require "yaml" require "fileutils" desc "Validate all templates using Packer" task :validate do Dir.glob("packer_templates/**/*.json").sort.each do |template_path| template_dir = File.dirname(template_path) filename = File.basename(template_path) # we can't validatem the amazon config with the ovf file next if filename == "amazon-2-x86_64.json" puts "\n\e[32mValidating #{template_path}\e[0m\n\n" result = system("packer validate #{filename}", chdir: template_dir) raise "Validation for #{template_path} failed" unless result end end desc "clean repo, build boxes, test, and upload/release" task :do_all do check_env public_templates.each do |template| if config['public'].include?(box_name(template)) Rake::Task[:clean].execute sh build_cmd(template) sh "bento test" if ENV["BENTO_AUTO_RELEASE"].nil? || ENV["BENTO_VERSION"].nil? puts "skipping the upload / release of #{template} as BENTO_AUTO_RELEASE and BENTO_VERSION env vars were not set" else sh "bento upload" sh "bento release #{template} #{ENV["BENTO_VERSION"]}" end end end end desc "release all built boxes on vagrant cloud" task :release_all do config['public'].each do |template| sh "bento release #{template} #{ENV["BENTO_VERSION"]}" end end desc "clean" task :clean do puts "Removing kitchen.yml and builds/*" FileUtils.rm_rf(['kitchen.yml', Dir.glob('builds/*')]) end def build_cmd(template) cmd = %W{bento build #{template}} cmd.insert(2, "--only #{providers}") cmd.insert(2, "--mirror #{ENV['PACKER_MIRROR']}") if ENV["PACKER_MIRROR"] cmd.insert(2, "--version #{ENV['BENTO_VERSION']}") cmd.join(" ") a_to_s(cmd) end def check_env if ENV["BENTO_VERSION"].nil? puts "Please set the BENTO_VERSION env variable" exit 1 end end def providers if config['providers'] config['providers'].join(',') else puts "No Providers Specified." puts "Set `providers` in builds.yml" exit 1 end end def a_to_s(*args) clean_array(*args).join(" ") end def config YAML.load("builds.yml")) end def clean_array(*args) args.flatten.reject { |i| i.nil? || i == "" }.map(&:to_s) end def box_name(template) bn = template.split('/')[1].gsub!(/\.json/,'') bn.match(/-x86_64|-amd64/) ? bn.gsub(/-x86_64|-amd64/,'') : bn end def public_templates templates = Dir.glob('**/*.json').reject{ |d| d['builds'] } templates.reject{ |f| f[/macos|rhel|sles|solaris|windows/] } end