Swarmlab docs

Application development in a distributed system

Development of Distributed Systems from Design to Application

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= CaaS - OS Admin
== Playbook
- hosts: service
remote_user: docker
gather_facts: no
user: "docker"
# ------------------------
# apt update
# -------------------------
- name: apt update packages
become: true
update_cache: 'yes'
force_apt_get: 'yes'
upgrade: 'dist'
cache_valid_time: 3600
install_recommends: true
autoremove: true
# ------------------------
# apt install packages
# -------------------------
- name: apt install packages
become: true
update_cache: 'yes'
force_apt_get: 'yes'
install_recommends: true
autoremove: true
name: "{{ packages }}"
- build-essential
- git
- flex
- bison
- traceroute
- curl
- lynx
- ruby
- ruby-dev
# ------------------------
# directory4example fluentd
# -------------------------
- name: make /var/log-in
become: true
path: "/var/log-in"
state: directory
owner: docker
group: docker
mode: '0777'
# ------------------------
# gem begin
# -------------------------
- name: make dir for gem
become: true
path: "/home/docker/.gem"
state: directory
owner: docker
group: docker
mode: '0755'
- name: gem install fluentd
#become: true
name: fluentd
version: 1.12.0
state: present
CONFIGURE_OPTS: '--disable-install-doc'
PATH: '/home/docker/.gem/ruby/2.5.0/bin:{{ ansible_env.PATH }}'
- name: gem install fluent-plugin-mongo
#become: true
name: fluent-plugin-mongo
state: present
- name: gem install oj
#become: true
name: oj
state: present
- name: gem install json
#become: true
name: json
state: present
- name: gem install async-http
#become: true
name: async-http
version: 0.54.0
state: present
- name: gem install ext-monitor
#become: true
name: ext_monitor
version: 0.1.2
state: present
# ------------------------
# gem end
# -------------------------
# ------------------------
# add group
# -------------------------
# - name: add group fluent
# become: true
# group:
# name: fluent
# state: present
# ------------------------
# add user
# -------------------------
# - name: add user gem
# become: true
# user:
# name: fluent
# group: fluent
# ------------------------
# mkdir directory4 fluent
# -------------------------
- name: make dir fluentd
become: true
path: "/fluentd/etc"
state: directory
owner: docker
group: docker
mode: '0755'
- name: make dir fluentd
become: true
path: "/fluentd/plugins"
state: directory
owner: docker
group: docker
mode: '0755'
# ------------------------
# cp fluentd.conf
# -------------------------
- name: cp fluentd.conf
become: true
src: "./files/fluent.conf"
dest: /fluentd/etc/fluent.conf
owner: docker
group: docker
mode: 0755
# ------------------------
# start fluentd
# -------------------------
- name: start fluentd background
shell: nohup /home/docker/.gem/ruby/2.5.0/bin/fluentd -c /fluentd/etc/fluent.conf -vv </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &
# ------------------------
# example4net tcpdump example
# -------------------------
# - name: google.com
# become: yes
# become_user: "{{ user }}"
# command: curl http://www.google.com
# ignore_errors: yes
# register: configwww
# - name: ls configwww
# debug: var=configwww.stdout_lines
# - name: ls -al /var/lab/playground/playground-readmongo/
# become: yes
# become_user: "{{ user }}"
# #command: ls -al /var/lab/playground/playground-readmongo
# command: netstat -antlupe
# ignore_errors: yes
# register: config
# - name: ls config
# debug: var=config.stdout_lines
# - name: Refresh connection
# meta: clear_host_errors
== Playbook files
=== fluentd conf file
# config
<match debug.*>
@type stdout
# input
@type tail
path /var/log/*.log
path_key tailed_path
tag stats.node
# parse json
@type json
pos_file /tmp/fluentd--1605454018.pos
# input
@type tail
path /var/log-in/*/*
path_key tailed_path
tag log.node
# parse none
@type none
pos_file /tmp/fluentd--1605454014.pos
# output http
<match log.*>
@type copy
# <store>
# @type mongo_replset
# database fluent
# collection logs
# nodes ondemand_mongo1:27017,ondemand_mongo2:27017,ondemand_mongo3:27017,ondemand_mongo4:27017,ondemand_mongo5:27017,ondemand_mongo6:27017,ondemand_mongo7:27017
# user myusername
# password mypassword
# replica_set rs1
# num_retries 60
# capped
# capped_size 100m
# <buffer>
# flush_interval 20s
# </buffer>
# </store>
@type stdout
@type file
path /tmp/mylog
timekey 1d
timekey_use_utc true
timekey_wait 10s
<match stats.*>
@type copy
@type stdout