= QuickStart !
Apostolos rootApostolos@swarmlab.io
// Metadata:
:description: Intro and Install
:keywords: doc, Quick
:toc: right
:toc-title: Πίνακας περιεχομένων
:toclevels: 4
:source-highlighter: highlight
:icons: font
{empty} +
== Install (swarmlab-adoc)
== Create project
- Open a console
mkdir mytest
cd mytest
== Copy-Paste asciidoc source
.copy-paste source
Paragraphs don't require any special markup in AsciiDoc.
A paragraph is just one or more lines of consecutive text.
To begin a new paragraph, separate it by at least one blank line.
Newlines within a paragraph are not displayed.
A paragraph offset by at least one space becomes a literal paragraph.
All lines in a literal paragraph must be adjacent.
A literal paragraph is displayed as preformatted text.
The text is shown in a fixed-width font.
Spaces and newlines,
like the ones in this sentence,
are preserved.
NOTE: An admonition paragraph draws the reader's attention to
auxiliary information.
Its purpose is determined by the label
at the beginning of the paragraph.
Here are the other built-in admonition types:
TIP: Pro tip...
IMPORTANT: Don't forget...
WARNING: Watch out for...
CAUTION: Ensure that...
bold *constrained* & **un**constrained
italic _constrained_ & __un__constrained
bold italic *_constrained_* & **__un__**constrained
monospace `constrained` & ``un``constrained
monospace bold `*constrained*` & ``**un**``constrained
monospace italic `_constrained_` & ``__un__``constrained
monospace bold italic `*_constrained_*` & ``**__un__**``constrained
= Document Title (Level 0)
== Level 1 Section Title
=== Level 2 Section Title
==== Level 3 Section Title
===== Level 4 Section Title
====== Level 5 Section Title
== Another Level 1 Section Title
Rubies are red, +
Topazes are blue.
Ruby is red.
* Edgar Allen Poe
* Sheri S. Tepper
* Bill Bryson
Unordered, basic (alt)
- Edgar Allen Poe
- Sheri S. Tepper
- Bill Bryson
* [*] checked
* [x] also checked
* [ ] not checked
* normal list item
https://asciidoctor.org - automatic!
https://github.com/asciidoctor[Asciidoctor @ *GitHub*]
.A mountain sunset
[caption="Figure 1: ",link=https://www.flickr.com/photos/javh/5448336655]
video::video_file.mp4[width=640, start=60, end=140, options=autoplay]
Embedded Youtube video
Embedded Vimeo video
.view result
Paragraphs don't require any special markup in AsciiDoc.
A paragraph is just one or more lines of consecutive text.
To begin a new paragraph, separate it by at least one blank line.
Newlines within a paragraph are not displayed.
A paragraph offset by at least one space becomes a literal paragraph.
All lines in a literal paragraph must be adjacent.
A literal paragraph is displayed as preformatted text.
The text is shown in a fixed-width font.
Spaces and newlines,
like the ones in this sentence,
are preserved.
NOTE: An admonition paragraph draws the reader's attention to
auxiliary information.
Its purpose is determined by the label
at the beginning of the paragraph.
Here are the other built-in admonition types:
TIP: Pro tip...
IMPORTANT: Don't forget...
WARNING: Watch out for...
CAUTION: Ensure that...
bold *constrained* & **un**constrained
italic _constrained_ & __un__constrained
bold italic *_constrained_* & **__un__**constrained
monospace `constrained` & ``un``constrained
monospace bold `*constrained*` & ``**un**``constrained
monospace italic `_constrained_` & ``__un__``constrained
monospace bold italic `*_constrained_*` & ``**__un__**``constrained
= Document Title (Level 0)
== Level 1 Section Title
=== Level 2 Section Title
==== Level 3 Section Title
===== Level 4 Section Title
====== Level 5 Section Title
== Another Level 1 Section Title
Rubies are red, +
Topazes are blue.
Ruby is red.
* Edgar Allen Poe
* Sheri S. Tepper
* Bill Bryson
Unordered, basic (alt)
- Edgar Allen Poe
- Sheri S. Tepper
- Bill Bryson
* [*] checked
* [x] also checked
* [ ] not checked
* normal list item
https://asciidoctor.org - automatic!
https://github.com/asciidoctor[Asciidoctor @ *GitHub*]
.A mountain sunset
[caption="Figure 1: ",link=https://www.flickr.com/photos/javh/5448336655]
video::video_file.mp4[width=640, start=60, end=140, options=autoplay]
Embedded Youtube video
Embedded Vimeo video
== Run
cd mytest
TIP: swarmlab-adoc convert all *.adoc files recursiva in html5 and pdf
.If you need to convert only one file
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/documents/ registry.vlabs.uniwa.gr:5080/swarmlab-asciidoctor asciidoctor --safe -b html5 -a theme=flask -a toc2 -a toc-placement=right -o ./path/to/FILENAME.html ./path/from/FILENAME.adoc
Please note, there is a **.** in ./path
== Using a web browser
You can see the file rendered as HTML just by visiting it!
That's all folks! :-)
{empty} +
{empty} +
Caminante, no hay camino,
se hace camino al andar.
Wanderer, there is no path,
the path is made by walking.
*Antonio Machado* Campos de Castilla