You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

208 lines
5.2 KiB

5 years ago
Included in:
- user-manual: Paragraphs
- user-manual: Text formatting
- quick-syntax
- writers-guide: quoted text
// tag::para[]
This journey begins one late Monday afternoon in Antwerp.
Our team desperately needs coffee, but none of us dare open the office door.
To leave means code dismemberment and certain death.
// end::para[]
// tag::b-para[]
Paragraphs don't require any special markup in AsciiDoc.
A paragraph is just one or more lines of consecutive text.
To begin a new paragraph, separate it by at least one blank line.
Newlines within a paragraph are not displayed.
// end::b-para[]
// tag::hb-all[]
Rubies are red, +
Topazes are blue.
Ruby is red.
Java is black.
// end::hb-all[]
// tag::hb[]
Rubies are red, +
Topazes are blue.
// end::hb[]
// tag::hb-p[]
Ruby is red.
Java is black.
// end::hb-p[]
// tag::b-hb[]
To preserve a line break, end the line in a space followed by a plus sign. +
This results in a visible line break (e.g., `<br>`) between the lines.
// end::b-hb[]
// tag::hb-attr[]
= Line Break Doc Title
Rubies are red,
Topazes are blue.
// end::hb-attr[]
// tag::lead[]
This is the ultimate paragraph.
// end::lead[]
// tag::no-lead[]
This is a normal paragraph, regardless of its position in the document.
// end::no-lead[]
// tag::b-lead[]
This text will be styled as a lead paragraph (i.e., larger font).
// end::b-lead[]
// tag::b-i[]
_To tame_ the wild wolpertingers we needed to build a *charm*.
But **u**ltimate victory could only be won if we divined the *_true name_* of the __war__lock.
// end::b-i[]
// tag::b-i-n[]
_To tame_ the wild wolpertingers we needed to build a *charm*.
But **u**ltimate victory could only be won if we divined the *_true name_* of the __war__lock.
// end::b-i-n[]
// tag::b-bold-italic-mono[]
bold *constrained* & **un**constrained
italic _constrained_ & __un__constrained
bold italic *_constrained_* & **__un__**constrained
monospace `constrained` & ``un``constrained
monospace bold `*constrained*` & ``**un**``constrained
monospace italic `_constrained_` & ``__un__``constrained
monospace bold italic `*_constrained_*` & ``**__un__**``constrained
// end::b-bold-italic-mono[]
// tag::monospace-vs-codespan[]
`{cpp}` is valid syntax in the programming language by the same name.
`+WHERE id <= 20 AND value = "{name}"+` is a SQL WHERE clause.
// end::monospace-vs-codespan[]
// tag::c-quote-co[]
"`What kind of charm?`" Lazarus asked. "`An odoriferous one or a mineral one?`" // <1>
Kizmet shrugged. "`The note from Olaf's desk says '`wormwood and licorice,`' but these could be normal groceries for werewolves.`" // <2>
// end::c-quote-co[]
// tag::c-quote[]
"`What kind of charm?`" Lazarus asked. "`An odoriferous one or a mineral one?`"
Kizmet shrugged. "`The note from Olaf's desk says '`wormwood and licorice,`' but these could be normal groceries for werewolves.`"
// end::c-quote[]
// tag::b-c-quote[]
"`double curved quotes`"
'`single curved quotes`'
Olaf's desk was a mess.
All of the werewolves`' desks were a mess.
Olaf had been with the company since the `'60s.
// end::b-c-quote[]
// tag::apos[]
Olaf had been with the company since the `'60s.
His desk overflowed with heaps of paper, apple cores and squeaky toys.
We couldn't find Olaf's keyboard.
The state of his desk was replicated, in triplicate, across all of the werewolves`' desks.
// end::apos[]
// tag::sub-sup[]
"`Well the H~2~O formula written on their whiteboard could be part of a shopping list, but I don't think the local bodega sells E=mc^2^,`" Lazarus replied.
// end::sub-sup[]
// tag::b-sub-sup[]
^super^script phrase
~sub~script phrase
// end::b-sub-sup[]
// tag::mono[]
"`Wait!`" Indigo plucked a small vial from her desk's top drawer and held it toward us.
The vial's label read: `E=mc^2^`; the `_E_` represents _energy_, but also pure _genius!_
// end::mono[]
// tag::literal-mono[]
You can reference the value of a document attribute using the syntax `+{name}+`, where `name` is the attribute name.
// end::literal-mono[]
// tag::literal-mono-with-plus[]
`pass:[++]` is the increment operator in C.
// end::literal-mono-with-plus[]
// tag::b-mono-code[]
Reference code like `types` or `methods` inline.
Do not pass arbitrary ``Object``s to methods that accept ``String``s!
// end::b-mono-code[]
// tag::highlight[]
Werewolves are #allergic to cinnamon#.
// end::highlight[]
// tag::highlight-html[]
<mark>mark element</mark>
// end::highlight-html[]
// tag::css-co[]
Do werewolves believe in [small]#small print#? // <1>
[big]##O##nce upon an infinite loop.
// end::css-co[]
// tag::css[]
Do werewolves believe in [small]#small print#?
[big]##O##nce upon an infinite loop.
// end::css[]
// tag::css-all[]
Werewolves are allergic to #cassia cinnamon#.
Did the werewolves read the [.small]#small print#?
Where did all the [.underline]#cores# run off to?
We need [.line-through]#ten# make that twenty VMs.
[.big]##O##nce upon an infinite loop.
// end::css-all[]
// tag::css-custom[]
Type the word [.userinput]#asciidoctor# into the search bar.
// end::css-custom[]
// tag::css-custom-html[]
<span class="userinput">asciidoctor</span>
// end::css-custom-html[]
phrase styled by CSS class .small#