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4.9 KiB

:description: IoT Example
:keywords: iot, swarmlab
:toc: right
:toc-title: Table of contents
:toclevels: 4
:source-highlighter: highlight
:icons: font

{empty} +

== Connect to socket Server

Does something asynchronously and executes the EventBus on completion.

this.SwarmabAsciiLabTemplate = {
"iot5": {
"id": 5,
"name": "auto5",
"img": "rinse.png",
"Servicios": [
this.$root.$emit('iot_add', this.SwarmabAsciiLabTemplate) // <1>
<1> EventBus is used for parent/child component communication.

- *File:* /data/appl/ok/swarmlab-iot-example/browser-client/src/App.vue
- *Line:* 131
- *Code:* async connect_to_iot(iot) {

== socketclose()


- *File:* /data/appl/ok/swarmlab-iot-example/browser-client/src/components/doclive/runLlo.vue
- *Line:* 101
- *Code:* async socketclose () {

== Socket subscribe

this.$root.$on('iot_add', (v) => { // <1>
den to perni sdfsf
<1> EventBus is used for parent/child component communication.

- *File:* /data/appl/ok/swarmlab-iot-example/browser-client/src/components/doclive/runLlo.vue
- *Line:* 123
- *Code:* mounted() {

== Destroy EventBus

See[Vue.js Lifecycle Hooks^].


- beforeDestroy is fired right before teardown. Your component will still be fully present and functional.

this.$root.$off('iot_add') // <1>
<1> EventBus is used for parent/child component communication.

- *File:* /data/appl/ok/swarmlab-iot-example/browser-client/src/components/doclive/runLlo.vue
- *Line:* 157
- *Code:* beforeDestroy () {

== Open a socket

See[ Vue.js Lifecycle Hooks^]


- You are able to access reactive data and events that are active with the created hook. Templates and Virtual DOM have not yet been mounted or rendered:


- *File:* /data/appl/ok/swarmlab-iot-example/browser-client/src/components/doclive/runLlo.vue
- *Line:* 179
- *Code:* created () {

== Socket events

this.$socket.client.emit('authenticate', 'logintoken');

- *File:* /data/appl/ok/swarmlab-iot-example/browser-client/src/components/doclive/runLlo.vue
- *Line:* 192
- *Code:* sockets: {

=== onError

- *File:* /data/appl/ok/swarmlab-iot-example/browser-client/src/components/doclive/runLlo.vue
- *Line:* 205
- *Code:* error(error) {

=== connect_error

- *File:* /data/appl/ok/swarmlab-iot-example/browser-client/src/components/doclive/runLlo.vue
- *Line:* 214
- *Code:* connect_error(error) {

=== connect_error

- *File:* /data/appl/ok/swarmlab-iot-example/browser-client/src/components/doclive/runLlo.vue
- *Line:* 223
- *Code:* disconnect(reason) {

=== Socket connect_timeout

- *File:* /data/appl/ok/swarmlab-iot-example/browser-client/src/components/doclive/runLlo.vue
- *Line:* 232
- *Code:* connect_timeout(reason) {

=== Socket reconnect

- *File:* /data/appl/ok/swarmlab-iot-example/browser-client/src/components/doclive/runLlo.vue
- *Line:* 241
- *Code:* reconnect(attemptNumber) {

=== connect_attempt

- *File:* /data/appl/ok/swarmlab-iot-example/browser-client/src/components/doclive/runLlo.vue
- *Line:* 249
- *Code:* reconnect_attempt(attemptNumber) {

=== Socket reconnecting

- *File:* /data/appl/ok/swarmlab-iot-example/browser-client/src/components/doclive/runLlo.vue
- *Line:* 257
- *Code:* reconnecting(attemptNumber) {

=== reconnect_error

- *File:* /data/appl/ok/swarmlab-iot-example/browser-client/src/components/doclive/runLlo.vue
- *Line:* 265
- *Code:* reconnect_error(error) {

=== unauthorized

- *File:* /data/appl/ok/swarmlab-iot-example/browser-client/src/components/doclive/runLlo.vue
- *Line:* 274
- *Code:* unauthorized(val) {

=== connected

- *File:* /data/appl/ok/swarmlab-iot-example/browser-client/src/components/doclive/runLlo.vue
- *Line:* 283
- *Code:* socket_id_emit(val) {

=== Socket onMessage

- *File:* /data/appl/ok/swarmlab-iot-example/browser-client/src/components/doclive/runLlo.vue
- *Line:* 293
- *Code:* async adhocEmit(val) {