5 changed files with 308 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ |
import math |
import random |
import sched, time |
import socket, pickle |
from threading import Timer |
class Conditions: |
def __init__(self): |
self.temperature = random.uniform(25.0, 38.0) |
self.air_humidity = random.uniform(0.2, 0.6) |
self.soil_humidity = random.uniform(0.2, 0.6) |
self.air_speed = random.randint(16, 30) |
def new_conditions(self): |
self.temperature = random.uniform(25.0, 38.0) |
self.air_humidity = random.uniform(0.2, 0.6) |
self.soil_humidity = random.uniform(0.2, 0.6) |
self.air_speed = random.randint(16,30) |
return self |
#function that calculates if the differnce between the values exceeds 10% |
def calculate_difference(previous, current): |
if abs((previous - current) / previous) > 0.1: |
return True |
else: |
return False |
#function that decides if the new measurements need to be sent over the server |
def needs_send(previous, current): |
if (calculate_difference(previous.temperature, current.temperature) or |
calculate_difference(previous.air_humidity, current.air_humidity) or |
calculate_difference(previous.soil_humidity, current.soil_humidity) or |
calculate_difference(previous.air_speed, current.air_speed)) : |
return True |
#copy function |
def copy(obj1, obj2): |
obj1.temperature = obj2.temperature |
obj1.air_humidity = obj2.air_humidity |
obj1.soil_humidity = obj2.soil_humidity |
obj1.air_speed = obj2.air_speed |
#function that checks if data has been sent in 5 minutes |
def send_is_true(data_sent, current_conditions): |
if data_sent == True: |
pass |
else: |
print("Data has not been sent for 5 minutes\n") |
print("Sending current data") |
my_pickled_object = pickle.dumps(current_conditions) |
s.send(my_pickled_object) |
#socket connection |
s = socket.socket() |
port = 3125 |
s.connect(('localhost', port)) |
#initializing conditions objects |
counter = 0 |
previous_conditions = Conditions() |
current_conditions = Conditions() |
#initializing scheduler |
f = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep) |
#initializing data for time checker |
data_sent = False |
t = Timer(300.0, send_is_true) |
t.start() |
def send_data(sc, counter, previous_conditions, current_conditions, data_sent): |
if counter == 0: #is this first time sending? |
previous_conditions = previous_conditions.new_conditions() |
elif counter == 1: #data sets are over 1 |
current_conditions = current_conditions.new_conditions() |
else: |
copy(previous_conditions, current_conditions) |
current_conditions = current_conditions.new_conditions() |
if counter != 0: #will print data to console when we have > 1 conditions |
print("\n\n---" + str(counter) + "---") |
print("\nPrevious temperature: " + str(int(previous_conditions.temperature)) + " Celcius") |
print("Current temperature: " + str(int(current_conditions.temperature)) + " Celcius\n\n") |
print(f"Previous soil humidity: " + str(int(previous_conditions.soil_humidity*100)) + " %") |
print(f"Current soil humidity: " + str(int(current_conditions.soil_humidity*100)) + " %\n\n") |
print(f"Previous air humidity: " + str(int(previous_conditions.air_humidity*100)) + "%") |
print(f"Current air humidity: " + str(int(current_conditions.air_humidity*100)) + "%\n\n") |
print("Previous air speed: " + str(previous_conditions.air_speed) + " km/h") |
print("Current air speed: " + str(current_conditions.air_speed) + " km/h\n\n") |
if needs_send(previous_conditions, current_conditions): |
print("It needs to be send.") |
my_pickled_object = pickle.dumps(current_conditions) |
data_sent = True |
s.send(my_pickled_object) |
else: |
print("It doesn't need to be send.") |
counter += 1 |
f.enter(30, 1, send_data, (sc,counter, previous_conditions, current_conditions, data_sent)) |
f.enter(30, 1, send_data, (f,counter, previous_conditions, current_conditions, data_sent)) |
f.run() |
s.close() |
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ |
import socket |
import pickle |
import time |
import sys |
from influxdb import InfluxDBClient |
import yagmail |
class Conditions: |
def __init__(self): |
self.temperature = None |
self.air_humidity = None |
self.soil_humidity = None |
self.air_speed = None |
def calculate_dif(temp, percentage): |
temp.sort() |
if (temp[4] - temp[0]) / temp[0] >= percentage: |
return True |
else: |
return False |
def gmail_send(code): |
with open("gmail_credentials.txt") as f: |
data = f.readlines() |
username = data[0].strip('\n') |
password = data[1].strip('\n') |
receiver = data[2].strip('\n') |
yag = yagmail.SMTP(username, password) |
temperature_content = "Attention! Atmos weather device detected a radical change of temperature. Please check the enviroment." |
humidity_content = "Attention! Atmos weather device detected a radical change of air humidity. Please check the enviroment." |
subject = "Atmos Urgent Notification" |
if code == 1: |
yag.send(receiver, subject, temperature_content) |
else: |
yag.send(receiver, subject, humidity_content) |
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) |
port = 3125 |
s.bind(('', port)) |
print ('Socket binded to port 3125') |
s.listen(3) |
print ('socket is listening') |
c, addr = s.accept() |
print ('Got connection from ' + str(addr) + ' \n') |
client = InfluxDBClient(host='localhost', port=8086) |
databases = client.get_list_database() |
exists = False |
for i in databases: |
if('atmos' in i['name']): |
exists = True |
if(exists): |
client.switch_database('atmos') |
print("Switched to 'atmos' database\n") |
else: |
client.create_database('atmos') |
print("Created database 'atmos'\n") |
client.switch_database('atmos') |
received = 0 |
temperature_array = [] |
airhumidity_array = [] |
while True: |
unpickled_object = pickle.loads(c.recv(4096)) |
received += 1 |
temperature_array.append(unpickled_object.temperature) |
airhumidity_array.append(unpickled_object.air_humidity) |
if(received == 5 ): |
is_temp = calculate_dif(temperature_array, 0.4) |
is_hum = calculate_dif(airhumidity_array, -0.5) |
if is_temp: |
print("\nTemperature critical difference!!!") |
print("Will now send notification email.\n") |
gmail_send(1) |
if is_hum: |
print("\nHumidity critical difference!!!") |
print("Will now send notification email.\n") |
gmail_send(2) |
#resetting values |
temperature_array.clear() |
airhumidity_array.clear() |
received = 0 |
json_body = [ |
{ |
"measurement": "tablePython", |
"tags": { |
"location": "Athens" |
}, |
"fields": { |
"temperature": str(int(unpickled_object.temperature)), |
"soil_humidity": str(int(unpickled_object.soil_humidity*100)), |
"air_humidity": str(int(unpickled_object.air_humidity*100)), |
"air_speed": str(unpickled_object.air_speed) |
} |
} |
] |
client.write_points(json_body) |
print("Current temperature: " + str(int(unpickled_object.temperature)) + " Celcius") |
print("Current soil humidity: " + str(int(unpickled_object.soil_humidity*100)) + " %") |
print("Current air humidity: " + str(int(unpickled_object.air_humidity*100)) + "%") |
print("Current air speed: " + str(unpickled_object.air_speed) + " km/h\n") |
c.close() |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
username |
password |
receiver's mail |
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