Welcome to AsciiDocLIVE! ------------------------ AsciiDocLIVE is a *free online http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/[AsciiDoc^] editor*. * Just type AsciiDoc source text into the *left* pane, * ...and the live preview appears in the *right* pane! What's AsciiDoc? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello World AsciiDoc is a human-readable text document format for writing notes, documentation, articles, books, ebooks, slideshows, web pages, man pages and blogs, and more. AsciiDoc files can be translated to many formats including HTML, PDF, EPUB, and man page. To learn more, visit the AsciiDoc home page at http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/[^]. About AsciiDocLIVE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AsciiDocLIVE is currently in *beta* stage. This means there are likely a _lot_ of bugs, and even more ways to make it better. If you have any questions, suggestions or other feedback, please feel free to https://github.com/jichu4n/asciidoclive/issues/new[create an issue on pass:[] GitHub^]. Hope to hear from you soon! [[cheat-sheet]] AsciiDoc Mini Cheat Sheet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To help you get started, here're some snippets from the http://powerman.name/doc/asciidoc[AsciiDoc Cheet Sheet^]. Feel free to poke around :) Text Styles ^^^^^^^^^^^ * normal, _italic_, *bold*, +mono+. * ``double quoted'', `single quoted'. * normal, ^super^, ~sub~. * `passthru *bold*` Tables ^^^^^^ .An example table [options="header,footer"] |======================= |Col 1|Col 2 |Col 3 |1 |Item 1 |a |2 |Item 2 |b |3 |Item 3 |c |6 |Three items|d |======================= Lists ^^^^^ * Q: How did the programmer die in the shower? A: He read the shampoo instructions: . Lather, rinse. . Repeat. * There are only 10 kinds of people in this world: - Those who understand binary. - Those who don't. Misc ^^^^ * Code listings: + [source,python] ----------------- #!/usr/bin/env python import antigravity try: antigravity.fly() except FlytimeError as e: # um...not sure what to do now. pass ----------------- * Quotes: + [quote,"Charles Dickens","A Tale of Two Cities"] It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness... * Links: ** http://asciidoclive.com/[AsciiDocLIVE^] is awesome! * Images: + image:test.jpg[alt="not bad.",width=128,height=128] * Videos: + video::th_H1gixMEE[youtube] * Pass-through: pass:[
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