You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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= Quickstart
:idseparator: -
This is where your wondeful journey in the vast world of Swarmlab begins.
== Senario 1
* you are a *teacher* and want to prepare your lesson
** create exercises and examples
** share them with your students
* you are a *student* and want to try your newly acquired knowledge on some project
* you are a *Developer* and would like to denug your application or a real world senario
** you want to provide POC
* you are a *user* and just want to try out stuff
** you want to play around with examples but are too scared to do so on your system
Well this is where you start!
=== link:hybrid/start-labroom.html[start labroom]
=== link:hybrid/start-storage.html[start storage]
=== link:hybrid/start-microservices.html[start service]
== Senario 2
You have already completed senario 1 (using swarmlab or you own resources) and would now like to collaborate with others.
* as a teacher you would like to share the lesson you have prepared and work on it throughout the semester
* as a developer you want to coordinate with your team
* as a student you want to communicate and cooperate with your friends
Lets begin!
=== create network
=== invite
=== share
==== app
==== volume