= List! == Docker * https://www.cloudbees.com/blog/why-docker[Docker^] == Intro docker * https://www.compose-spec.io/[docker-compose^] * https://github.com/veggiemonk/awesome-docker[github docker-compose^] * https://twitter.com/awesome_docker[github awesome docker] === Learn to build and deploy your distributed applications easily to the cloud with Docker * https://docker-curriculum.com/[HowTo] == Next Step DockerSwarm **** TIP: DockerSwarm video::Tm0Q5zr3FL4[youtube, start=0] **** * https://www.simplilearn.com/tutorials/docker-tutorial/docker-swarm[docker-swarm tutorial^] === Getting started with swarm - official from docker * https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/swarm-tutorial/https://k21academy.com/docker-kubernetes/docker-swarm/[docker-swarm^] === Replicability, use the same files as when developing locally. * https://dockerswarm.rocks/[dockerswarm.rocks^] === Open Source Cloud Guide from IBM * https://open-cloud-guide.dev/[open-cloud guide^] === Alternatives * https://www.nomadproject.io/[monad^] * https://dev.to/stevenmcgown/kubernetes-for-dummies-5hmh[kubernetes^] === Raft consensus in swarm mode * https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/raft/[raft^] * https://raft.github.io/[raft github^] * http://thesecretlivesofdata.com/raft/[raft demo^] == Next Step Storage **** TIP: Storage video::W2Z7fbCLSTw[youtube, start=0] **** === Generic * https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/replication/[Mongo replica^] * https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/capped-collections/[mongo capped^] === On memory - Key-value * https://redis.io/topics/cluster-tutorial[Redis cluster^] * https://redis.io/[redis server^] * https://www.instaclustr.com/blog/redis-vs-memcached/[redis vs memcached^] * https://etcd.io/[etcd^] **** TIP: etcd video::OmphHSaO1sE[youtube, start=0] **** **** TIP: redis video::G1rOthIU-uo[youtube, start=0] **** *etcd vs. Redis* Like etcd, Redis is an open source tool, but their basic functionalities are different. [cols="1,1"] |=== |Redis|etcd | Redis is an in-memory data store and can function as a database, cache, or message broker. Redis supports a wider variety of data types and structures than etcd and has much faster read/write performance. | etcd has superior fault tolerance, stronger failover and continuous data availability capabilities. |Redis is better suited for serving as a distributed memory caching system than for storing and distributed system configuration information. |etcd persists all stored data to disk. |=== === Sharing ==== NFS * https://cloud.netapp.com/blog/azure-anf-blg-linux-nfs-server-how-to-set-up-server-and-client[NFS^] * https://www.gluster.org/[GlusterFS^] == Deploy * https://www.compose-spec.io/[docker-compose^] **** TIP: Deploy video::zLltQxVb3NI[youtube, start=0] **** https://12factor.net/[12factor^] == Development - From Design to Application === programming language ==== nodeJS **** TIP: NodeJS video::ENrzD9HAZK4[youtube, start=0] **** * https://nodejs.org/en/[nodeJS^] * https://p5js.org/[p5js^] * https://threejs.org/[threejs^] ==== python * https://www.python.org/[python^] === Big data and Scientific analysis * https://numpy.org/[numpy^] * https://scipy.org/[scipy^] * https://jupyter.org/[jupyter^] === Rest API **** TIP: Rest api video::s7wmiS2mSXY[youtube, start=0] **** === Sockets **** TIP: Sockets video::ZBM28ZPlin8[youtube, start=0] **** * https://socket.io/[socket.io^] == Auth * https://oauth.net/2/[auth2^] * https://oauth.net/code/nodejs/[Nodejs auth library^] === Auth server * https://www.keycloak.org/[auth2 server^] == Security VPN etc * https://www.wireguard.com/[simply the best VPN out there^] == POC === netflix **** TIP: Netflix video::CZ3wIuvmHeM[youtube, start=0] **** 6:50 monolithic 8:24 minroservices 19:00 microservice see also 37:00 https://netflix.github.io/[netflix github^]