= project structure and technologies used == Dynamic Structure [.float-group] -- [.right] image::ROOT:swarm-poc.png[float=right] :hardbreaks: {empty} + {empty} :!hardbreaks: .From -> To * [*] monolithic -> networking architecture * [*] static -> Dynamic * [*] host based -> Service based * [*] linear -> agile -- TIP: You will learn to code, coordinate and orchestrate a swarm of self-acting nodes. == Dynamic Instaces [.float-group] -- [.right] image::ROOT:docker-images.png[210,260,float=right] :hardbreaks: {empty} + {empty} :!hardbreaks: Server instances are *platform agnostic container-based applications.* To build a large - scale distributed application we take advantage of standardized code deployments using Docker containers. Docker-based applications can be seamlessly moved from local development machines to production deployments {empty} + -- == Dynamic networks - Swarm [.float-group] -- [.left] image::ROOT:gynamic-swarm.png[320,540,float=right] {empty} + *From Code to full-blown systems* * from a single container on your local machine * to a running cloud native - container-based environment * in the simplest and most logical format as possible. :hardbreaks: {empty} + {empty} {empty} {empty} {empty} Services in a dynamic and Scalable Distributed Architecture {empty} -- == Datacollector structure [.float-group] -- [.right] image::ROOT:swarm-poc1.png[230,280,float=right] :hardbreaks: {empty} + {empty} :!hardbreaks: * (red) Redisserver ** redis sync for readmongo_service and dummy_service * (blue) readmongo_service ** reads data from mongodb (Rest api) *** 1. Webclient -> readmongo_service *** 2. readmongo_service <- mongo *** 3. webclient <- readmongo_service ** reads data from mongodb (socket) *** Webclient <--> readmongo_service <--> redis <--> readmongo_service <--> mongo * (green) dummy_service ** IoT devive or App -> mongo {empty} + TIP: *(red), (blue) and (green) scalable microservices* --