[ { "title": "An Introduction to Linux !", "subtitle": "Absolute basics", "type": "asciidoc", "desc": "Absolute basics, File types, Access rights etc", "file": "basics.adoc" }, { "title": "An Introduction to Linux !", "subtitle": "Absolute basics", "type": "asciinema", "desc": "Absolute basics, File types, Access rights etc", "file": "basics.cast" }, { "title": "Linux file system layout", "subtitle": "Absolute basics", "type": "asciidoc", "desc": "Subdirectories of the root directory", "file": "filesystem.adoc" }, { "title": "Linux file system layout", "subtitle": "Absolute basics", "type": "asciinema", "desc": "Subdirectories of the root directory", "file": "filesystem.cast" }, { "title": "The /proc Filesystem", "subtitle": "Absolute basics", "type": "asciidoc", "desc": "The proc filesystem provides a method of communication between kernel space and user space.", "file": "proc.adoc" }, { "desc": "The proc filesystem provides a method of communication between kernel space and user space.", "subtitle": "Absolute basics", "type": "video", "desc": "The proc filesystem provides a method of communication between kernel space and user space.", "service":"vimeo", "file": "510376917" }, { "title": "The /proc Filesystem", "subtitle": "Absolute basics", "type": "asciinema", "desc": "The proc filesystem provides a method of communication between kernel space and user space.", "file": "proc.cast" }, { "title": "Find and grep", "subtitle": "Absolute basics", "type": "asciidoc", "desc": "find and grep command", "file": "find_and_grep.adoc" }, { "title": "Managing software", "subtitle": "Absolute basics", "type": "asciidoc", "desc": "managing software from the command line ", "file": "apt.adoc" }, { "title": "test vimeo", "subtitle": "subtitle", "type": "video", "desc": "description1", "service":"vimeo", "file": "507040807" } ]