Swarmlab docs

Application development in a distributed system

Development of Distributed Systems from Design to Application

You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

22 lines
741 B

3 years ago
# This file represents "software".
# This file helps show that documentation files can be in the same repository as software.
rescue => ex
context = %(asciidoctor: FAILED: #{attrs['docfile'] || '<stdin>'}: Failed to load AsciiDoc document)
if ex.respond_to? :exception
# The original message must be explicitely preserved when wrapping a Ruby exception
wrapped_ex = ex.exception %(#{context} - #{ex.message})
# JRuby automatically sets backtrace, but not MRI
wrapped_ex.set_backtrace ex.backtrace
# Likely a Java exception class
wrapped_ex = ex.class.new context, ex
wrapped_ex.stack_trace = ex.stack_trace
wrapped_ex = ex
raise wrapped_ex