@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ This goals of this guide(https://open-cloud-guide.dev/[Text^] by IBM / Apache Li
TIP: Why Open Source!
TIP: Why Open Source! (must-see - Highly Recommended)
video::a8fHgx9mE5U[youtube, start=0]
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ Features:
=== Linux containers (Highly Recommended)
=== Linux containers (must-read - Highly Recommended)
* https://www.redhat.com/en/topics/containers/whats-a-linux-container?utm_campaign=containers&intcmp=70160000000h1s6AAA#history-of-containers[A brief history of containers^]
@ -237,13 +241,17 @@ Ansible is an open source automation software promoted by Redhat Corporation. In
Ansible uses the simple programming language YAML to create playbooks for automation.
Ansible has many modules that integrate with the most common cloud solutions such as AWS, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and VMware.
=== https://www.terraform.io/cli[Teraform^]
Terraform is an infrastructure as code software by Hashi Corporation.
It primarily focuses on creating data center infrastructure that is provided by large public clouds. Teraform utilizes JSON language to define infrastructure templates with integrations such as AWS, Azure, GCP, and IBM cloud.
You can find a ready-to-use example for Ansible in swarmlab.io-->Labroom-->Linux in examples directory
* You can find a ready-to-use example for Ansible in swarmlab.io-->Labroom-->Linux in examples directory
* https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/gated-content/ansible_automation_for_sysadmins_v2.pdf[Ansible Automation for SysAdmins]