2 changed files with 570 additions and 517 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,563 @@ |
"use strict" |
var pathmodule = require('path'); |
var app = require('express')(); |
var http = require('http').Server(app); |
var https = require('https'); |
var io = require('socket.io')(http); |
//import { createAdapter } from 'socket.io-redis';
const createAdapter = require('socket.io-redis'); |
//import { RedisClient } from 'redis';
const RedisClient = require("redis"); |
const pubClient = RedisClient.createClient({ |
host: 'redisserver', |
port: 6379, |
}); |
//const pubClient = new RedisClient({ host: 'localhost', port: 6379 });
const subClient = pubClient.duplicate(); |
io.adapter(createAdapter({ pubClient, subClient })); |
pubClient.on("connect", function() { |
console.log("You are now connected"); |
}); |
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient; |
var async = require("async"); |
const { check, validationResult } = require('express-validator'); |
const urlExistSync = require("url-exist-sync"); |
var express = require('express'); |
app.use(express.json()); |
const axios = require('axios'); |
axios.defaults.timeout = 30000 |
const helmet = require('helmet'); |
app.use(helmet()); |
const cors = require('cors') |
const whitelist = [ |
'http://localhost:8080', |
'http://localhost:3080', |
'http://localhost:3081', |
'http://localhost:3082' |
] |
const corsOptions = { |
credentials: true, |
methods: ['GET', 'PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS'], |
optionsSuccessStatus: 200, // some legacy browsers (IE11, various SmartTVs) choke on 204
allowedHeaders: [ |
'Content-Type', |
'Authorization', |
'X-Requested-With', |
'device-remember-token', |
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin', |
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers', |
'Origin', |
'Accept' |
], |
origin: function(origin, callback) { |
if (whitelist.indexOf(origin) !== -1) { |
callback(null, true) |
} else { |
callback(null, true) |
//callback(new Error('Not allowed by CORS'))
} |
} |
} |
// ***************************************************
// checktoken
// ***************************************************
async function checkToken(token) { |
const agent = new https.Agent({ |
rejectUnauthorized: false, |
}); |
const instance = axios.create({ |
baseURL: 'https://api.swarmlab.io', |
withCredentials: true, |
rejectUnauthorized: false, |
crossdomain: true, |
httpsAgent: agent, |
headers: { |
'Accept': 'application/json', |
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data', |
'Authorization': 'Bearer '+token |
} |
}) |
try { |
var pipelines = { |
"source":'ssologin' |
} |
var params = { |
pipeline: pipelines |
} |
var options = { |
headers: { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',Authorization: `Bearer ${token}` }, |
}; |
instance.defaults.timeout = 30000; |
const res = await instance.post('/istokenvalidsso',params,options); |
if(res.status == 200){ |
//console.log("check " +JSON.stringify(res.data))
return res.data |
}else{ |
console.log("noerror: " + res) |
return res.status |
} |
} |
catch (err) { |
console.error("error: "+err); |
var error = new Object(); |
error.action = '401' |
return error |
} |
} |
function convertDateToUTC(date) { |
return new Date(date.getUTCFullYear(), date.getUTCMonth(), date.getUTCDate(), date.getUTCHours(), date.getUTCMinutes(), date.getUTCSeconds(),date.getUTCMilliseconds()); |
} |
// ***************************************************
// get pipelines
// ***************************************************
async function getpipelines(token,pipelinename) { |
const agent = new https.Agent({ |
rejectUnauthorized: false, |
}); |
const instance = axios.create({ |
baseURL: 'https://api.swarmlab.io', |
withCredentials: true, |
rejectUnauthorized: false, |
crossdomain: true, |
httpsAgent: agent, |
headers: { |
'Accept': 'application/json', |
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data', |
'Authorization': 'Bearer '+token |
} |
}) |
/* |
var params = { |
playbook: value |
} |
var options = { |
params: params, |
headers: { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',Authorization: `Bearer ${token}` }, |
}; |
const playbook = await api.GET('playbookCode',options); |
return playbook |
*/ |
try { |
var pipelines = { |
"querytokenFilter":'uWr4FKRqrmpCRkJ9WLuI0DNuDWOGTkfcSzyZkJirZvJwwFDffLWrraqzzSPLeuQqL3TF9', |
"filter":pipelinename |
} |
//var params = {
// pipeline: pipelines
// }
var params = { |
querytokenFilter:'uWr4FKRqrmpCRkJ9WLuI0DNuDWOGTkfcSzyZkJirZvJwwFDffLWrraqzzSPLeuQqL3TF9', |
filter:pipelinename |
} |
var options = { |
params: params, |
headers: { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',Authorization: `Bearer ${token}` }, |
}; |
instance.defaults.timeout = 30000; |
//const res = await instance.get('/getplaygrounds',params,options);
const res = await instance.get('/getplaygrounds',options); |
if(res.status == 200){ |
return res.data |
}else{ |
console.log("noerror: " + res) |
return res.status |
} |
} |
catch (err) { |
console.error("error: "+err); |
var error = new Object(); |
error.action = '401' |
return error |
} |
} |
global.online='ob'; |
global.pipelines=[]; |
function sendlog(reslog,pathfileval){ |
var usertmp = global.pipelines.find(x => x.pathlogfile==pathfileval); |
//for (var key in usertmp.data){
var user = usertmp.data[0].user25user; |
// if(usertmp.data){
console.log('-----------------------' + JSON.stringify(usertmp)); |
io.in(user).emit("logdata", reslog); |
// }
} |
function onlogfile(path){ |
console.log('File', path, 'has been added'); |
var pathfileval = pathmodule.basename(path); |
var arrfile = pathfileval.toString().split("-"); |
var pathfile = arrfile[0]; |
var indexfind1 = global.pipelines.findIndex(x => x.pathlogfile==pathfileval); |
console.log('file11111111111111111111111111111111 ' + JSON.stringify(pathfileval)) |
if (indexfind1 === -1 ){ |
(async() => { |
console.log('file2222222222222222222222222222222222222 ' + JSON.stringify(pathfileval)) |
var token = "d2539e5a7ae1f9f1b0eb2b8f22ca467a86d28407"; // desto
var resdata = await getpipelines(token,pathfile) |
//resdata.data.pathlogfile = 'test'
var resob = {} |
resob.pathlogfile = pathfileval |
var resobarray = [] |
for (let i in resdata.data) { |
var resob1 = {} |
resob1.data = resdata.data[i].res25swarmlabname |
resob1.user25user = resdata.data[i].res25user |
resob1.res25creator = resdata.data[i].res25creator |
resob1.res25fileforce = resdata.data[i].res25fileforce |
resobarray.push(resob1) |
} |
resob.data = resobarray |
var indexfind = global.pipelines.findIndex(x => x.pathlogfile==pathfileval); |
indexfind === -1 ? global.pipelines.push(resob) : console.log("object already exists "+pathfileval) |
})() |
} |
} |
// ***************************************************
// rest get
// ***************************************************
app.get('/run', [ |
//check('access_token').isLength({ min: 40 }),
], |
cors(corsOptions), (req, res, next) => { |
(async() => { |
var mongourl = "mongodb://playgrounduser:efvvnuioervefSDFSGYGHRDFVsdfergvssppiiedifhwincvinviw_dbfjbsifbsdkjfswuunscfudfgbbfvibqefwrvnine@ondemand_playground_mongo1:27017,ondemand_playground_mongo2:27017,ondemand_playground_mongo3:27017,ondemand_playground_mongo4:27017,ondemand_playground_mongo5:27017,ondemand_playground_mongo6:27017,ondemand_playground_mongo7:27017/fluent?replicaSet=rs1" |
const OPTS = { |
useNewUrlParser: true, |
useUnifiedTopology: true |
}; |
MongoClient.connect(mongourl, OPTS, function(err, client){ |
if(err){ |
console.log(err); |
} else { |
const db = client.db('fluent'); |
//db.collection('log', onCollection);
console.log(JSON.stringify('mongo connected')) |
var stream = db.collection('logs').find({}, { |
tailable: true, |
awaitdata: true |
/* other options */ |
}).stream(); |
stream.on('data', function (doc) { |
console.log(JSON.stringify(doc)) |
//socket.write(JSON.stringify({'action': 'log','param': doc.log}));
}); |
} |
}); |
var RES = new Object(); |
RES.code = req.query["filter"] |
RES.token = req.query["filter"] |
var isvalid = await checkToken(RES.token); |
if(isvalid.action == 'ok'){ |
console.log("Authserver ok " + RES.token); |
}else{ |
console.log("Authserver no " + RES.token); |
} |
RES.error = false |
RES.error_msg = "ok" |
res.json(RES) |
})() |
}); |
// ***************************************************
// rest post
// ***************************************************
app.post('/run', [ |
//check('access_token').isLength({ min: 40 }),
], |
cors(corsOptions), (req, res, next) => { |
(async() => { |
//console.log("mongo "+JSON.stringify(req.body));
//console.log("LOG "+JSON.stringify(req.body[0].message));
//console.log("PATH "+JSON.stringify(req.body[0].tailed_path));
for (var i = 0; i < req.body.length; i++){ |
//var getpath = await onlogfile(req.body[i].tailed_path)
var path = req.body[i].tailed_path |
console.log('File', path, 'has been added'); |
var pathfileval = pathmodule.basename(path); |
var arrfile = pathfileval.toString().split("-"); |
var pathfile = arrfile[0]; |
var indexfind1 = global.pipelines.findIndex(x => x.pathlogfile==pathfileval); |
console.log('file11111111111111111111111111111111 ' + JSON.stringify(pathfileval)) |
if (indexfind1 === -1 ){ |
(async() => { |
console.log('file2222222222222222222222222222222222222 ' + JSON.stringify(pathfileval)) |
var token = "d2539e5a7ae1f9f1b0eb2b8f22ca467a86d28407"; // desto
var resdata = await getpipelines(token,pathfile) |
//resdata.data.pathlogfile = 'test'
var resob = {} |
resob.pathlogfile = pathfileval |
var resobarray = [] |
for (let i in resdata.data) { |
var resob1 = {} |
resob1.data = resdata.data[i].res25swarmlabname |
resob1.user25user = resdata.data[i].res25user |
resob1.res25creator = resdata.data[i].res25creator |
resob1.res25fileforce = resdata.data[i].res25fileforce |
resobarray.push(resob1) |
} |
resob.data = resobarray |
//var indexfind = global.pipelines.findIndex(x => x.res25swarmlabname==resdata.data[0].res25swarmlabname);
var indexfind = global.pipelines.findIndex(x => x.pathlogfile==pathfileval); |
//indexfind === -1 ? global.pipelines.push({resob}) : console.log("object already exists")
indexfind === -1 ? global.pipelines.push(resob) : console.log("object already exists "+pathfileval) |
//console.log('info', JSON.stringify(resdata));
//console.log('info------------- ', JSON.stringify(global.pipelines));
})() |
} |
var obj = req.body[i]; |
//var indexfind = global.pipelines.findIndex(x => x.res25swarmlabname==resdata.data.res25swarmlabname);
//indexfind === -1 ? global.pipelines.push(resob) : console.log("object already exists")
var now = new Date(); |
var reslog = new Object(); |
reslog.log = obj |
reslog.date = convertDateToUTC(now) |
console.log(reslog); |
var pathfileval = pathmodule.basename(reslog.log.tailed_path); |
var indexfind = global.pipelines.findIndex(x => x.pathlogfile==pathfileval); |
//indexfind === -1 ? sendlog(reslog,pathfileval) : console.log("object already exists")
indexfind === -1 ? console.log("object not found") : sendlog(reslog,pathfileval) |
console.log("IOT "+JSON.stringify(reslog.log.tailed_path)); |
console.log("IOTindexfind "+JSON.stringify(indexfind)); |
console.log("IOTuser "+JSON.stringify(global.pipelines)); |
// io.in("iot").emit("message", reslog);
// io.emit("logdata", reslog);
} |
})() |
//io.in("iot").emit("message", RES);
console.error('socket POST from client'); |
var RES = new Object(); |
RES.error = false |
RES.error_msg = "ok" |
RES.msg = req.body[0].messsage |
res.json(RES) |
}); |
// ***************************************************
// socket
// ***************************************************
io.origins('*:*') // for latest version
function onCollection(err, collection) { |
let options = { tailable: true, |
awaitdata: true, |
numberOfRetries: -1, |
tailableRetryInterval: 500 |
}; |
var cursor = collection.find({},options).stream(); |
var itemsProcessed = 0; |
var reslog = new Object(); |
var now = new Date(); |
cursor.on('data', function (data) { |
console.log('+++++++++ondata<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<' + data); |
io.in('anagnostopoulos@uniwa.gr').emit("logdata", data); |
var pathfileval = pathmodule.basename(data.tailed_path); |
var arrfile = pathfileval.toString().split("-"); |
var pathfile = arrfile[0]; |
var indexupdate = true |
var resob = {} |
//var indexfind1 = global.pipelines.findIndex(x => x.pathlogfile==pathfileval);
pubClient.get(pathfileval, function(err, object) { |
if(object){ |
indexupdate = false |
}else{ |
console.log('redis '+JSON.stringify(object)); |
} |
}); |
if (indexupdate ){ |
(async() => { |
var token = "d2539e5a7ae1f9f1b0eb2b8f22ca467a86d28407"; // desto
var resdata = await getpipelines(token,pathfile) |
resob.pathlogfile = pathfileval |
var resobarray = [] |
var resob1 = {} |
var i = 0 |
resob1.data = resdata.data[i].res25swarmlabname |
resob1.user25user = resdata.data[i].res25user |
resob1.res25creator = resdata.data[i].res25creator |
resob1.res25fileforce = resdata.data[i].res25fileforce |
resob1.tailed_path = pathfileval |
var resob1string = JSON.stringify(resob1); |
console.log('+++++++++++++++++' + resob1string + '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<' + pathfileval); |
pubClient.set(pathfileval, resob1string, function(err, res) { |
}); |
reslog.data = resob1 |
reslog.log = data |
reslog.date = convertDateToUTC(now) |
var user = resob1.res25creator |
console.log('datauser ' + JSON.stringify(user)); |
//io.in(user).emit("logdata", reslog);
var user = 'anagnostopoulos@uniwa.gr' |
io.in(user).emit("logdata", reslog); |
itemsProcessed++; |
})() |
}else{ |
pubClient.get(pathfileval, function(err, object) { |
var resob1 = {} |
var i = 0 |
resob1.data = object.res25swarmlabname |
resob1.user25user = object.res25user |
resob1.res25creator = object.res25creator |
resob1.res25fileforce = object.res25fileforce |
resob1.tailed_path = object.tailed_path |
reslog.data = resob1 |
reslog.log = data |
reslog.date = convertDateToUTC(now) |
console.log('>>>>>>>>>>2222222222222>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> '+JSON.stringify(object)); |
var user = object.user25user |
io.in(user).emit("logdata", reslog); |
itemsProcessed++; |
}); |
} |
}); |
setInterval(function () { |
console.log('itemsProcessed', itemsProcessed); |
}, 1000); |
} |
var mongourl = "mongodb://playgrounduser:efvvnuioervefSDFSGYGHRDFVsdfergvssppiiedifhwincvinviw_dbfjbsifbsdkjfswuunscfudfgbbfvibqefwrvnine@ondemand_playground_mongo1:27017,ondemand_playground_mongo2:27017,ondemand_playground_mongo3:27017,ondemand_playground_mongo4:27017,ondemand_playground_mongo5:27017,ondemand_playground_mongo6:27017,ondemand_playground_mongo7:27017/fluent?replicaSet=rs1" |
const OPTS = { |
useNewUrlParser: true, |
useUnifiedTopology: true |
}; |
var mongooptions = { |
autoReconnect: true, |
keepAlive: 1, |
connectTimeoutMS: 30000, |
socketTimeoutMS: 0 |
} |
MongoClient.connect(mongourl, OPTS, function(err, client){ |
if(err){ |
console.log(err); |
} else { |
const db = client.db('fluent'); |
db.collection('logs', onCollection); |
} |
}); |
io.on('connection', s => { |
console.error('socket connection'); |
// ------------------------------
// --- set
// ------------------------------
var usersession = new Object(); |
usersession.SOCKET = {}; |
usersession.SOCKET.error = {}; |
console.error('socket ...'); |
s.auth = false; |
// ------------------------------
// --- authenticate
// ------------------------------
s.on('authenticate', function(data){ |
const token = data |
console.log('invalid 1 ' + token); |
(async() => { |
var isvalid = await checkToken(token); |
if(isvalid.action == 'ok'){ |
console.log("Authserver ok ", s.id + ' - ' + token); |
usersession.SOCKET.user = isvalid.user |
usersession.SOCKET.scope = isvalid.scope // space delimeter
usersession.SOCKET.token = isvalid.token |
s.auth = true; |
}else{ |
console.log("Authserver no ", s.id + ' - ' + token); |
s.auth = false; |
} |
})() |
}); |
setTimeout(function(){ |
if (!s.auth) { |
console.log("Disconnecting timeout socket ", s.id); |
s.disconnect('unauthorized'); |
}else{ |
var room = usersession.SOCKET.user |
//s.on("subscribe", function (room) {
// console.log("joining room", room);
s.join(room); |
// });
} |
}, 30000); |
var id = s.id |
s.on('log', obj => { |
console.error('from client '+ s.id + ' obj ' + obj); |
}); |
}); |
http.listen(3000, () => console.error('listening on http://localhost:3000/')); |
console.error('socket.io example'); |
Reference in new issue