# Python-based ecosystem of open-source software for mathematics, science, engineering and Web development ## Instance of Ubuntu with Python-based tools and Spyder scientific environment *A vlab enviroment ready for learning* This is designed to help you with: - NumPy - SciPy library - Matplotlib - IPython - SymPy - pandas - pandas - Django > > You can learn your own pace regardless of tutor lessons. > > Our vlabs allow for design and trial or real world applications. > > Not being affraid of making mistakes > ## VLAB Info - We have one master and multiple workers. - We get initial access to the master and from there we can use the workers. - Inside the master we have user access while in our workers we have sudo access whithout password. ![Vlab](images/swarmlab-network.png "") > ### NOTE > > Vlabs are reset every night around 02:00! > >> If you would like to keep your work please refer to "publish". > > Vlabs dont have firewall restrictions BUT the machines are not exposed to the internet. > > You share all machines so please be cooperative and discrete. > ## Quickstart This is a quickstart guide of howto use this *Lab* ### Default Configuration #### Working Directory > /home/ubuntu #### Default user > ubuntu #### Publish Your Work ```bash mkdir /home/ubuntu/directory put your files and other directories into /home/ubuntu/directory swarmlab-publish /home/ubuntu/directory open URL in Browser ``` #### Find lab workers The host file that contains addresses of connected workers can be created with: > > swarmlab-getworkers > /home/ubuntu/invhosts > #### connect to workers ```bash ssh ubuntu@[IP] Info: user has sudo privileges without a password ```