Galera cluster deployment based on docker swarm using Linux Containers (LXC) with automatic deployment via Ansible.
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Installlation instructions

Run as root user the following commands to automatically install the virtual lab and provision all the necessary elements for the containerized swarm setup of galera cluster with LXC containers functioning as worker nodes.

git clone
cd galera-swarm-lxc-ansible/
chmod +x *.sh Makefile 

In case of installation errors, which are in most cases related to network packet loss due to the configuration of Linux bridged networking which is used by LXC, please repeat the same steps as before.

After the installation is completed, the emergent result should be:

  • A host machine running as a swarm manager node, with ansible, lxc and docker configured and installed.
  • Two LXC containers up and running as swarm worker nodes, accessible via ssh & python from the root user of the host machine, which can be scaled optionally by adding extra entries inside the ansible inventory & task files.
  • One container service for the Galera cluster server running in each of the LXC containers with one node as primary.