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import redis
import pickle
from functools import wraps
def cache(redis: redis.Redis, key: str):
Caches the result of the function in redis and pickle, used a key to cache it
:param redis: a redis configured instance
:param key: the key to use as a parameter for the cache
:return: the result of the wrapped function
def decorator(fn): # define a decorator for a function "fn"
def wrapped(
*args, **kwargs
): # define a wrapper that will finally call "fn" with all arguments
# if cache exists -> load it and return its content
cached = redis.get(kwargs[key])
if cached:
return pickle.loads(cached)
# execute the function with all arguments passed
res = fn(*args, **kwargs)
# save cache in redis
redis.set(kwargs[key], pickle.dumps(res))
return res
return wrapped
return decorator
def cache_invalidate(redis: redis.Redis, key: str):
Deletes the redis cache by the key specified
:param redis: a redis configured instance
:param key: the key to use as a parameter for the cache deletion
:return: the result of the wrapped function
def decorator(fn): # define a decorator for a function "fn"
def wrapped_f(
*args, **kwargs
): # define a wrapper that will finally call "fn" with all arguments
# execute the function with all arguments passed
res = fn(*args, **kwargs)
# delete cache
return res
return wrapped_f
return decorator