able self-assembly in a thousand-robot swarm-xK54Bu9HFRw.mkvmage:./Image3_650.jpg[alt="Traffic jams"]
image:./swarm.jpeg[alt="Swarm Intelligence"]
- Awareness
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=== Swarm Apps
==== Harvard University
==== Harvard Universityi (thousand tiny robots)
Harvard University scientists have developed about a thousand tiny robots that, like swarming bees or army ants, can work together in vast numbers without a guiding central intelligence
Each member is controlled through a central computer
@ -212,7 +213,7 @@ TIP: vulnerability due to single point of failure
In the case of "b"
image:./Image3_650.jpg[alt="Traffic jams"]
image:./Image3_650.jpg[alt="Traffic jams"] +
In a swarm of a thousand simple robots, errors like traffic jams (second from left) and imprecise positioning (far right) are common. (Photo courtesy of Mike Rubenstein and Science/AAAS.)