The grep understands three different types of regular expression syntax as follows: - basic (BRE) - extended (ERE) - perl (PCRE) Examples The dot (.) matches any single character. You can match specific characters and character ranges using [..] syntax. [source,sh] ---- grep "Jordan" $LLO_DATAFILE | grep "\,199.\,M" ---- INFO: You can escape the dot (.) by preceding it with a \ (backslash) Say you want to Match both ‘Jordan’ or ‘jordan’: [source,sh] ---- grep '[Jj]ordan' $LLO_DATAFILE ---- OR [source,sh] ---- grep '[Jj][oO][rR][dD][aA][nN]' $LLO_DATAFILE ---- [source,sh] ---- grep '\<b.t\>' $LLO_DATAFILE ---- Where, - \< Match the empty string at the beginning of word - \> Match the empty string at the end of word. Do *OR* with grep [source,sh] ---- grep -E 'Michael Jordan|Eddie Jordan' $LLO_DATAFILE ---- Do *AND* with grep [source,sh] ---- grep '199[0-9]' $LLO_DATAFILE | grep -E "Kukoc|Jordan" ---- [INFO] ==== DATAFILE The datafile contains aggregate individual statistics for 67 NBA seasons. from basic box-score attributes such as points, assists, rebounds etc., to more advanced money-ball like features such as Value Over Replacement. Take a look in link:[Glossary^] for a detailed column description ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE: LLO_DATAFILE ====