=0, SIDL=0, TGATE=0, TCKPS=0, T32=0, TCS=0
TMR2 = 0x0000; |
PR2 = 0x0100; |
MC.TimerInitalized = true; |
} |
// Setup OC4 (pin 9) in PWM mode, with Timer2 as timebase
OC4CON = 0x8006; // OC32 = 0, OCTSEL=0, OCM=6
OC4RS = 0x0000; |
OC4R = 0x0000; |
#elif defined(PIC32_USE_PIN10_FOR_M1_PWM) |
// Make sure that pin 11 is an input, since we have tied together 9 and 11
pinMode(10, OUTPUT); |
pinMode(11, INPUT); |
if (!MC.TimerInitalized) |
{ // Set up Timer2 for 80MHz counting fro 0 to 256
T2CON = 0x8000 | ((freq & 0x07) << 4); // ON=1, FRZ=0, SIDL=0, TGATE=0, TCKPS=<freq>, T32=0, TCS=0; // ON=1, FRZ=0, SIDL=0, TGATE=0, TCKPS=0, T32=0, TCS=0
TMR2 = 0x0000; |
PR2 = 0x0100; |
MC.TimerInitalized = true; |
} |
// Setup OC5 (pin 10) in PWM mode, with Timer2 as timebase
OC5CON = 0x8006; // OC32 = 0, OCTSEL=0, OCM=6
OC5RS = 0x0000; |
OC5R = 0x0000; |
#else |
// If we are not using PWM for pin 11, then just do digital
digitalWrite(11, LOW); |
#endif |
#else |
#error "This chip is not supported!" |
#endif |
#if !defined(PIC32_USE_PIN9_FOR_M1_PWM) && !defined(PIC32_USE_PIN10_FOR_M1_PWM) |
pinMode(11, OUTPUT); |
#endif |
} |
inline void setPWM1(uint8_t s) { |
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega48__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega88__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) |
// use PWM from timer2A on PB3 (Arduino pin #11)
OCR2A = s; |
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) |
// on arduino mega, pin 11 is now PB5 (OC1A)
OCR1A = s; |
#elif defined(__PIC32MX__) |
#if defined(PIC32_USE_PIN9_FOR_M1_PWM) |
// Set the OC4 (pin 9) PMW duty cycle from 0 to 255
OC4RS = s; |
#elif defined(PIC32_USE_PIN10_FOR_M1_PWM) |
// Set the OC5 (pin 10) PMW duty cycle from 0 to 255
OC5RS = s; |
#else |
// If we are not doing PWM output for M1, then just use on/off
if (s > 127) |
{ |
digitalWrite(11, HIGH); |
} |
else |
{ |
digitalWrite(11, LOW); |
} |
#endif |
#else |
#error "This chip is not supported!" |
#endif |
} |
inline void initPWM2(uint8_t freq) { |
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega48__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega88__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) |
// use PWM from timer2B (pin 3)
TCCR2A |= _BV(COM2B1) | _BV(WGM20) | _BV(WGM21); // fast PWM, turn on oc2b
TCCR2B = freq & 0x7; |
OCR2B = 0; |
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) |
// on arduino mega, pin 3 is now PE5 (OC3C)
TCCR3A |= _BV(COM1C1) | _BV(WGM10); // fast PWM, turn on oc3c
TCCR3B = (freq & 0x7) | _BV(WGM12); |
OCR3C = 0; |
#elif defined(__PIC32MX__) |
if (!MC.TimerInitalized) |
{ // Set up Timer2 for 80MHz counting fro 0 to 256
T2CON = 0x8000 | ((freq & 0x07) << 4); // ON=1, FRZ=0, SIDL=0, TGATE=0, TCKPS=<freq>, T32=0, TCS=0; // ON=1, FRZ=0, SIDL=0, TGATE=0, TCKPS=0, T32=0, TCS=0
TMR2 = 0x0000; |
PR2 = 0x0100; |
MC.TimerInitalized = true; |
} |
// Setup OC1 (pin3) in PWM mode, with Timer2 as timebase
OC1CON = 0x8006; // OC32 = 0, OCTSEL=0, OCM=6
OC1RS = 0x0000; |
OC1R = 0x0000; |
#else |
#error "This chip is not supported!" |
#endif |
pinMode(3, OUTPUT); |
} |
inline void setPWM2(uint8_t s) { |
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega48__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega88__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) |
// use PWM from timer2A on PB3 (Arduino pin #11)
OCR2B = s; |
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) |
// on arduino mega, pin 11 is now PB5 (OC1A)
OCR3C = s; |
#elif defined(__PIC32MX__) |
// Set the OC1 (pin3) PMW duty cycle from 0 to 255
OC1RS = s; |
#else |
#error "This chip is not supported!" |
#endif |
} |
inline void initPWM3(uint8_t freq) { |
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega48__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega88__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) |
// use PWM from timer0A / PD6 (pin 6)
TCCR0A |= _BV(COM0A1) | _BV(WGM00) | _BV(WGM01); // fast PWM, turn on OC0A
//TCCR0B = freq & 0x7;
OCR0A = 0; |
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) |
// on arduino mega, pin 6 is now PH3 (OC4A)
TCCR4A |= _BV(COM1A1) | _BV(WGM10); // fast PWM, turn on oc4a
TCCR4B = (freq & 0x7) | _BV(WGM12); |
//TCCR4B = 1 | _BV(WGM12);
OCR4A = 0; |
#elif defined(__PIC32MX__) |
if (!MC.TimerInitalized) |
{ // Set up Timer2 for 80MHz counting fro 0 to 256
T2CON = 0x8000 | ((freq & 0x07) << 4); // ON=1, FRZ=0, SIDL=0, TGATE=0, TCKPS=<freq>, T32=0, TCS=0; // ON=1, FRZ=0, SIDL=0, TGATE=0, TCKPS=0, T32=0, TCS=0
TMR2 = 0x0000; |
PR2 = 0x0100; |
MC.TimerInitalized = true; |
} |
// Setup OC3 (pin 6) in PWM mode, with Timer2 as timebase
OC3CON = 0x8006; // OC32 = 0, OCTSEL=0, OCM=6
OC3RS = 0x0000; |
OC3R = 0x0000; |
#else |
#error "This chip is not supported!" |
#endif |
pinMode(6, OUTPUT); |
} |
inline void setPWM3(uint8_t s) { |
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega48__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega88__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) |
// use PWM from timer0A on PB3 (Arduino pin #6)
OCR0A = s; |
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) |
// on arduino mega, pin 6 is now PH3 (OC4A)
OCR4A = s; |
#elif defined(__PIC32MX__) |
// Set the OC3 (pin 6) PMW duty cycle from 0 to 255
OC3RS = s; |
#else |
#error "This chip is not supported!" |
#endif |
} |
inline void initPWM4(uint8_t freq) { |
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega48__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega88__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) |
// use PWM from timer0B / PD5 (pin 5)
TCCR0A |= _BV(COM0B1) | _BV(WGM00) | _BV(WGM01); // fast PWM, turn on oc0a
//TCCR0B = freq & 0x7;
OCR0B = 0; |
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) |
// on arduino mega, pin 5 is now PE3 (OC3A)
TCCR3A |= _BV(COM1A1) | _BV(WGM10); // fast PWM, turn on oc3a
TCCR3B = (freq & 0x7) | _BV(WGM12); |
//TCCR4B = 1 | _BV(WGM12);
OCR3A = 0; |
#elif defined(__PIC32MX__) |
if (!MC.TimerInitalized) |
{ // Set up Timer2 for 80MHz counting fro 0 to 256
T2CON = 0x8000 | ((freq & 0x07) << 4); // ON=1, FRZ=0, SIDL=0, TGATE=0, TCKPS=<freq>, T32=0, TCS=0; // ON=1, FRZ=0, SIDL=0, TGATE=0, TCKPS=0, T32=0, TCS=0
TMR2 = 0x0000; |
PR2 = 0x0100; |
MC.TimerInitalized = true; |
} |
// Setup OC2 (pin 5) in PWM mode, with Timer2 as timebase
OC2CON = 0x8006; // OC32 = 0, OCTSEL=0, OCM=6
OC2RS = 0x0000; |
OC2R = 0x0000; |
#else |
#error "This chip is not supported!" |
#endif |
pinMode(5, OUTPUT); |
} |
inline void setPWM4(uint8_t s) { |
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega48__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega88__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) || \ |
defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) |
// use PWM from timer0A on PB3 (Arduino pin #6)
OCR0B = s; |
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) |
// on arduino mega, pin 6 is now PH3 (OC4A)
OCR3A = s; |
#elif defined(__PIC32MX__) |
// Set the OC2 (pin 5) PMW duty cycle from 0 to 255
OC2RS = s; |
#else |
#error "This chip is not supported!" |
#endif |
} |
AF_DCMotor::AF_DCMotor(uint8_t num, uint8_t freq) { |
motornum = num; |
pwmfreq = freq; |
MC.enable(); |
switch (num) { |
case 1: |
latch_state &= ~_BV(MOTOR1_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR1_B); // set both motor pins to 0
MC.latch_tx(); |
initPWM1(freq); |
break; |
case 2: |
latch_state &= ~_BV(MOTOR2_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR2_B); // set both motor pins to 0
MC.latch_tx(); |
initPWM2(freq); |
break; |
case 3: |
latch_state &= ~_BV(MOTOR3_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR3_B); // set both motor pins to 0
MC.latch_tx(); |
initPWM3(freq); |
break; |
case 4: |
latch_state &= ~_BV(MOTOR4_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR4_B); // set both motor pins to 0
MC.latch_tx(); |
initPWM4(freq); |
break; |
} |
} |
void AF_DCMotor::run(uint8_t cmd) { |
uint8_t a, b; |
switch (motornum) { |
case 1: |
a = MOTOR1_A; b = MOTOR1_B; break; |
case 2: |
a = MOTOR2_A; b = MOTOR2_B; break; |
case 3: |
a = MOTOR3_A; b = MOTOR3_B; break; |
case 4: |
a = MOTOR4_A; b = MOTOR4_B; break; |
default: |
return; |
} |
switch (cmd) { |
case FORWARD: |
latch_state |= _BV(a); |
latch_state &= ~_BV(b); |
MC.latch_tx(); |
break; |
case BACKWARD: |
latch_state &= ~_BV(a); |
latch_state |= _BV(b); |
MC.latch_tx(); |
break; |
case RELEASE: |
latch_state &= ~_BV(a); // A and B both low
latch_state &= ~_BV(b); |
MC.latch_tx(); |
break; |
} |
} |
void AF_DCMotor::setSpeed(uint8_t speed) { |
switch (motornum) { |
case 1: |
setPWM1(speed); break; |
case 2: |
setPWM2(speed); break; |
case 3: |
setPWM3(speed); break; |
case 4: |
setPWM4(speed); break; |
} |
} |
******************************************/ |
AF_Stepper::AF_Stepper(uint16_t steps, uint8_t num) { |
MC.enable(); |
revsteps = steps; |
steppernum = num; |
currentstep = 0; |
if (steppernum == 1) { |
latch_state &= ~_BV(MOTOR1_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR1_B) & |
~_BV(MOTOR2_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR2_B); // all motor pins to 0
MC.latch_tx(); |
// enable both H bridges
pinMode(11, OUTPUT); |
pinMode(3, OUTPUT); |
digitalWrite(11, HIGH); |
digitalWrite(3, HIGH); |
// use PWM for microstepping support
setPWM1(255); |
setPWM2(255); |
} else if (steppernum == 2) { |
latch_state &= ~_BV(MOTOR3_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR3_B) & |
~_BV(MOTOR4_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR4_B); // all motor pins to 0
MC.latch_tx(); |
// enable both H bridges
pinMode(5, OUTPUT); |
pinMode(6, OUTPUT); |
digitalWrite(5, HIGH); |
digitalWrite(6, HIGH); |
// use PWM for microstepping support
// use PWM for microstepping support
setPWM3(255); |
setPWM4(255); |
} |
} |
void AF_Stepper::setSpeed(uint16_t rpm) { |
usperstep = 60000000 / ((uint32_t)revsteps * (uint32_t)rpm); |
steppingcounter = 0; |
} |
void AF_Stepper::release(void) { |
if (steppernum == 1) { |
latch_state &= ~_BV(MOTOR1_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR1_B) & |
~_BV(MOTOR2_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR2_B); // all motor pins to 0
MC.latch_tx(); |
} else if (steppernum == 2) { |
latch_state &= ~_BV(MOTOR3_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR3_B) & |
~_BV(MOTOR4_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR4_B); // all motor pins to 0
MC.latch_tx(); |
} |
} |
void AF_Stepper::step(uint16_t steps, uint8_t dir, uint8_t style) { |
uint32_t uspers = usperstep; |
uint8_t ret = 0; |
if (style == INTERLEAVE) { |
uspers /= 2; |
} |
else if (style == MICROSTEP) { |
uspers /= MICROSTEPS; |
steps *= MICROSTEPS; |
Serial.print("steps = "); Serial.println(steps, DEC); |
#endif |
} |
while (steps--) { |
ret = onestep(dir, style); |
delay(uspers/1000); // in ms
steppingcounter += (uspers % 1000); |
if (steppingcounter >= 1000) { |
delay(1); |
steppingcounter -= 1000; |
} |
} |
if (style == MICROSTEP) { |
while ((ret != 0) && (ret != MICROSTEPS)) { |
ret = onestep(dir, style); |
delay(uspers/1000); // in ms
steppingcounter += (uspers % 1000); |
if (steppingcounter >= 1000) { |
delay(1); |
steppingcounter -= 1000; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
uint8_t AF_Stepper::onestep(uint8_t dir, uint8_t style) { |
uint8_t a, b, c, d; |
uint8_t ocrb, ocra; |
ocra = ocrb = 255; |
if (steppernum == 1) { |
a = _BV(MOTOR1_A); |
b = _BV(MOTOR2_A); |
c = _BV(MOTOR1_B); |
d = _BV(MOTOR2_B); |
} else if (steppernum == 2) { |
a = _BV(MOTOR3_A); |
b = _BV(MOTOR4_A); |
c = _BV(MOTOR3_B); |
d = _BV(MOTOR4_B); |
} else { |
return 0; |
} |
// next determine what sort of stepping procedure we're up to
if (style == SINGLE) { |
if ((currentstep/(MICROSTEPS/2)) % 2) { // we're at an odd step, weird
if (dir == FORWARD) { |
currentstep += MICROSTEPS/2; |
} |
else { |
currentstep -= MICROSTEPS/2; |
} |
} else { // go to the next even step
if (dir == FORWARD) { |
currentstep += MICROSTEPS; |
} |
else { |
currentstep -= MICROSTEPS; |
} |
} |
} else if (style == DOUBLE) { |
if (! (currentstep/(MICROSTEPS/2) % 2)) { // we're at an even step, weird
if (dir == FORWARD) { |
currentstep += MICROSTEPS/2; |
} else { |
currentstep -= MICROSTEPS/2; |
} |
} else { // go to the next odd step
if (dir == FORWARD) { |
currentstep += MICROSTEPS; |
} else { |
currentstep -= MICROSTEPS; |
} |
} |
} else if (style == INTERLEAVE) { |
if (dir == FORWARD) { |
currentstep += MICROSTEPS/2; |
} else { |
currentstep -= MICROSTEPS/2; |
} |
} |
if (style == MICROSTEP) { |
if (dir == FORWARD) { |
currentstep++; |
} else { |
currentstep--; |
} |
currentstep += MICROSTEPS*4; |
currentstep %= MICROSTEPS*4; |
ocra = ocrb = 0; |
if ( (currentstep >= 0) && (currentstep < MICROSTEPS)) { |
ocra = microstepcurve[MICROSTEPS - currentstep]; |
ocrb = microstepcurve[currentstep]; |
} else if ( (currentstep >= MICROSTEPS) && (currentstep < MICROSTEPS*2)) { |
ocra = microstepcurve[currentstep - MICROSTEPS]; |
ocrb = microstepcurve[MICROSTEPS*2 - currentstep]; |
} else if ( (currentstep >= MICROSTEPS*2) && (currentstep < MICROSTEPS*3)) { |
ocra = microstepcurve[MICROSTEPS*3 - currentstep]; |
ocrb = microstepcurve[currentstep - MICROSTEPS*2]; |
} else if ( (currentstep >= MICROSTEPS*3) && (currentstep < MICROSTEPS*4)) { |
ocra = microstepcurve[currentstep - MICROSTEPS*3]; |
ocrb = microstepcurve[MICROSTEPS*4 - currentstep]; |
} |
} |
currentstep += MICROSTEPS*4; |
currentstep %= MICROSTEPS*4; |
Serial.print("current step: "); Serial.println(currentstep, DEC); |
Serial.print(" pwmA = "); Serial.print(ocra, DEC); |
Serial.print(" pwmB = "); Serial.println(ocrb, DEC); |
#endif |
if (steppernum == 1) { |
setPWM1(ocra); |
setPWM2(ocrb); |
} else if (steppernum == 2) { |
setPWM3(ocra); |
setPWM4(ocrb); |
} |
// release all
latch_state &= ~a & ~b & ~c & ~d; // all motor pins to 0
//Serial.println(step, DEC);
if (style == MICROSTEP) { |
if ((currentstep >= 0) && (currentstep < MICROSTEPS)) |
latch_state |= a | b; |
if ((currentstep >= MICROSTEPS) && (currentstep < MICROSTEPS*2)) |
latch_state |= b | c; |
if ((currentstep >= MICROSTEPS*2) && (currentstep < MICROSTEPS*3)) |
latch_state |= c | d; |
if ((currentstep >= MICROSTEPS*3) && (currentstep < MICROSTEPS*4)) |
latch_state |= d | a; |
} else { |
switch (currentstep/(MICROSTEPS/2)) { |
case 0: |
latch_state |= a; // energize coil 1 only
break; |
case 1: |
latch_state |= a | b; // energize coil 1+2
break; |
case 2: |
latch_state |= b; // energize coil 2 only
break; |
case 3: |
latch_state |= b | c; // energize coil 2+3
break; |
case 4: |
latch_state |= c; // energize coil 3 only
break; |
case 5: |
latch_state |= c | d; // energize coil 3+4
break; |
case 6: |
latch_state |= d; // energize coil 4 only
break; |
case 7: |
latch_state |= d | a; // energize coil 1+4
break; |
} |
} |
MC.latch_tx(); |
return currentstep; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ |
// Adafruit Motor shield library
// copyright Adafruit Industries LLC, 2009
// this code is public domain, enjoy!
* Usage Notes: |
* For PIC32, all features work properly with the following two exceptions: |
* |
* 1) Because the PIC32 only has 5 PWM outputs, and the AFMotor shield needs 6 |
* to completely operate (four for motor outputs and two for RC servos), the |
* M1 motor output will not have PWM ability when used with a PIC32 board. |
* However, there is a very simple workaround. If you need to drive a stepper |
* or DC motor with PWM on motor output M1, you can use the PWM output on pin |
* 9 or pin 10 (normally use for RC servo outputs on Arduino, not needed for |
* RC servo outputs on PIC32) to drive the PWM input for M1 by simply putting |
* a jumber from pin 9 to pin 11 or pin 10 to pin 11. Then uncomment one of the |
* two #defines below to activate the PWM on either pin 9 or pin 10. You will |
* then have a fully functional microstepping for 2 stepper motors, or four |
* DC motor outputs with PWM. |
* |
* 2) There is a conflict between RC Servo outputs on pins 9 and pins 10 and |
* the operation of DC motors and stepper motors as of 9/2012. This issue |
* will get fixed in future MPIDE releases, but at the present time it means |
* that the Motor Party example will NOT work properly. Any time you attach |
* an RC servo to pins 9 or pins 10, ALL PWM outputs on the whole board will |
* stop working. Thus no steppers or DC motors. |
* |
*/ |
// <BPS> 09/15/2012 Modified for use with chipKIT boards
#ifndef _AFMotor_h_ |
#define _AFMotor_h_ |
#include <inttypes.h> |
#if defined(__AVR__) |
#include <avr/io.h> |
//#define MOTORDEBUG 1
#define MICROSTEPS 16 // 8 or 16
#define MOTOR12_64KHZ _BV(CS20) // no prescale
#define MOTOR12_8KHZ _BV(CS21) // divide by 8
#define MOTOR12_2KHZ _BV(CS21) | _BV(CS20) // divide by 32
#define MOTOR12_1KHZ _BV(CS22) // divide by 64
#define MOTOR34_64KHZ _BV(CS00) // no prescale
#define MOTOR34_8KHZ _BV(CS01) // divide by 8
#define MOTOR34_1KHZ _BV(CS01) | _BV(CS00) // divide by 64
#define DC_MOTOR_PWM_RATE MOTOR34_8KHZ // PWM rate for DC motors
#define STEPPER1_PWM_RATE MOTOR12_64KHZ // PWM rate for stepper 1
#define STEPPER2_PWM_RATE MOTOR34_64KHZ // PWM rate for stepper 2
#elif defined(__PIC32MX__) |
//#define MOTORDEBUG 1
// Uncomment the one of following lines if you have put a jumper from
// either pin 9 to pin 11 or pin 10 to pin 11 on your Motor Shield.
// Either will enable PWM for M1
//#define PIC32_USE_PIN9_FOR_M1_PWM
//#define PIC32_USE_PIN10_FOR_M1_PWM
#define MICROSTEPS 16 // 8 or 16
// For PIC32 Timers, define prescale settings by PWM frequency
#define MOTOR12_312KHZ 0 // 1:1, actual frequency 312KHz
#define MOTOR12_156KHZ 1 // 1:2, actual frequency 156KHz
#define MOTOR12_64KHZ 2 // 1:4, actual frequency 78KHz
#define MOTOR12_39KHZ 3 // 1:8, acutal frequency 39KHz
#define MOTOR12_19KHZ 4 // 1:16, actual frequency 19KHz
#define MOTOR12_8KHZ 5 // 1:32, actual frequency 9.7KHz
#define MOTOR12_4_8KHZ 6 // 1:64, actual frequency 4.8KHz
#define MOTOR12_2KHZ 7 // 1:256, actual frequency 1.2KHz
#define MOTOR12_1KHZ 7 // 1:256, actual frequency 1.2KHz
#define MOTOR34_312KHZ 0 // 1:1, actual frequency 312KHz
#define MOTOR34_156KHZ 1 // 1:2, actual frequency 156KHz
#define MOTOR34_64KHZ 2 // 1:4, actual frequency 78KHz
#define MOTOR34_39KHZ 3 // 1:8, acutal frequency 39KHz
#define MOTOR34_19KHZ 4 // 1:16, actual frequency 19KHz
#define MOTOR34_8KHZ 5 // 1:32, actual frequency 9.7KHz
#define MOTOR34_4_8KHZ 6 // 1:64, actual frequency 4.8KHz
#define MOTOR34_2KHZ 7 // 1:256, actual frequency 1.2KHz
#define MOTOR34_1KHZ 7 // 1:256, actual frequency 1.2KHz
// PWM rate for DC motors.
// Note: for PIC32, both of these must be set to the same value
// since there's only one timebase for all 4 PWM outputs
#endif |
// Bit positions in the 74HCT595 shift register output
#define MOTOR1_A 2 |
#define MOTOR1_B 3 |
#define MOTOR2_A 1 |
#define MOTOR2_B 4 |
#define MOTOR4_A 0 |
#define MOTOR4_B 6 |
#define MOTOR3_A 5 |
#define MOTOR3_B 7 |
// Constants that the user passes in to the motor calls
#define FORWARD 1 |
#define BACKWARD 2 |
#define BRAKE 3 |
#define RELEASE 4 |
// Constants that the user passes in to the stepper calls
#define SINGLE 1 |
#define DOUBLE 2 |
#define INTERLEAVE 3 |
#define MICROSTEP 4 |
#define LATCH 4 |
#define LATCH_DDR DDRB |
#define CLK_PORT PORTD |
#define CLK_DDR DDRD |
#define CLK 4 |
#define ENABLE 7 |
#define SER 0 |
#define SER_DDR DDRB |
#define SER_PORT PORTB |
*/ |
// Arduino pin names for interface to 74HCT595 latch
#define MOTORLATCH 12 |
#define MOTORCLK 4 |
#define MOTORENABLE 7 |
#define MOTORDATA 8 |
class AFMotorController |
{ |
public: |
AFMotorController(void); |
void enable(void); |
friend class AF_DCMotor; |
void latch_tx(void); |
uint8_t TimerInitalized; |
}; |
class AF_DCMotor |
{ |
public: |
AF_DCMotor(uint8_t motornum, uint8_t freq = DC_MOTOR_PWM_RATE); |
void run(uint8_t); |
void setSpeed(uint8_t); |
private: |
uint8_t motornum, pwmfreq; |
}; |
class AF_Stepper { |
public: |
AF_Stepper(uint16_t, uint8_t); |
void step(uint16_t steps, uint8_t dir, uint8_t style = SINGLE); |
void setSpeed(uint16_t); |
uint8_t onestep(uint8_t dir, uint8_t style); |
void release(void); |
uint16_t revsteps; // # steps per revolution
uint8_t steppernum; |
uint32_t usperstep, steppingcounter; |
private: |
uint8_t currentstep; |
}; |
uint8_t getlatchstate(void); |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
This library is old and deprecated - and the hardware disconinued years ago. V2 of the shield uses i2c only and works with anything that has I2C support (e.g. all arduinos) without endless incompatibilities and porting requirements! :) |
-> |
-------------- |
This is the August 12, 2009 Adafruit Motor shield firmware with basic Microstepping support. Works with all Arduinos and the Mega |
Updated in September 2012 for use on PIC32 architecture (chipKIT/MPIDE) |
For more information on the shield, please visit |
To install, click DOWNLOAD SOURCE in the top right corner, and see our tutorial at on Arduino Library installation |
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ |
####################################### |
# Syntax Coloring Map for AFMotor |
####################################### |
####################################### |
# Datatypes (KEYWORD1) |
####################################### |
AF_Stepper KEYWORD1 |
####################################### |
# Methods and Functions (KEYWORD2) |
####################################### |
enable KEYWORD2 |
run KEYWORD2 |
setSpeed KEYWORD2 |
step KEYWORD2 |
onestep KEYWORD2 |
release KEYWORD2 |
####################################### |
# Constants (LITERAL1) |
####################################### |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
name=Adafruit Motor Shield library |
version=1.0.1 |
author=Adafruit |
maintainer=Adafruit <> |
sentence=Adafruit Motor shield V1 firmware with basic Microstepping support. Works with all Arduinos and the Mega |
paragraph=Adafruit Motor shield V1 firmware with basic Microstepping support. Works with all Arduinos and the Mega |
category=Device Control |
url= |
architectures=* |
Reference in new issue