@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
# Οδηγίες Εγκατάστασης-Εκτέλεσης Εφαρμογής<br/> |
Για την εκτέλεση της εφαρμογής είναι απαραίτητο να είναι εγκατεστημένο στο σύστημα του χρήστη το περιβάλλον εκτέλεσης Node js και το npm καθώς εκτελείται πρόγραμμα Node js στο επίπεδο του host(εκτός docker) με σκοπό την |
δημιουργία container οχημάτων ανάλογα με την είσοδο του χρήστη μέσω της web εφαρμογής. |
Η εφαρμογή εκκινεί με την εκτέλεση του script "start.sh". Το script "start.sh" αρχικά δημιουργεί τα docker images των κόμβων με βάση τα αντίστοιχα Dockerfile και το δίκτυο των container. Στην συνέχεια δημιουργεί ένα container για τις βάσεις |
δεδομένων, ένα container για το REST API, 8 containers για τους φωτεινούς σηματοδότες, 40 containers για τους αισθητήρες κίνησης, ένα container για τον κόμβο συντονιστή και ένα container για τον web server. Τέλος εγκαθιστά τα κατάλληλα modules |
για το πρόγραμμα(entry handler) που εκτελείται στο επίπεδο του host και το θέτει σε λειτουργία αναμένοντας αιτήματα από τον χρήστη. Μεταβαίνοντας στην διεύθυνση ο χρήστης μπορεί να εισάγει νέα οχήματα και να παρατηρεί την κατάσταση του έξυπνου οδικού δικτύου. |
Η εφαρμογή σταματάει με την εκτέλεση του script "stop.sh". Το script "stop.sh" σταματάει τα container που δημιουργήθηκαν και στην συνέχεια τα διαγράφει. Ο χρήστης μπορεί να σταματήσει την εκτέλεση του προγράμματος(entry handler) που εκτελείται |
στο επίπεδο του host κλείνοντας το τερματικό στο οποίο εκτελείται το script "start.sh"(ή πατώντας τον συνδυασμό πλήκτρων CTRL+C). |
Είναι σημαντικό να σημειωθεί ότι λόγω του πλήθους των container και των αιτημάτων που πραγματοποιούνται στο REST API, η εφαρμογή καταναλώνει αρκετή επεξεργαστική ισχύ. Επομένως προτείνεται σε χρήστες που έχουν περιορισμένη επεξεργαστική ισχύ |
να αυξήσουν τον χρόνο αναμονής(να διπλασιάσουν το όρισμα της μεθόδου time.sleep) στους κόμβους αισθητήρων κίνησης(αρχείο sensor.py) και στους κόμβους οχημάτων(αρχείο vehicle.py) πριν θέσουν σε λειτουργία την εφαρμογή. Αυτό θα έχει σαν αποτέλεσμα οι αισθητήρες κίνησης να δειγματοληπτούν σε μικρότερο βαθμό και τα οχήματα να κινούνται με μικρότερη ταχύτητα. |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
FROM node:18-alpine |
WORKDIR /app |
COPY ["api/package.json", "./"] |
RUN npm install |
WORKDIR /app/src |
COPY ["api/src", "./"] |
CMD ["node", "."] |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
{ |
"dependencies": { |
"cors": "^2.8.5", |
"express": "^4.18.2", |
"mongodb": "4.4" |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,290 @@ |
const app = require("express")(); |
const cors = require("cors"); |
const mongo = require("mongodb").MongoClient; |
const ObjectId = require("mongodb").ObjectId; |
const PORT = 8080; |
const database = "mongodb://cloud_computing_project_db:27017/"; |
let traffic_lights_db; |
let sensors_db; |
let vehicles_db; |
mongo.connect(database, function(err, db) { |
if(err) throw err; |
traffic_lights_db = db.db("traffic_lights_db"); |
sensors_db = db.db("sensors_db"); |
vehicles_db = db.db("vehicles_db"); |
}) |
app.use(cors()); |
app.listen( |
() => console.log("API up and running") |
); |
app.get("/:database/subscribe", (req, res) => { |
if(req.params.database === "traffic_lights") |
{ |
if(req.query.road === undefined) |
{ |
res.status(404).send("Not found"); |
} |
else |
{ |
let obj = { road: +req.query.road, redLight: 1, orangeLight: 0, greenLight: 0 }; |
traffic_lights_db.collection("traffic_lights").insertOne(obj, function(err, result) { |
if(err) throw err; |
res.status(200).send(result); |
}); |
} |
} |
else if(req.params.database === "sensors") |
{ |
if(req.query.position === undefined) |
{ |
res.status(404).send("Not found"); |
} |
else |
{ |
let obj = { position: +req.query.position, value: 0 }; |
sensors_db.collection("sensors").insertOne(obj, function(err, result) { |
if(err) throw err; |
res.status(200).send(result); |
}); |
} |
} |
else if(req.params.database === "vehicles") |
{ |
if(req.query.start === undefined || req.query.destination === undefined) |
{ |
res.status(404).send("Not found"); |
} |
else |
{ |
let obj = { start: +req.query.start, destination: +req.query.destination, position: +req.query.start }; |
vehicles_db.collection("vehicles").insertOne(obj, function(err, result) { |
if(err) throw err; |
res.status(200).send(result); |
}); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
res.status(404).send("Not found"); |
} |
}); |
app.get("/:database/update", (req, res) => { |
if(req.params.database === "traffic_lights") |
{ |
if(req.query.road === undefined || req.query.redLight === undefined || req.query.orangeLight === undefined || req.query.greenLight === undefined) |
{ |
res.status(404).send("Not found"); |
} |
else |
{ |
let query = { road: +req.query.road }; |
let values = { $set: { redLight: +req.query.redLight, orangeLight: +req.query.orangeLight, greenLight: +req.query.greenLight } }; |
traffic_lights_db.collection("traffic_lights").updateOne(query, values, function(err, result) { |
if(err) throw err; |
res.status(200).send(result); |
}); |
} |
} |
else if(req.params.database === "sensors") |
{ |
if(req.query.id === undefined || req.query.value === undefined) |
{ |
res.status(404).send("Not found"); |
} |
else |
{ |
let objectId = new ObjectId(req.query.id); |
let query = { _id: objectId }; |
let values = { $set: { value: +req.query.value } }; |
sensors_db.collection("sensors").updateOne(query, values, function(err, result) { |
if(err) throw err; |
res.status(200).send(result); |
}); |
} |
} |
else if(req.params.database === "vehicles") |
{ |
if(req.query.id === undefined || req.query.position === undefined) |
{ |
res.status(404).send("Not found"); |
} |
else |
{ |
let objectId = new ObjectId(req.query.id); |
let query = { _id: objectId }; |
let values = { $set: { position: +req.query.position } }; |
vehicles_db.collection("vehicles").updateOne(query, values, function(err, result) { |
if(err) throw err; |
res.status(200).send(result); |
}); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
res.status(404).send("Not found"); |
} |
}); |
app.get("/:database/read", (req, res) => { |
if(req.params.database === "traffic_lights") |
{ |
if(req.query.id === undefined) |
{ |
traffic_lights_db.collection("traffic_lights").find({}).toArray(function(err, result) { |
if(err) throw err; |
res.status(200).send(result); |
}); |
} |
else |
{ |
let objectId = new ObjectId(req.query.id); |
let query = { _id: objectId }; |
traffic_lights_db.collection("traffic_lights").findOne(query, function(err, result) { |
if(err) throw err; |
res.status(200).send(result); |
}); |
} |
} |
else if(req.params.database === "sensors") |
{ |
sensors_db.collection("sensors").find({}).toArray(function(err, result) { |
if(err) throw err; |
res.status(200).send(result); |
}); |
} |
else if(req.params.database === "vehicles") |
{ |
vehicles_db.collection("vehicles").find({}).toArray(function(err, result) { |
if(err) throw err; |
res.status(200).send(result); |
}); |
} |
else |
{ |
res.status(404).send("Not found"); |
} |
}); |
app.get("/:database/discover", (req, res) => { |
if(req.params.database === "vehicles") |
{ |
if(req.query.position === undefined) |
{ |
res.status(404).send("Not found"); |
} |
else |
{ |
rangeStart = req.query.position - 8; |
rangeEnd = +req.query.position; |
let query = { position: { $gte: rangeStart, $lte: rangeEnd} }; |
vehicles_db.collection("vehicles").findOne(query, function(err, result) { |
if(err) throw err; |
res.status(200).send(result); |
}); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
res.status(404).send("Not found"); |
} |
}); |
app.get("/:database/look", (req, res) => { |
if(req.params.database === "traffic_lights") |
{ |
if(req.query.road === undefined) |
{ |
res.status(404).send("Not found"); |
} |
else |
{ |
let query = { road: +req.query.road}; |
traffic_lights_db.collection("traffic_lights").findOne(query, function(err, result) { |
if(err) throw err; |
res.status(200).send(result); |
}); |
} |
} |
else if(req.params.database === "vehicles") |
{ |
if(req.query.position === undefined) |
{ |
res.status(404).send("Not found"); |
} |
else |
{ |
rangeStart = +req.query.position; |
rangeEnd = +req.query.position + 11; |
let query = { position: { $gt: rangeStart, $lte: rangeEnd} }; |
vehicles_db.collection("vehicles").findOne(query, function(err, result) { |
if(err) throw err; |
res.status(200).send(result); |
}); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
res.status(404).send("Not found"); |
} |
}); |
app.get("/:database/delete", (req, res) => { |
if(req.params.database === "vehicles") |
{ |
if(req.query.id === undefined) |
{ |
res.status(404).send("Not found"); |
} |
else |
{ |
let objectId = new ObjectId(req.query.id); |
let query = { _id: objectId }; |
vehicles_db.collection("vehicles").deleteOne(query, function(err, result) { |
if(err) throw err; |
res.status(200).send(result); |
}); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
res.status(404).send("Not found"); |
} |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
FROM python:3-alpine |
WORKDIR /app/src |
RUN pip install requests |
COPY ["coordinator/src", "./"] |
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ |
import requests |
import time |
import json |
class Lane: |
def __init__(self, ID): |
self.ID = ID |
self.weight = 0 |
self.waitTime = 0 |
#self.serviceTime = 20 |
self.serviceTime = 40 |
self.trafficLightState = 0 |
self.timer = -1 |
Lanes = [Lane(11000), Lane(21000), Lane(31000), Lane(41000), Lane(12000), Lane(22000), Lane(32000), Lane(42000)] |
secondSelections = [[4, 1, 6], [5, 0, 7], [6, 3, 5], [7, 2, 4], [0, 5, 3], [1, 4, 2], [2, 7, 0], [3, 6, 1]] |
while True: |
res = requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/sensors/read") |
sensorValues = json.loads(res.text) |
sum = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] |
firstPriority = 0 |
secondPriority = 0 |
firstPrioritySet = False |
secondPrioritySet = False |
for i in range(8): |
for j in range(5): |
sum[i] += sensorValues[i*5+j]["value"] |
#Lanes[i].weight = sum[i] * (1 + Lanes[i].waitTime / 40 + 20 / Lanes[i].serviceTime) |
Lanes[i].weight = sum[i] * (1 + Lanes[i].waitTime / 40 + 40 / Lanes[i].serviceTime) |
if(Lanes[i].weight != 0): |
firstPrioritySet = True |
if(Lanes[i].weight > Lanes[firstPriority].weight): |
firstPriority = i |
if firstPrioritySet: |
secondPriority = secondSelections[firstPriority][0] |
if Lanes[secondPriority].weight != 0: |
secondPrioritySet = True |
for i in range(1, 3): |
if Lanes[secondSelections[firstPriority][i]].weight > Lanes[secondPriority].weight: |
secondPriority = secondSelections[firstPriority][i] |
secondPrioritySet = True |
for i in range(8): |
if i != firstPriority and ((not secondPrioritySet) or i != secondPriority) and Lanes[i].trafficLightState == 2: |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=" + str(Lanes[i].ID) +"&redLight=0&orangeLight=1&greenLight=0") |
Lanes[i].trafficLightState = 1 |
Lanes[i].timer = 12 |
elif Lanes[i].trafficLightState == 1 and Lanes[i].timer == 0: |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=" + str(Lanes[i].ID) +"&redLight=1&orangeLight=0&greenLight=0") |
Lanes[i].trafficLightState = 0 |
Lanes[i].timer = -1 |
orangeLightIndex = -1 |
orangeLightCounter = 0 |
for i in range(8): |
if Lanes[i].trafficLightState == 1: |
orangeLightIndex = i |
orangeLightCounter += 1 |
valid = False |
if orangeLightIndex != -1: |
for i in range(3): |
if secondSelections[orangeLightIndex][i] == firstPriority: |
valid = True |
break |
if orangeLightCounter < 2 and Lanes[firstPriority].trafficLightState == 0 and (orangeLightIndex == -1 or valid): |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=" + str(Lanes[firstPriority].ID) +"&redLight=0&orangeLight=0&greenLight=1") |
Lanes[firstPriority].trafficLightState = 2 |
Lanes[firstPriority].serviceTime = 1 |
if secondPrioritySet and orangeLightCounter < 1 and Lanes[secondPriority].trafficLightState == 0: |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=" + str(Lanes[secondPriority].ID) +"&redLight=0&orangeLight=0&greenLight=1") |
Lanes[secondPriority].trafficLightState = 2 |
Lanes[secondPriority].serviceTime = 1 |
else: |
for i in range(8): |
if Lanes[i].trafficLightState == 2: |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=" + str(Lanes[i].ID) +"&redLight=0&orangeLight=1&greenLight=0") |
Lanes[i].trafficLightState = 1 |
Lanes[i].timer = 12 |
elif Lanes[i].trafficLightState == 1 and Lanes[i].timer == 0: |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=" + str(Lanes[i].ID) +"&redLight=1&orangeLight=0&greenLight=0") |
Lanes[i].trafficLightState = 0 |
Lanes[i].timer = -1 |
time.sleep(1) |
for i in range(8): |
if Lanes[i].trafficLightState == 0 and Lanes[i].weight != 0: |
Lanes[i].waitTime += 1 |
#Lanes[i].serviceTime = 20 |
Lanes[i].serviceTime = 40 |
elif Lanes[i].trafficLightState == 2: |
Lanes[i].waitTime = 0 |
Lanes[i].serviceTime += 1 |
else: |
Lanes[i].waitTime = 0 |
#Lanes[i].serviceTime = 20 |
Lanes[i].serviceTime = 40 |
if Lanes[i].timer > 0: |
Lanes[i].timer -= 1 |
@ -0,0 +1,236 @@ |
import requests |
import time |
import json |
import os |
""" |
waitTime = [0, 0, 0, 0] |
serviceTime = [20, 20, 20, 20] |
trafficLightState = [0, 0, 0, 0] |
while True: |
os.system("clear") |
res = requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/sensors/read") |
sensors = json.loads(res.text) |
sum = [0, 0, 0, 0] |
weight = [0, 0, 0, 0] |
for i in range(4): |
for j in range(5): |
print(sensors[i*5+j]["value"]) |
for i in range(4): |
for j in range(5): |
sensorValue = sensors[i*5+j]["value"] |
sum[i] += sensorValue |
priority = 0 |
prioritySet = False |
for i in range(4): |
#weight[i] = sum[i] * (1 + waitTime[i] / 40 + 10 / serviceTime[i]) |
weight[i] = sum[i] * (1 + waitTime[i] / 40 + 20 / serviceTime[i]) |
if(weight[i] != 0): |
prioritySet = True |
if(weight[i] > weight[priority]): |
priority = i |
print("weight[" + str(i) + "]= " + str([weight[i]])) |
if not prioritySet: |
if trafficLightState[0] == 1 or trafficLightState[1] == 1: |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=11000&redLight=0&orangeLight=1&greenLight=0") |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=21000&redLight=0&orangeLight=1&greenLight=0") |
time.sleep(6) |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=11000&redLight=1&orangeLight=0&greenLight=0") |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=21000&redLight=1&orangeLight=0&greenLight=0") |
trafficLightState[0] = 0 |
trafficLightState[1] = 0 |
elif trafficLightState[2] == 1 or trafficLightState[3] == 1: |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=31000&redLight=0&orangeLight=1&greenLight=0") |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=41000&redLight=0&orangeLight=1&greenLight=0") |
time.sleep(6) |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=31000&redLight=1&orangeLight=0&greenLight=0") |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=41000&redLight=1&orangeLight=0&greenLight=0") |
trafficLightState[2] = 0 |
trafficLightState[3] = 0 |
elif priority == 0 or priority == 1: |
if trafficLightState[2] == 1 or trafficLightState[3] == 1: |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=31000&redLight=0&orangeLight=1&greenLight=0") |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=41000&redLight=0&orangeLight=1&greenLight=0") |
time.sleep(6) |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=31000&redLight=1&orangeLight=0&greenLight=0") |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=41000&redLight=1&orangeLight=0&greenLight=0") |
trafficLightState[2] = 0 |
trafficLightState[3] = 0 |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=11000&redLight=0&orangeLight=0&greenLight=1") |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=21000&redLight=0&orangeLight=0&greenLight=1") |
trafficLightState[0] = 1 |
trafficLightState[1] = 1 |
serviceTime[0] = 1 |
serviceTime[1] = 1 |
elif trafficLightState[0] == 0 or trafficLightState[1] == 0: |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=11000&redLight=0&orangeLight=0&greenLight=1") |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=21000&redLight=0&orangeLight=0&greenLight=1") |
trafficLightState[0] = 1 |
trafficLightState[1] = 1 |
serviceTime[0] = 1 |
serviceTime[1] = 1 |
elif priority == 2 or priority == 3: |
if trafficLightState[0] == 1 or trafficLightState[1] == 1: |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=11000&redLight=0&orangeLight=1&greenLight=0") |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=21000&redLight=0&orangeLight=1&greenLight=0") |
time.sleep(6) |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=11000&redLight=1&orangeLight=0&greenLight=0") |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=21000&redLight=1&orangeLight=0&greenLight=0") |
trafficLightState[0] = 0 |
trafficLightState[1] = 0 |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=31000&redLight=0&orangeLight=0&greenLight=1") |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=41000&redLight=0&orangeLight=0&greenLight=1") |
trafficLightState[2] = 1 |
trafficLightState[3] = 1 |
serviceTime[2] = 1 |
serviceTime[3] = 1 |
elif trafficLightState[2] == 0 or trafficLightState[3] == 0: |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=31000&redLight=0&orangeLight=0&greenLight=1") |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=41000&redLight=0&orangeLight=0&greenLight=1") |
trafficLightState[2] = 1 |
trafficLightState[3] = 1 |
serviceTime[2] = 1 |
serviceTime[3] = 1 |
time.sleep(1) |
for i in range(4): |
if trafficLightState[i] == 0 and weight != 0: |
waitTime[i] += 1 |
serviceTime[i] = 20 |
elif trafficLightState[i] == 1: |
waitTime[i] = 0 |
serviceTime[i] += 1 |
else: |
waitTime[i] = 0 |
serviceTime[i] = 20 |
""" |
class Lane: |
def __init__(self, ID): |
self.ID = ID |
self.weight = 0 |
self.waitTime = 0 |
self.serviceTime = 20 |
self.trafficLightState = 0 |
Lanes = [Lane(11000), Lane(21000), Lane(31000), Lane(41000), Lane(12000), Lane(22000), Lane(32000), Lane(42000)] |
secondSelections = [[4, 1, 6], [5, 0, 7], [6, 3, 5], [7, 2, 4], [0, 5, 3], [1, 4, 2], [2, 7, 0], [3, 6, 1]] |
while True: |
os.system("clear") |
res = requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/sensors/read") |
sensorValues = json.loads(res.text) |
sum = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] |
for i in range(8): |
for j in range(5): |
#print(sensorValues[i*5+j]["value"]) |
sum[i] += sensorValues[i*5+j]["value"] |
print("") |
firstPriority = 0 |
secondPriority = 0 |
firstPrioritySet = False |
secondPrioritySet = False |
togglingOrangeLight = False |
for i in range(8): |
Lanes[i].weight = sum[i] * (1 + Lanes[i].waitTime / 40 + 20 / Lanes[i].serviceTime) |
if(Lanes[i].weight != 0): |
firstPrioritySet = True |
if(Lanes[i].weight > Lanes[firstPriority].weight): |
firstPriority = i |
print("weight[" + str(i) + "]= " + str(Lanes[i].weight)) |
if firstPrioritySet: |
secondPriority = secondSelections[firstPriority][0] |
if Lanes[secondPriority].weight != 0: |
secondPrioritySet = True |
for i in range(1, 3): |
if Lanes[secondSelections[firstPriority][i]].weight > Lanes[secondPriority].weight: |
secondPriority = secondSelections[firstPriority][i] |
secondPrioritySet = True |
for i in range(8): |
if i != firstPriority and ((not secondPrioritySet) or i != secondPriority) and Lanes[i].trafficLightState == 1: |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=" + str(Lanes[i].ID) +"&redLight=0&orangeLight=1&greenLight=0") |
togglingOrangeLight = True |
if togglingOrangeLight: |
#time.sleep(6) |
time.sleep(12) |
for i in range(8): |
if i != firstPriority and ((not secondPrioritySet) or i != secondPriority) and Lanes[i].trafficLightState == 1: |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=" + str(Lanes[i].ID) +"&redLight=1&orangeLight=0&greenLight=0") |
Lanes[i].trafficLightState = 0 |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=" + str(Lanes[firstPriority].ID) +"&redLight=0&orangeLight=0&greenLight=1") |
Lanes[firstPriority].trafficLightState = 1 |
Lanes[firstPriority].serviceTime = 1 |
if secondPrioritySet: |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=" + str(Lanes[secondPriority].ID) +"&redLight=0&orangeLight=0&greenLight=1") |
Lanes[secondPriority].trafficLightState = 1 |
Lanes[secondPriority].serviceTime = 1 |
else: |
for i in range(8): |
if Lanes[i].trafficLightState == 1: |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=" + str(Lanes[i].ID) +"&redLight=0&orangeLight=1&greenLight=0") |
togglingOrangeLight = True |
if togglingOrangeLight: |
#time.sleep(6) |
time.sleep(12) |
for i in range(8): |
if Lanes[i].trafficLightState == 1: |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/update?road=" + str(Lanes[i].ID) +"&redLight=1&orangeLight=0&greenLight=0") |
Lanes[i].trafficLightState = 0 |
time.sleep(1) |
for i in range(8): |
if Lanes[i].trafficLightState == 0 and Lanes[i].weight != 0: |
Lanes[i].waitTime += 1 |
Lanes[i].serviceTime = 20 |
elif Lanes[i].trafficLightState == 1: |
Lanes[i].waitTime = 0 |
Lanes[i].serviceTime += 1 |
else: |
Lanes[i].waitTime = 0 |
Lanes[i].serviceTime = 20 |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
{ |
"dependencies": { |
"cors": "^2.8.5", |
"express": "^4.18.2" |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ |
const app = require("express")(); |
const cors = require("cors"); |
const { exec } = require("child_process"); |
const PORT = 8082; |
let vehicleNumber = 0; |
app.use(cors()); |
app.listen( |
() => console.log("Entry handler up and running") |
); |
app.get("/insert", (req, res) => { |
if(req.query.start === undefined || req.query.destination === undefined) |
{ |
res.status(404).send("Not found"); |
} |
else |
{ |
vehicleNumber++; |
let command = "docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name vehicle" + vehicleNumber + " cloud_computing_project_vehicle python vehicle.py " + req.query.start + " " + req.query.destination; |
exec(command, (err, stdout, stderr) => { |
let id = stdout.substring(0, stdout.length - 1); |
console.log("New container created with id " + id + ". Vehicle number " + vehicleNumber + " with start " + req.query.start + " and destination " + req.query.destination); |
console.log(stderr); |
if(err != null) |
{ |
console.log(err); |
} |
}); |
res.status(200).send("Ok"); |
} |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
FROM python:3-alpine |
WORKDIR /app/src |
RUN pip install requests |
COPY ["sensors/src", "./"] |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
import requests |
import time |
import json |
import sys |
position = int(sys.argv[1]) |
value = 0 |
res = requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/sensors/subscribe?position=" + str(position)) |
ID = json.loads(res.text)["insertedId"] |
while True: |
res = requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/vehicles/discover?position=" + str(position)) |
if res.text != "" and value == 0: |
value = 1 |
res = requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/sensors/update?id=" + str(ID) + "&value=1") |
elif res.text == "" and value == 1: |
value = 0 |
res = requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/sensors/update?id=" + str(ID) + "&value=0") |
time.sleep(0.1) |
@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
if ! [ $(docker image ls | grep cloud_computing_project_api | cut -d ' ' -f 1) ] |
then |
docker build -f api/Dockerfile -t cloud_computing_project_api . |
fi |
if ! [ $(docker image ls | grep cloud_computing_project_traffic_light | cut -d ' ' -f 1) ] |
then |
docker build -f traffic_lights/Dockerfile -t cloud_computing_project_traffic_light . |
fi |
if ! [ $(docker image ls | grep cloud_computing_project_sensor | cut -d ' ' -f 1) ] |
then |
docker build -f sensors/Dockerfile -t cloud_computing_project_sensor . |
fi |
if ! [ $(docker image ls | grep cloud_computing_project_vehicle | cut -d ' ' -f 1) ] |
then |
docker build -f vehicles/Dockerfile -t cloud_computing_project_vehicle . |
fi |
if ! [ $(docker image ls | grep cloud_computing_project_coordinator | cut -d ' ' -f 1) ] |
then |
docker build -f coordinator/Dockerfile -t cloud_computing_project_coordinator . |
fi |
if ! [ $(docker image ls | grep cloud_computing_project_web_server | cut -d ' ' -f 1) ] |
then |
docker build -f web_server/Dockerfile -t cloud_computing_project_web_server . |
fi |
if ! [ $(docker network ls | grep cloud_computing_project | cut -d ' ' -f 1) ] |
then |
docker network create cloud_computing_project |
fi |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --network-alias cloud_computing_project_db --name cloud_computing_project_db mongo:4.4 |
docker run -dp 8081:8080 --network cloud_computing_project --network-alias cloud_computing_project_api cloud_computing_project_api |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project cloud_computing_project_traffic_light python traffic_light.py 11000 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project cloud_computing_project_traffic_light python traffic_light.py 21000 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project cloud_computing_project_traffic_light python traffic_light.py 31000 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project cloud_computing_project_traffic_light python traffic_light.py 41000 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project cloud_computing_project_traffic_light python traffic_light.py 12000 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project cloud_computing_project_traffic_light python traffic_light.py 22000 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project cloud_computing_project_traffic_light python traffic_light.py 32000 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project cloud_computing_project_traffic_light python traffic_light.py 42000 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor1_1_1 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 11008 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor1_1_2 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 11017 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor1_1_3 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 11026 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor1_1_4 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 11035 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor1_1_5 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 11044 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor2_1_1 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 21008 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor2_1_2 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 21017 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor2_1_3 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 21026 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor2_1_4 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 21035 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor2_1_5 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 21044 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor3_1_1 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 31008 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor3_1_2 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 31017 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor3_1_3 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 31026 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor3_1_4 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 31035 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor3_1_5 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 31044 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor4_1_1 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 41008 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor4_1_2 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 41017 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor4_1_3 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 41026 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor4_1_4 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 41035 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor4_1_5 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 41044 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor1_2_1 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 12008 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor1_2_2 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 12017 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor1_2_3 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 12026 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor1_2_4 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 12035 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor1_2_5 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 12044 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor2_2_1 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 22008 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor2_2_2 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 22017 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor2_2_3 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 22026 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor2_2_4 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 22035 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor2_2_5 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 22044 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor3_2_1 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 32008 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor3_2_2 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 32017 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor3_2_3 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 32026 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor3_2_4 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 32035 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor3_2_5 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 32044 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor4_2_1 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 42008 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor4_2_2 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 42017 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor4_2_3 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 42026 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor4_2_4 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 42035 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name sensor4_2_5 cloud_computing_project_sensor python sensor.py 42044 |
docker run -d --network cloud_computing_project --name coordinator cloud_computing_project_coordinator python coordinator.py |
docker run -dp 8080:80 --network cloud_computing_project --name web_server cloud_computing_project_web_server |
cd entry_handler |
npm install |
cd src |
node . |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
docker stop $(docker ps | grep cloud_computing_project | cut -d ' ' -f 1) |
docker rm $(docker ps -a | grep cloud_computing_project | cut -d ' ' -f 1) |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
FROM python:3-alpine |
WORKDIR /app/src |
RUN pip install requests |
COPY ["traffic_lights/src", "./"] |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
import requests |
import time |
import json |
import sys |
road = int(sys.argv[1]) |
res = requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/subscribe?road=" + str(road)) |
ID = json.loads(res.text)["insertedId"] |
while True: |
res = requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/read?id=" + str(ID)) |
time.sleep(1) |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
FROM python:3-alpine |
WORKDIR /app/src |
RUN pip install requests |
COPY ["vehicles/src", "./"] |
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ |
import requests |
import time |
import json |
import sys |
start = int(sys.argv[1]) |
destination = int(sys.argv[2]) |
position = start |
road = start |
route = (start % 10000) / 1000 |
res = requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/vehicles/subscribe?start=" + str(start) + "&destination=" + str(destination)) |
ID = json.loads(res.text)["insertedId"] |
while position != destination: |
res = requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/vehicles/look?position=" + str(position)) |
if res.text == "": |
if route == 1: |
if position > (start + 44): |
position += 1 |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/vehicles/update?id=" + str(ID) + "&position=" + str(position)) |
else: |
res = requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/look?road=" + str(road)) |
greenLight = json.loads(res.text)["greenLight"] |
if greenLight == 1 or position < (start + 44): |
position += 1 |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/vehicles/update?id=" + str(ID) + "&position=" + str(position)) |
elif route == 2: |
if position > (start + 44): |
if position == (start + 85): |
position = destination - 71 |
else: |
position += 1 |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/vehicles/update?id=" + str(ID) + "&position=" + str(position)) |
else: |
res = requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/traffic_lights/look?road=" + str(road)) |
greenLight = json.loads(res.text)["greenLight"] |
if greenLight == 1 or position < (start + 44): |
position += 1 |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/vehicles/update?id=" + str(ID) + "&position=" + str(position)) |
elif(route == 3): |
if position == (start + 56): |
position = destination - 60 |
else: |
position += 1 |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/vehicles/update?id=" + str(ID) + "&position=" + str(position)) |
time.sleep(0.2) |
requests.get("http://cloud_computing_project_api:8080/vehicles/delete?id=" + str(ID)) |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
FROM nginx:1.25-alpine |
COPY ["web_server/src", "/usr/share/nginx/html"] |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 44 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 560 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 532 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 545 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 537 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 541 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 525 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 523 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 554 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 563 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 556 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 528 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 491 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 523 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 554 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 563 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 556 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 527 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 520 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 520 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 532 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 546 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 538 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 541 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 526 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ |
body { |
background-image: url("images/street.png"); |
background-size: cover; |
} |
#prompt { |
position: fixed; |
left: 280px; |
top: 50px; |
} |
#route { |
position: fixed; |
left: 245px; |
top: 120px; |
} |
div { |
border: 5px solid black; |
width: 30px; |
/*position: absolute;*/ |
position: fixed; |
display: inline-block; |
background-color: black; |
} |
#trafficLight1 { |
/*left: 39%; |
top: 59%;*/ |
left: 689px; |
top: 692px; |
width: 90px; |
} |
#trafficLight2 { |
/*left: 56%; |
top: 33%;*/ |
left: 1130px; |
top: 240px; |
width: 90px; |
} |
#trafficLight3 { |
/*left: 42%; |
top: 28%;*/ |
left: 707px; |
top: 226px; |
} |
#trafficLight4 { |
/*left: 56%; |
top: 59%;*/ |
left: 1172px; |
top: 655px; |
} |
#trafficLight5 { |
/*left: 39%; |
top: 59%;*/ |
left: 689px; |
top: 655px; |
width: 90px; |
} |
#trafficLight6 { |
/*left: 56%; |
top: 33%;*/ |
left: 1130px; |
top: 278px; |
width: 90px; |
} |
#trafficLight7 { |
/*left: 42%; |
top: 28%;*/ |
left: 749px; |
top: 226px; |
} |
#trafficLight8 { |
/*left: 56%; |
top: 59%;*/ |
left: 1130px; |
top: 655px; |
} |
#trafficLight9 { |
/*left: 39%; |
top: 59%;*/ |
left: 689px; |
top: 730px; |
width: 90px; |
} |
#trafficLight10 { |
/*left: 56%; |
top: 33%;*/ |
left: 1130px; |
top: 203px; |
width: 90px; |
} |
#trafficLight11 { |
/*left: 42%; |
top: 28%;*/ |
left: 665px; |
top: 226px; |
} |
#trafficLight12 { |
/*left: 56%; |
top: 59%;*/ |
left: 1214px; |
top: 655px; |
} |
button { |
border-radius: 80%; |
height: 25px; |
width: 25px; |
display: inline-block; |
position: relative; |
/*left: 8%;*/ |
left: 4%; |
} |
#trafficLight3 button, #trafficLight4 button, #trafficLight7 button, #trafficLight8 button, #trafficLight11 button { |
left: 9%; |
} |
.trafficLights { |
border: 2px solid grey; |
background-color: grey; |
} |
#insert { |
position: fixed; |
border-radius: 10%; |
height: 30px; |
width: 160px; |
left: 265px; |
top: 160px; |
} |
.arrows { |
color: grey; |
font-size: 16px; |
} |
#orangeLight9 { |
color: rgb(255, 115, 0); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html> |
<head> |
<title>Cloud Computing Project</title> |
<meta charset="UTF-8"> |
<link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css"> |
</head> |
<body> |
<main> |
<h2 id="prompt">Select route</h2> |
<select id="route"> |
<option value="west-east">Start: West, Destination: East</option> |
<option value="west-north">Start: West, Destination: North</option> |
<option value="west-south">Start: West, Destination: South</option> |
<option value="east-west">Start: East, Destination: West</option> |
<option value="east-south">Start: East, Destination: South</option> |
<option value="east-north">Start: East, Destination: North</option> |
<option value="north-south">Start: North, Destination: South</option> |
<option value="north-east">Start: North, Destination: East</option> |
<option value="north-west">Start: North, Destination: West</option> |
<option value="south-north">Start: South, Destination: North</option> |
<option value="south-west">Start: South, Destination: West</option> |
<option value="south-east">Start: South, Destination: East</option> |
</select> |
<button id="insert">Insert Vehicle</button> |
<div id="trafficLight1"> |
<button class="trafficLights" id="greenLight1"></button> |
<button class="trafficLights" id="orangeLight1"></button> |
<button class="trafficLights" id="redLight1"></button> |
</div> |
<div id="trafficLight2"> |
<button class="trafficLights" id="redLight2"></button> |
<button class="trafficLights" id="orangeLight2"></button> |
<button class="trafficLights" id="greenLight2"></button> |
</div> |
<div id="trafficLight3"> |
<button class="trafficLights" id="greenLight3"></button> |
<button class="trafficLights" id="orangeLight3"></button> |
<button class="trafficLights" id="redLight3"></button> |
</div> |
<div id="trafficLight4"> |
<button class="trafficLights" id="redLight4"></button> |
<button class="trafficLights" id="orangeLight4"></button> |
<button class="trafficLights" id="greenLight4"></button> |
</div> |
<div id="trafficLight5"> |
<button class="trafficLights"><span class="arrows" id="greenLight5">↑</span></button> |
<button class="trafficLights"><span class="arrows" id="orangeLight5">↑</span></button> |
<button class="trafficLights"><span class="arrows" id="redLight5">↑</span></button> |
</div> |
<div id="trafficLight6"> |
<button class="trafficLights"><span class="arrows" id="redLight6">↓</span></button> |
<button class="trafficLights"><span class="arrows" id="orangeLight6">↓</span></button> |
<button class="trafficLights"><span class="arrows" id="greenLight6">↓</span></button> |
</div> |
<div id="trafficLight7"> |
<button class="trafficLights"><span class="arrows" id="greenLight7">→</span></button> |
<button class="trafficLights"><span class="arrows" id="orangeLight7">→</span></button> |
<button class="trafficLights"><span class="arrows" id="redLight7">→</span></button> |
</div> |
<div id="trafficLight8"> |
<button class="trafficLights"><span class="arrows" id="redLight8">←</span></button> |
<button class="trafficLights"><span class="arrows" id="orangeLight8">←</span></button> |
<button class="trafficLights"><span class="arrows" id="greenLight8">←</span></button> |
</div> |
<div id="trafficLight9"> |
<button class="trafficLights"><span class="arrows" id="greenLight9">↓</span></button> |
<button class="trafficLights"><span class="arrows" id="orangeLight9">↓</span></button> |
<button class="trafficLights"><span class="arrows" id="redLight9">↓</span></button> |
</div> |
<div id="trafficLight10"> |
<button class="trafficLights"><span class="arrows" id="redLight10">↑</span></button> |
<button class="trafficLights"><span class="arrows" id="orangeLight10">↑</span></button> |
<button class="trafficLights"><span class="arrows" id="greenLight10">↑</span></button> |
</div> |
<div id="trafficLight11"> |
<button class="trafficLights"><span class="arrows" id="greenLight11">←</span></button> |
<button class="trafficLights"><span class="arrows" id="orangeLight11">←</span></button> |
<button class="trafficLights"><span class="arrows" id="redLight11">←</span></button> |
</div> |
<div id="trafficLight12"> |
<button class="trafficLights"><span class="arrows" id="redLight12">→</span></button> |
<button class="trafficLights"><span class="arrows" id="orangeLight12">→</span></button> |
<button class="trafficLights"><span class="arrows" id="greenLight12">→</span></button> |
</div> |
</main> |
</body> |
<script src="index.js" type="text/javascript"></script> |
</html> |
@ -0,0 +1,602 @@ |
document.getElementById("insert").addEventListener("click", function() { |
let value = document.getElementById("route").value; |
let start; |
let destination; |
if(value === "west-east") |
{ |
start = 11000; |
destination = 11170; |
} |
else if(value === "west-north") |
{ |
start = 12000; |
destination = 42170; |
} |
else if(value === "west-south") |
{ |
start = 13000; |
destination = 33170; |
} |
else if(value === "east-west") |
{ |
start = 21000; |
destination = 21170; |
} |
else if(value === "east-south") |
{ |
start = 22000; |
destination = 32170; |
} |
else if(value === "east-north") |
{ |
start = 23000; |
destination = 43170; |
} |
else if(value === "north-south") |
{ |
start = 31000; |
destination = 31170; |
} |
else if(value === "north-east") |
{ |
start = 32000; |
destination = 12170; |
} |
else if(value === "north-west") |
{ |
start = 33000; |
destination = 23170; |
} |
else if(value === "south-north") |
{ |
start = 41000; |
destination = 41170; |
} |
else if(value === "south-west") |
{ |
start = 42000; |
destination = 22170; |
} |
else if(value === "south-east") |
{ |
start = 43000; |
destination = 13170; |
} |
let xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); |
xhttp.onload = function() { |
} |
xhttp.open("GET", "" + start + "&destination=" + destination, true); |
xhttp.send(); |
}); |
let response1; |
let counter = 0; |
setInterval(trafficLightsRequest, 1000); |
function trafficLightsRequest() |
{ |
let xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); |
xhttp.onload = function() { |
response1 = JSON.parse(this.responseText); |
updateTrafficLights(); |
} |
xhttp.open("GET", "", true) |
xhttp.send(); |
} |
function updateTrafficLights() |
{ |
for(let i = 0; i < 4; i++) |
{ |
if(response1[i].redLight == 1) |
{ |
document.getElementById("redLight" + (i+1)).style.backgroundColor = "rgb(220, 0, 0)"; |
document.getElementById("redLight" + (i+1)).style.border = "2px solid rgb(220, 0, 0)"; |
} |
else |
{ |
document.getElementById("redLight" + (i+1)).style.backgroundColor = "gray"; |
document.getElementById("redLight" + (i+1)).style.border = "2px solid gray"; |
} |
if(response1[i].orangeLight == 1) |
{ |
document.getElementById("orangeLight" + (i+1)).style.backgroundColor = "rgb(255, 115, 0)"; |
document.getElementById("orangeLight" + (i+1)).style.border = "2px solid rgb(255, 115, 0)"; |
} |
else |
{ |
document.getElementById("orangeLight" + (i+1)).style.backgroundColor = "gray"; |
document.getElementById("orangeLight" + (i+1)).style.border = "2px solid gray"; |
} |
if(response1[i].greenLight == 1) |
{ |
document.getElementById("greenLight" + (i+1)).style.backgroundColor = "rgb(0, 220, 0)"; |
document.getElementById("greenLight" + (i+1)).style.border = "2px solid rgb(0, 220, 0)"; |
} |
else |
{ |
document.getElementById("greenLight" + (i+1)).style.backgroundColor = "gray"; |
document.getElementById("greenLight" + (i+1)).style.border = "2px solid gray"; |
} |
} |
for(let i = 4; i < response1.length; i++) |
{ |
if(response1[i].redLight == 1) |
{ |
document.getElementById("redLight" + (i+1)).style.color = "rgb(220, 0, 0)"; |
} |
else |
{ |
document.getElementById("redLight" + (i+1)).style.color = "gray"; |
} |
if(response1[i].orangeLight == 1) |
{ |
document.getElementById("orangeLight" + (i+1)).style.color = "rgb(255, 115, 0)"; |
} |
else |
{ |
document.getElementById("orangeLight" + (i+1)).style.color = "gray"; |
} |
if(response1[i].greenLight == 1) |
{ |
document.getElementById("greenLight" + (i+1)).style.color = "rgb(0, 220, 0)"; |
} |
else |
{ |
document.getElementById("greenLight" + (i+1)).style.color = "gray"; |
} |
} |
if(counter === 0) |
{ |
document.getElementById("orangeLight9").style.color = "rgb(255, 115, 0)"; |
document.getElementById("orangeLight10").style.color = "rgb(255, 115, 0)"; |
document.getElementById("orangeLight11").style.color = "rgb(255, 115, 0)"; |
document.getElementById("orangeLight12").style.color = "rgb(255, 115, 0)"; |
counter++; |
} |
else |
{ |
document.getElementById("orangeLight9").style.color = "gray"; |
document.getElementById("orangeLight10").style.color = "gray"; |
document.getElementById("orangeLight11").style.color = "gray"; |
document.getElementById("orangeLight12").style.color = "gray"; |
counter = 0; |
} |
} |
let response2; |
let vehicleElements = new Array(); |
let step = 1 / 170 * 100; |
setInterval(vehiclesRequest, 100); |
function vehiclesRequest() |
{ |
let xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); |
xhttp.onload = function() { |
response2 = JSON.parse(this.responseText); |
updateVehiclesPosition(); |
} |
xhttp.open("GET", "", true) |
xhttp.send(); |
} |
function updateVehiclesPosition() |
{ |
for(let i = 0; i < response2.length; i++) |
{ |
let tempObj; |
let tempElement; |
let exists = false; |
for(let j = 0; j < vehicleElements.length; j++) |
{ |
if(vehicleElements[j]._id === response2[i]._id) |
{ |
tempElement = vehicleElements[j].element; |
exists = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
if(!exists) |
{ |
tempElement = document.createElement("img"); |
tempElement.style.position = "fixed"; |
tempElement.style.width = "60px"; |
document.body.appendChild(tempElement); |
tempObj = {_id: response2[i]._id, element: tempElement}; |
vehicleElements.push(tempObj); |
} |
if(response2[i].position >= 11000 && response2[i].position <= 11170) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle1.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = "57%"; |
tempElement.style.left = (24 + step * (response2[i].position - 11000) * 0.52) + "%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position >= 12000 && response2[i].position <= 12170) |
{ |
tempElement.style.left = (24 + step * (response2[i].position - 12000) * 0.52) + "%"; |
if(response2[i].position < 12055 || response2[i].position > 12085) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle1.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = "51.7%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position < 12064) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle24.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = (50.8 - (0.2 *(response2[i].position - 12055))) + "%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position < 12072) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle23.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = (47.8 - (0.3 *(response2[i].position - 12064))) + "%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position < 12079) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle22.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = (44.2 - (0.4 *(response2[i].position - 12072))) + "%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position < 12083) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle21.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = (40.5 - (0.5 *(response2[i].position - 12079))) + "%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position <= 12085) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle20.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = (37.7 - (0.6 *(response2[i].position - 12083))) + "%"; |
} |
} |
else if(response2[i].position >= 13000 && response2[i].position <= 13170) |
{ |
tempElement.style.left = (24 + step * (response2[i].position - 13000) * 0.52) + "%"; |
if(response2[i].position < 13052 || response2[i].position > 13056) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle1.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = "62.5%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position === 13052) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle5.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = "62.8%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position === 13053) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle6.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = "62.9%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position === 13054) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle7.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = "63.1%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position === 13055) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle8.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = "63.5%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position === 13056) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle9.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = "64.2%"; |
} |
} |
else if(response2[i].position >= 21000 && response2[i].position <= 21170) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle2.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = "39%"; |
tempElement.style.right = (24 + step * (response2[i].position - 21000) * 0.52) + "%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position >= 22000 && response2[i].position <= 22170) |
{ |
tempElement.style.left = ""; |
tempElement.style.right = (24 + step * (response2[i].position - 22000) * 0.52) + "%"; |
if(response2[i].position < 22055 || response2[i].position > 22085) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle2.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = "44.6%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position < 22064) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle19.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = (44.9 + (0.2 *(response2[i].position - 22055))) + "%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position < 22072) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle18.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = (46.9 + (0.3 *(response2[i].position - 22064))) + "%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position < 22079) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle17.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = (49.5 + (0.4 *(response2[i].position - 22072))) + "%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position < 22083) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle16.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = (52.8 + (0.5 *(response2[i].position - 22079))) + "%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position <= 22085) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle15.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = (55.2 + (0.6 *(response2[i].position - 22083))) + "%"; |
} |
} |
else if(response2[i].position >= 23000 && response2[i].position <= 23170) |
{ |
tempElement.style.left = ""; |
tempElement.style.right = (24 + step * (response2[i].position - 23000) * 0.52) + "%"; |
if(response2[i].position < 23052 || response2[i].position > 23056) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle2.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = "33.7%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position === 23052) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle10.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = "32.8%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position === 23053) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle11.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = "31.6%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position === 23054) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle12.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = "30.5%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position === 23055) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle13.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = "30.1%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position === 23056) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle14.png"); |
tempElement.style.top = "29.5%"; |
} |
} |
else if(response2[i].position >= 31000 && response2[i].position <= 31170) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle3.png"); |
tempElement.style.left = "43.9%"; |
tempElement.style.top = (step * (response2[i].position - 31000)) +"%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position >= 32000 && response2[i].position <= 32170) |
{ |
tempElement.style.top = (step * (response2[i].position - 32000)) +"%"; |
if(response2[i].position < 32055 || response2[i].position > 32085) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle3.png"); |
tempElement.style.left = "46.6%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position < 32064) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle9.png"); |
tempElement.style.left = (24 + (44.1 + (0.2 * (response2[i].position - 32055))) * 0.52) + "%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position < 32072) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle8.png"); |
tempElement.style.left = (24 + (46.5 + (0.3 * (response2[i].position - 32064))) * 0.52) + "%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position < 32079) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle7.png"); |
tempElement.style.left = (24 + (49.6 + (0.4 * (response2[i].position - 32072))) * 0.52) + "%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position < 32083) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle6.png"); |
tempElement.style.left = (24 + (52.9 + (0.5 * (response2[i].position - 32079))) * 0.52) + "%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position <= 32085) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle5.png"); |
tempElement.style.left = (24 + (55.5 + (0.6 * (response2[i].position - 32083))) * 0.52) + "%"; |
} |
} |
else if(response2[i].position >= 33000 && response2[i].position <= 33170) |
{ |
tempElement.style.top = (step * (response2[i].position - 33000)) +"%"; |
if(response2[i].position < 33052 || response2[i].position > 33056) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle3.png"); |
tempElement.style.left = "41.15%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position === 33052) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle15.png"); |
tempElement.style.left = "40.8%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position === 33053) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle16.png"); |
tempElement.style.left = "40.55%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position === 33054) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle17.png"); |
tempElement.style.left = "40.2%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position === 33055) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle18.png"); |
tempElement.style.left = "39.9%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position === 33056) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle19.png"); |
tempElement.style.left = "39.5%"; |
} |
} |
else if(response2[i].position >= 41000 && response2[i].position <= 41170) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle4.png"); |
tempElement.style.left = "53%"; |
tempElement.style.bottom = (step * (response2[i].position - 41000)) +"%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position >= 42000 && response2[i].position <= 42170) |
{ |
tempElement.style.top = ""; |
tempElement.style.bottom = (step * (response2[i].position - 42000)) +"%"; |
if(response2[i].position < 42055 || response2[i].position > 42085) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle4.png"); |
tempElement.style.left = "50.3%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position < 42064) |
{ |
tempElement.style.left = ""; |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle14.png"); |
tempElement.style.bottom = (step * (response2[i].position + 1 - 42000)) +"%"; |
tempElement.style.right = (24 + (44.1 + (0.2 * (response2[i].position - 42055))) * 0.52) + "%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position < 42072) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle13.png"); |
tempElement.style.bottom = (step * (response2[i].position + 1 - 42000)) +"%"; |
tempElement.style.right = (24 + (46.5 + (0.3 * (response2[i].position - 42064))) * 0.52) + "%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position < 42079) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle12.png"); |
tempElement.style.bottom = (step * (response2[i].position + 1 - 42000)) +"%"; |
tempElement.style.right = (24 + (49.6 + (0.4 * (response2[i].position - 42072))) * 0.52) + "%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position < 42083) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle11.png"); |
tempElement.style.bottom = (step * (response2[i].position + 1 - 42000)) +"%"; |
tempElement.style.right = (24 + (52.9 + (0.5 * (response2[i].position - 42079))) * 0.52) + "%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position <= 42085) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle10.png"); |
tempElement.style.bottom = (step * (response2[i].position + 1 - 42000)) +"%"; |
tempElement.style.right = (24 + (55.5 + (0.6 * (response2[i].position - 42083))) * 0.52) + "%"; |
} |
} |
else if(response2[i].position >= 43000 && response2[i].position <= 43170) |
{ |
tempElement.style.top = ""; |
tempElement.style.bottom = (step * (response2[i].position - 43000)) +"%"; |
if(response2[i].position < 43052 || response2[i].position > 43056) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle4.png"); |
tempElement.style.left = "55.8%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position === 43052) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle20.png"); |
tempElement.style.left = "56.1%"; |
tempElement.style.bottom = (step * (response2[i].position + 1 - 43000)) +"%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position === 43053) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle21.png"); |
tempElement.style.left = "56.35%"; |
tempElement.style.bottom = (step * (response2[i].position + 1 - 43000)) +"%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position === 43054) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle22.png"); |
tempElement.style.left = "56.55%"; |
tempElement.style.bottom = (step * (response2[i].position + 1 - 43000)) +"%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position === 43055) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle23.png"); |
tempElement.style.left = "56.7%"; |
tempElement.style.bottom = (step * (response2[i].position + 1 - 43000)) +"%"; |
} |
else if(response2[i].position === 43056) |
{ |
tempElement.setAttribute("src", "images/vehicle24.png"); |
tempElement.style.left = "57%"; |
tempElement.style.bottom = (step * (response2[i].position + 2 - 43000)) +"%"; |
} |
} |
} |
for(let i = 0; i < vehicleElements.length; i++) |
{ |
let exists = false; |
for(let j = 0; j < response2.length; j++) |
{ |
if(response2[j]._id === vehicleElements[i]._id) |
{ |
exists = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
if(!exists) |
{ |
vehicleElements[i].element.remove(); |
if(vehicleElements.length === 1) |
{ |
vehicleElements.pop(); |
} |
else |
{ |
vehicleElements[i] = vehicleElements.pop(); |
} |
} |
} |
} |