#Authors: Oulis Evangelos, Oulis Nikolaos, Drosos Katsibras #=================================================================== # using flask restful from flask import Flask, request, jsonify from flask_restful import Resource, Api from json import dumps import json from flask_cors import CORS import mysql.connector from base64 import b64encode from os import urandom # ================================================================== # ================================================================== # creating the flask app app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app) # Session list sessions = [] # Chart values chart = [] # creating an API object api = Api(app) # Initialize the database Connection (Classified) class mySqlConnect: def __init__(self): self.con = con = mysql.connector.connect( host = "",#"q2gen47hi68k1yrb.chr7pe7iynqr.eu-west-1.rds.amazonaws.com", user = "root",#"zsgmj50h7zgz9ioq", password = "rootP",#"omk5l1hrwsgvlcez", database = "PARKING"#"g0s9cnmdkziq6fsp" ) self.cur = self.con.cursor(); def __del__(self): self.cur.close() self.con.close() @property def cursor(self): return self.cur @property def connection(self): return self.con # ================================== # Define our functions. # Define a function that gets the parking status # for all parking codes. def getParkings(): parks = [] sql = mySqlConnect() myCursor = sql.cur myCursor.execute("SELECT * FROM PARKING") myRes = myCursor.fetchall() for res in myRes: if res[1] == 1: parks.append({"no": res[0], "status": True}) else: parks.append({"no": res[0], "status": False}) return parks # Define a function that get if a user with exiting credencials # username and password is authenticated. def isMember(username, password): mysql = mySqlConnect() myCursor = mysql.cur myCursor.execute("SELECT * FROM USERS") myRes = myCursor.fetchall() isValid = False for res in myRes: if res[1] == username and res[2] == password: isValid = True break return isValid # Function that return if the requested user is authenticated # or not (True / False). def isAuthenticated(data): try: if data['cookie'] in sessions: return True else: return False except KeyError as e: return False # For the chart Data. def updateChart(): parks = getParkings() all_parks = len(parks) full = 0 for p in parks: if p['status'] == False: full+=1 j = 1 if len(chart) < 16 : chart.append(full) print (chart) elif len(chart) == 16: for i in chart: chart[j] = i j+=1 if j == 16: break chart[0] = full return True # ================================================================== # making a class for a particular resource # the get, post methods correspond to get and post requests # they are automatically mapped by flask_restful. # other methods include put, delete, etc. # Resource that returns th whole parking status in a JSON class Parking(Resource): def get(self): parks = None try: parks = getParkings() except (mysql.connector.errors.DatabaseError, mysql.connector.errors.InterfaceError) as e: print ("An error") return parks, 200 # Update parking status resource from authenticated only Node class ParkingStatus(Resource): def get(self): return """ ERROR

Not get at '/parkingStatus'.

""" def post(self): # Gets the data into as a JSON Object from HTTP request. data = json.loads(request.data) if isAuthenticated(data): try: # SQL get all Parking places status. parks = getParkings() except mysql.connector.errors.DatabaseError as e: mydb.reconnect(attempts=1, delay=0) currentParking = {} for park in parks: if park['no'] == data['no']: currentParking = park break; thereIs = False toUpdate = False try: if currentParking['status'] != data['status']: toUpdate = True thereIs = True except IndexError: # handle Index Error thereIs = False toUpdate = False except KeyError: # handle the KeyError thereIs = False toUpdate = False try: mysql = mySqlConnect() myCursor = mysql.cur con = mysql.con if not thereIs: # Make a new insert entry for a new Parking Code. values = (int(data['no']), int(data['status'])) myCursor.execute("INSERT INTO PARKING (PARKING_CODE, PARKING_STATUS) VALUES (%s, %s)", values) con.commit() parks = getParkings() updateChart() elif toUpdate: # Make an Update status for Parking Code that availability changed. values = (int(data['status']), int(data['no'])) myCursor.execute("UPDATE PARKING SET PARKING_STATUS=%s WHERE PARKING_CODE=%s", values) con.commit() parks = getParkings() updateChart() except (mysql.connector.errors.DatabaseError, mysql.connector.errors.InterfaceError) as e: print ("An error") return currentParking, 201 else: return "Error! You aren't authenticated. [POST] /authenticate first.", 403 # Authentication resource. class Authenticate(Resource): def post(self): try: #Get the credencial from body of request. data = json.loads(request.data) if data['username'] != None and data['password'] != None and data['device'] != None: isValid = isMember(data['username'], data['password']) if isValid: session_key = str(b64encode(urandom(32)).decode('utf-8')) # Send the cookie value back to clinet. session = {"cookie": session_key} sessions.append(session_key) return session, 200 else: return "Not Authenticative device", 403 else: return "Error authentication", 403 except (mysql.connector.errors.DatabaseError, mysql.connector.errors.InterfaceError) as e: print ("An error") # Chart class Chart(Resource): def get(self): result = dict() j = 1 for i in chart: result[j] = i j += 1 print (result) return result, 200 # ================================================================== # matches the defined resources to their corresponding urls to REST APIs api.add_resource(Parking, '/') api.add_resource(ParkingStatus, '/parkingStatus') api.add_resource(Authenticate, '/authenticate') api.add_resource(Chart, '/chart') # ================================================================== # ===========================MAIN CLASS============================= # driver function "Main Class" if __name__ == '__main__': app.run( debug=True, host=app.config.get("HOST", "localhost"), port=app.config.get("PORT", "8080") ) # END