version: '3.8' services: # base image for building our python apps, used for speeding up the build process web-base-image: build: context: ./docker-python/base args: requirements: /root/flask-mongodb-example/python/requirements.txt image: web-base # generates random numbers and lists them # uses healthcheck by making a curl request to a GET endpoint web-random: build: context: ./docker-python args: requirements: /root/flask-mongodb-example/python/requirements.txt image: web-standard ports: - "800:5000" entrypoint: python /root/flask-mongodb-example/python/ depends_on: - mongo - web-base-image healthcheck: test: curl --silent --show-error --fail "http://localhost:5000/random?lower=0&upper10" interval: 10s start_period: 30s # generates random numbers and lists them, it's faster thatn web-random because it's using pypy accelerator web-random-pypy: build: context: ./docker-python-pypy args: requirements: /root/flask-mongodb-example/python/requirements.txt image: web-standard-pypy ports: - "801:5000" entrypoint: pypy /root/flask-mongodb-example/python/ depends_on: - mongo # Create, read, update and delete operations over a user collection web-users: build: context: ./docker-python args: requirements: /root/flask-mongodb-example/python/requirements.txt image: web-standard ports: - "81:5000" entrypoint: python /root/flask-mongodb-example/python/ environment: - REDIS_PASSWORD=/run/secrets/redis_password - PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 secrets: - redis_password depends_on: - mongo - web-base-image - redis # Uses an MQTT server (Mosquitto) to allow to publish sensor updates over MQTT background-mqtt: build: context: ./docker-python args: requirements: /root/flask-mongodb-example/python/requirements-mqtt.txt image: backgorund-mqtt-image entrypoint: python /root/flask-mongodb-example/python/ environment: - MQTT_USER=/run/secrets/mqtt_user - MQTT_PASSWORD=/run/secrets/mqtt_password - PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 secrets: - mqtt_user - mqtt_password depends_on: - mongo - mqtt - influxdb tty: true # Fulltext search engine backed by fulltext MongoDb index web-fulltext-search: build: context: ./docker-python args: requirements: /root/flask-mongodb-example/python/requirements.txt image: web-standard ports: - "82:5000" entrypoint: python /root/flask-mongodb-example/python/ depends_on: - mongo # Geospacial search service that supports adding places, and quering the placing by coordonates and distance web-geolocation-search: build: context: ./docker-python args: requirements: /root/flask-mongodb-example/python/requirements.txt image: web-geolocation-image ports: - "83:5000" entrypoint: python /root/flask-mongodb-example/python/ depends_on: - mongo # Baesian average demo ( web-baesian: build: context: ./docker-python args: requirements: /root/flask-mongodb-example/python/requirements.txt image: web-standard ports: - "84:5000" entrypoint: python /root/flask-mongodb-example/python/ depends_on: - mongo # A demo of working with file photo uploads, hash searching and using docker volumes web-photo-process: build: context: ./docker-python args: requirements: /root/flask-mongodb-example/python/requirements-photo.txt image: web-photo-image ports: - "85:5000" entrypoint: python /root/flask-mongodb-example/python/ volumes: - ./container-storage:/root/storage depends_on: - mongo # A virtual book library web-book-collection: build: context: ./docker-python args: requirements: /root/flask-mongodb-example/python/requirements-restplus.txt image: web-bookcollection-image environment: - PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 ports: - "86:5000" entrypoint: python /root/flask-mongodb-example/python/ depends_on: - mongo - web-users # Wame functionality as web-users but build with fastapi # runs with gunicorn on two processor cores [-w 2] web-users-fast-api: build: context: ./docker-python args: requirements: /root/flask-mongodb-example/python/requirements-fastapi.txt image: web-users-fastapi-image ports: - "88:5000" # port 87 is restricted in browsers entrypoint: gunicorn -w 2 -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornH11Worker --bind --log-level debug users-fastapi:app depends_on: - mongo # A tic tac toe game written in flask using flask_session. It has a simple UI web-tictactoe: build: context: ./docker-python args: requirements: /root/flask-mongodb-example/python/requirements.txt image: web-standard ports: - "89:5000" entrypoint: python /root/flask-mongodb-example/python/ # Database for grafana influxdb: build: docker-influxdb env_file: ./docker-influxdb/configuration.env ports: - '8086:8086' volumes: - influxdb_data:/var/lib/influxdb # For showing graphs on sensors grafana: build: docker-grafana env_file: ./docker-grafana/configuration.env links: - influxdb ports: - '3000:3000' volumes: - grafana_data:/var/lib/grafana # Genaral purpose database # uses healthcheck for replicasset rs.status().ok mongo: image: mongo:4.4.5-bionic hostname: mongodb ports: - '27017:27017' environment: - MONGO_REPLICA_SET_NAME=dan command: - --storageEngine - wiredTiger - --replSet - myrepl healthcheck: test: test $$(echo "rs.initiate().ok || rs.status().ok" | mongo --quiet) -eq 1 interval: 10s start_period: 30s # Redis server, used here for caching # uses healthcheck with redis-cli ping redis: build: context: ./docker-redis ports: - '6379:6379' healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "redis-cli", "ping"] interval: 10s timeout: 3s start_period: 30s # Mosquitto MQTT broker mqtt: build: context: ./docker-mosquitto ports: - "1883:1883" # An api gateway krakend: image: devopsfaith/krakend volumes: - ${PWD}/krakend.json:/etc/krakend/krakend.json ports: - "8080:8080" depends_on: - web-random - web-users # Used to test services web-test: image: alpine depends_on: - web-base-image - web-random - web-random-pypy - web-users - background-mqtt - web-fulltext-search - web-geolocation-search - web-baesian - web-photo-process - web-book-collection - web-users-fast-api - influxdb - grafana - mongo - mqtt - krakend - web-tictactoe - redis volumes: grafana_data: {} influxdb_data: {} secrets: mqtt_user: file: ./secrets/mqtt_user.txt mqtt_password: file: ./secrets/mqtt_pass.txt redis_password: file: ./secrets/redis_pass.txt