= Setting Up The Lab Environment == okeanos === Register and Login **** TIP: Learn How to Use it! video::683282520[vimeo] **** === create instance **** TIP: Prepare - Create video::683282520[vimeo,start=61,end=184] **** === Remove instance **** TIP: Prepare - Remove video::683282520[vimeo,start=184] **** === ssh config An SSH server is a software program which uses the secure shell protocol to accept connections from remote computers. SFTP/SCP file transfers and remote terminal connections are popular use cases for an SSH server. image:http://docs.swarmlab.io/SwarmLab-HowTos/labs/sec/ssh-tunneling-1366x416-WPhEwBvP.png[width=400,float="right"] SSH is a standard for secure remote logins and file transfers over untrusted networks. It also provides a way to secure the data traffic of any given application using port forwarding, basically tunneling any TCP/IP port over SSH. This means that the application data traffic is directed to flow inside an encrypted SSH connection so that it cannot be eavesdropped or intercepted while it is in transit. SSH tunneling enables adding network security to legacy applications that do not natively support encryption. http://docs.swarmlab.io/SwarmLab-HowTos/swarmlab/docs/build/site/swarmlab_sec-ssh-tunneling/docs/index.html#_sshd_config_ssh_server_configuration[Learn how to set up an SSH server^] **** TIP: Prepare - Create video::Nb7cHMc4_og[youtube,start=28,end=78] **** **** TIP: Place the public key on Server video::Nb7cHMc4_og[youtube,start=84,end=101] **** **** TIP: How it works video::Nb7cHMc4_og[youtube,start=149,end=295] **** == swarmlab.io-hybrid === Install docker @Linux http://docs.swarmlab.io/SwarmLab-HowTos/swarmlab/docs/swarmlab/docs/install/install-docker.html#linuxnix-installation-of-docker[Install docker @Linux^] **** TIP: Prepare - Linux video::634585353[vimeo,start=2] **** === Install docker @Windows http://docs.swarmlab.io/SwarmLab-HowTos/swarmlab/docs/swarmlab/docs/install/install-hybrid.html#windows[Install docker @Windows^] and http://docs.swarmlab.io/SwarmLab-HowTos/swarmlab/docs/swarmlab/docs/install/install-docker.html#windows-10-with-wsl-version2-enabled[Install docker @Windows^] **** TIP: Prepare - windows video::634585353[vimeo,start=790] **** === Install swarmlab.io-hybrid http://docs.swarmlab.io/SwarmLab-HowTos/swarmlab/docs/swarmlab/docs/install/install-hybrid.html#linux[Install @Linux_and_Windows^] === Start/Stop swarmlab.io-hybrid http://docs.swarmlab.io/SwarmLab-HowTos/swarmlab/docs/swarmlab/docs/install/install-hybrid.html#startstop-service[Start/Stop^] === Start/Stop instance http://docs.swarmlab.io/SwarmLab-HowTos/swarmlab/docs/swarmlab/docs/hybrid/start-microservices.html[Start/stop Instance] == Tasks Make sure you have enough practice in the following tasks: * Create a instance @cloud * Config SSH and secure connect * Create a instance @home * Config and connect