@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ This is a quickstart guide of how you can typically use this *LabInstance to dep |
- The host file that contains addresses of connected workers can created with: |
> IP_ADDR=$(ip addr show | grep "inet " | grep "eth0" | awk '{print $2}') |
> |
> nmap -sP $IP_ADDR | grep ondemand_mpi_worker | awk -F "[()]" '{ for (i=2; i<NF; i+=2) print $i }' > /project/hosts |
- Compile |
@ -38,13 +39,9 @@ This is a quickstart guide of how you can typically use this *LabInstance to dep |
sudo -u mpi mpirun -n 10 -f /project/hosts /project/mpi_hello_world |
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**Note** |
{: .panel-heading} |
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--- |
**NOTE** |
```bash |
# scp hello wrold to all clients. sudo -u mpi for auto scp connect. see /home/mpi/.ssh |
@ -53,6 +50,5 @@ while read -r line; |
sudo -u mpi scp /project/mpi_hello_world mpi@$line:/project/mpi_hello_world |
done < /project/hosts |
``` |
--- |
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</div> |