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27 lines
687 B

. ./user.config
. ../Makefile.variable
echo '[service]' > ./inventory.yml
echo "$RSERVER" >> ./inventory.yml
/bin/rm -f files/$RUSER
/bin/rm -f files/$
/bin/rm -f files/authorized_keys
ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -f files/$RUSER -q -N ""
/bin/cp -f files/$ files/authorized_keys
ansible-playbook -u $USER -i inventory.yml ./adduser/run.yml -f 5 --private-key=$PKEY --extra-vars "ruser=$RUSER rpassword=$RPASSWORD"
/bin/cp -f files/$RUSER /data/appl/vpn/server-esxi-keys/$RUSER
/bin/cp -f files/$ /data/appl/vpn/server-esxi-keys/$
/bin/rm -f files/$RUSER
/bin/rm -f files/$
/bin/rm -f files/authorized_keys