= Sensor node! image::ROOT:swarmlab.png[swarmlab,150,float=right] This tutorial demonstrates: *a.* howto create a mote with Raspberry Pi and Arduino *b.* howto use it A sensor node, also known as a mote, is a node in a sensor network that is capable of performing some processing, gathering sensory information and communicating with other connected nodes == Create a mote with Raspberry Pi The Raspberry Pi is a low-cost credit-card sized single-board computer. The Raspberry Pi was created in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. The Raspberry Pi Foundation's goal is to "advance the education of adults and children, particularly in the field of computers, computer science and related subjects." https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raspberry_Pi[Wikipedia^] .Raspberry Pi 2 Model B image::ROOT:Raspberry_Pi_2_Model_B_v1.1_top_new.jpg[alt="Raspberry Pi 2 Model B"] [NOTE] .Remember ==== A mote is a node but a node is not always a mote! image::ROOT:arduino-connect-pi.jpg[alt="Raspberry Pi and Arduino"] ==== === Install Raspberry Pi ==== Step 1: Download Raspbian https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/[Download^] the Raspbian disc image - Choose Raspbian Lite [NOTE] .Why Raspbian Lite? ==== Because it is a lightweight version of the Raspbian and it doesn’t have a graphical user interface installed. This means that it doesn’t have any unnecessary software installed that we don’t need for our projects, so this makes it the perfect solution for future automation projects. ==== ==== Step 2: Unzip the file - Windows users, you’ll want 7-Zip. - Linux users will use the appropriately named Unzip. ==== Step 3: Write the disc image to your microSD card Next, pop your microSD card into your computer and write the disc image to it. You’ll need a specific program to do this: - Windows users, your answer is https://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/[Win32 Disk Imager^]. - Linux people, https://www.balena.io/etcher/[Etcher – which also works on Windows – is what the Raspberry Pi Foundation recommends^] The process of actually writing the image will be slightly different across these programs, but it’s pretty self-explanatory no matter what you’re using. - Each of these programs will have you select the destination (make sure you’ve picked your microSD card!) and the disc image (the unzipped Raspbian file). - Choose, double-check, and then hit the button to write. ==== Step 4: Enabling SSH - Windows users .Create ssh file (no extension) image::ROOT:ssh-file-to-sd-card.jpg[alt="Create ssh file"] - Linux Users .Create ssh file [source,bash] ---- sudo fdisk -l # find dev and Boot partition sudo mkdir /mnt/sdcardP1 sudo mount /dev/device_partion_boot /mnt/sdcardP1 -rw cd /mnt/sdcardP1 sudo touch ssh ---- ==== Step 5: Put the microSD card in your Pi and boot up Your default credentials are username **pi** and password **raspberry** ==== Step 6: Access via SSH - The boot protocol for the ethernet interface is set to DHCP by default You can find the open SSH ports on your network using the nmap utility: .find ports on Network [source,bash] ---- nmap -p 22 --open -sV ---- You should find your pi listed in the output along with the IP assigned to the pi. - You can change the boot protocol to static and define a static IP address for the pi by editing the ifcfg-eth0 file: .static IP address [source,bash] ---- sudo fdisk -l # find dev and Boot partition sudo mkdir /mnt/sdcardP1 sudo mount /dev/device_partion_ext /mnt/sdcardP1 -rw cd /mnt/sdcardP1 vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 ---- Then edit the file to suit your needs .static IP address [source,bash] ---- DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=static ONBOOT=yes NETWORK= NETMASK= IPADDR= GATEWAY= ---- ==== Step 7: Configure your Raspberry Pi. **raspi-config** is the Raspberry Pi configuration tool .config Pi [source,bash] ---- sudo raspi-config ---- It has the following options available: .config options [source,bash] ---- ┌──────────┤ Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool (raspi-config) ├─┐ │ │ │ 1 Change User Password Change password for the current user │ │ 2 Network Options Configure network settings │ │ 3 Boot Options Configure options for start-up │ │ 4 Localisation Options Set up language and regional settings │ │ 5 Interfacing Options Configure connections to peripherals │ │ 6 Overclock Configure overclocking for your Pi │ │ 7 Advanced Options Configure advanced settings │ │ 8 Update Update this tool to the latest version │ │ 9 About raspi-config Information about this configuration tool │ │ │ │