Swarmlab docs

Application development in a distributed system

Development of Distributed Systems from Design to Application

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= Guide to open source development in the cloud!
An https://developer.ibm.com/blogs/oreilly-open-source-skill-survey-blog/[O’Reilly survey^], commissioned by IBM in Fall 2020, pointed out that, when choosing cloud providers, 70% of respondents prefer one based on open source. The survey went on to say:
TIP: Developers who want to develop cloud applications should work on honing their open source skills, which underly every major cloud platform, instead of only focusing on building skills for a proprietary cloud.
The most desirable open source skills are those related to *Linux (containers)*, *artificial intelligence* and *machine learning*, and *data storage.*
This goals of this guide(https://open-cloud-guide.dev/[Text^] by IBM / Apache Licensed, 2021) are to provide:
* Comprehensive learning for hybrid cloud and multicloud developers.
* A cloud-neutral view of how various clouds are using open source in their offerings.
TIP: Why Open Source!
video::a8fHgx9mE5U[youtube, start=0]
Open source refers to an *openly distributed* program code (including codes that are *free of charge*) that can be *utilized* and *modified* by the end user *without restriction.*
== Docker
* https://www.cloudbees.com/blog/why-docker[Docker^]
== Intro docker
* https://www.compose-spec.io/[docker-compose^]
* https://github.com/veggiemonk/awesome-docker[github docker-compose^]
* https://twitter.com/awesome_docker[github awesome docker]
=== Learn to build and deploy your distributed applications easily to the cloud with Docker
* https://docker-curriculum.com/[HowTo]
== Alternatives to Docker
TIP: https://apptainer.org/docs/admin/main/[Apptainer/Singularity] - Best Container system for HPC
Singularity can be used with Docker images. This feature was included because developers use and really like using Docker and scientists have already put much resources into creating Docker images.
* Use a Docker image instantly as a Singularity image
* Pull a Docker image
* Build images with bases from assembled Docker layers
== Next Step DockerSwarm
TIP: DockerSwarm
video::Tm0Q5zr3FL4[youtube, start=0]
* https://www.simplilearn.com/tutorials/docker-tutorial/docker-swarm[docker-swarm tutorial^]
=== Getting started with swarm - official from docker
* https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/swarm-tutorial/https://k21academy.com/docker-kubernetes/docker-swarm/[docker-swarm^]
=== Replicability, use the same files as when developing locally.
* https://dockerswarm.rocks/[dockerswarm.rocks^]
=== Alternatives
* https://www.nomadproject.io/[monad^]
* https://dev.to/stevenmcgown/kubernetes-for-dummies-5hmh[kubernetes^]
=== Raft consensus in swarm mode
* https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/raft/[raft^]
* https://raft.github.io/[raft github^]
* http://thesecretlivesofdata.com/raft/[raft demo^]
== Next Step Storage
TIP: Storage
video::W2Z7fbCLSTw[youtube, start=0]
=== Generic
* https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/replication/[Mongo replica^]
* https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/capped-collections/[mongo capped^]
=== On memory - Key-value
* https://redis.io/topics/cluster-tutorial[Redis cluster^]
* https://redis.io/[redis server^]
* https://www.instaclustr.com/blog/redis-vs-memcached/[redis vs memcached^]
* https://etcd.io/[etcd^]
TIP: etcd
video::OmphHSaO1sE[youtube, start=0]
TIP: redis
video::G1rOthIU-uo[youtube, start=0]
*etcd vs. Redis*
Like etcd, Redis is an open source tool, but their basic functionalities are different.
| Redis is an in-memory data store and can function as a database, cache, or message broker. Redis supports a wider variety of data types and structures than etcd and has much faster read/write performance.
| etcd has superior fault tolerance, stronger failover and continuous data availability capabilities.
|Redis is better suited for serving as a distributed memory caching system than for storing and distributed system configuration information.
|etcd persists all stored data to disk.
=== Sharing
==== NFS
* https://cloud.netapp.com/blog/azure-anf-blg-linux-nfs-server-how-to-set-up-server-and-client[NFS^]
* https://www.gluster.org/[GlusterFS^]
* https://github.com/minio/minio[Minio^]
== Deploy
* https://www.compose-spec.io/[docker-compose^]
TIP: Deploy
video::zLltQxVb3NI[youtube, start=0]
== Development - From Design to Application
=== programming language
==== nodeJS
video::ENrzD9HAZK4[youtube, start=0]
* https://nodejs.org/en/[nodeJS^]
==== python
* https://www.python.org/[python^]
=== Big data and Scientific analysis
* https://numpy.org/[numpy^]
* https://scipy.org/[scipy^]
* https://jupyter.org/[jupyter^]
=== Html5 graphical librarys
* https://p5js.org/[p5js^]
* https://threejs.org/[threejs^]
=== Rest API
TIP: Rest api
video::s7wmiS2mSXY[youtube, start=0]
=== Sockets
TIP: Sockets
video::ZBM28ZPlin8[youtube, start=0]
* https://socket.io/[socket.io^]
== Auth
* https://oauth.net/2/[auth2^]
* https://oauth.net/code/nodejs/[Nodejs auth library^]
=== Auth server
* https://www.keycloak.org/[auth2 server^]
== Security VPN etc
* https://www.wireguard.com/[simply the best VPN out there^]
== POC
=== netflix
TIP: Netflix
video::CZ3wIuvmHeM[youtube, start=0]
6:50 monolithic
8:24 minroservices
19:00 microservice
see also 37:00
https://netflix.github.io/[netflix github^]
== Open Source Cloud Guide from IBM
* https://open-cloud-guide.dev/[open-cloud guide^]