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277 lines
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locals {
# Source block provider specific
# hyperv-iso
hyperv_enable_dynamic_memory = var.hyperv_enable_dynamic_memory == null ? (
var.hyperv_generation == 2 && var.is_windows ? "true" : null
) : var.hyperv_enable_dynamic_memory
hyperv_enable_secure_boot = var.hyperv_enable_secure_boot == null ? (
var.hyperv_generation == 2 && var.is_windows ? false : null
) : var.hyperv_enable_secure_boot
# parallels-iso
parallels_tools_flavor = var.parallels_tools_flavor == null ? (
var.is_windows ? (
var.os_arch == "x86_64" ? "win" : "win-arm"
) : (
var.os_arch == "x86_64" ? "lin" : "lin-arm"
) : var.parallels_tools_flavor
parallels_tools_mode = var.parallels_tools_mode == null ? (
var.is_windows ? "attach" : "upload"
) : var.parallels_tools_mode
parallels_prlctl = var.parallels_prlctl == null ? (
var.is_windows ? [
["set", "{{ .Name }}", "--efi-boot", "off"]
] : [
["set", "{{ .Name }}", "--3d-accelerate", "off"],
["set", "{{ .Name }}", "--videosize", "16"]
) : var.parallels_prlctl
# qemu
qemu_binary = var.qemu_binary == null ? "qemu-system-${var.os_arch}" : var.qemu_binary
qemu_machine_type = var.qemu_machine_type == null ? (
var.os_arch == "aarch64" ? "virt" : "q35"
) : var.qemu_machine_type
qemuargs = var.qemuargs == null ? (
var.hyperv_generation == 2 && var.is_windows ? [
["-bios", "/usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_CODE.fd"],
] : (
var.is_windows ? [
["-drive", "file=${path.root}/win_answer_files/virtio-win.iso,media=cdrom,index=3"],
["-drive", "file=${path.root}/../builds/packer-${var.os_name}-${var.os_version}-${var.os_arch}-qemu/{{ .Name }},if=virtio,cache=writeback,discard=ignore,format=qcow2,index=1"],
] : (
var.os_arch == "aarch64" ? [
["-boot", "strict=off"]
] : null
) : var.qemuargs
# virtualbox-iso
vbox_gfx_controller = var.vbox_gfx_controller == null ? (
var.is_windows ? "vboxsvga" : "vmsvga"
) : var.vbox_gfx_controller
vbox_gfx_vram_size = var.vbox_gfx_controller == null ? (
var.is_windows ? 128 : 33
) : var.vbox_gfx_vram_size
vbox_guest_additions_mode = var.vbox_guest_additions_mode == null ? (
var.is_windows && var.hyperv_generation == 1 ? "attach" : "upload"
) : var.vbox_guest_additions_mode
# virtualbox-ovf
vbox_source = var.vbox_source == null ? (
var.os_name == "amazonlinux" ? "${path.root}/amz_working_files/amazon2.ovf" : null
) : var.vbox_source
# vmware-iso
vmware_disk_adapter_type = var.vmware_disk_adapter_type == null ? (
var.is_windows ? "lsisas1068" : null
) : var.vmware_disk_adapter_type
# Source block common
boot_wait = var.boot_wait == null ? (
var.is_windows ? "60s" : "10s"
) : var.boot_wait
cd_files = var.cd_files == null ? (
var.hyperv_generation == 2 && var.is_windows ? [
"${path.root}/win_answer_files/${substr(var.os_version, 0, 2)}/gen2_Autounattend.xml"
] : null
) : var.cd_files
communicator = var.communicator == null ? (
var.is_windows ? "winrm" : "ssh"
) : var.communicator
floppy_files = var.floppy_files == null ? (
var.hyperv_generation == 2 ? null : (
var.is_windows ? [
] : (
var.os_name == "springdalelinux" ? [
"${path.root}/http/rhel/${substr(var.os_version, 0, 1)}ks.cfg"
] : null
) : var.floppy_files
http_directory = var.http_directory == null ? "${path.root}/http" : var.http_directory
memory = var.memory == null ? (var.is_windows ? 4096 : 2048) : var.memory
output_directory = var.output_directory == null ? "builds/packer-${var.os_name}-${var.os_version}-${var.os_arch}" : var.output_directory
shutdown_command = var.shutdown_command == null ? (
var.is_windows ? "shutdown /s /t 10 /f /d p:4:1 /c \"Packer Shutdown\"" : (
var.os_name == "freebsd" ? "echo 'vagrant' | su -m root -c 'shutdown -p now'" : "echo 'vagrant' | sudo -S /sbin/halt -h -p"
) : var.shutdown_command
vm_name = var.vm_name == null ? (
var.os_arch == "x86_64" ? "${var.os_name}-${var.os_version}-amd64" : "${var.os_name}-${var.os_version}-${var.os_arch}"
) : var.vm_name
source "hyperv-iso" "vm" {
enable_dynamic_memory = local.hyperv_enable_dynamic_memory
enable_secure_boot = local.hyperv_enable_secure_boot
generation = var.hyperv_generation
guest_additions_mode = var.hyperv_guest_additions_mode
switch_name = var.hyperv_switch_name
boot_command = var.boot_command
boot_wait = local.boot_wait
cpus = var.cpus
communicator = local.communicator
disk_size = var.disk_size
floppy_files = local.floppy_files
headless = var.headless
http_directory = local.http_directory
iso_checksum = var.iso_checksum
iso_url = var.iso_url
memory = local.memory
output_directory = "${local.output_directory}-hyperv"
shutdown_command = local.shutdown_command
shutdown_timeout = var.shutdown_timeout
ssh_password = var.ssh_password
ssh_port = var.ssh_port
ssh_timeout = var.ssh_timeout
ssh_username = var.ssh_username
winrm_password = var.winrm_password
winrm_timeout = var.winrm_timeout
winrm_username = var.winrm_username
vm_name = local.vm_name
source "parallels-iso" "vm" {
guest_os_type = var.parallels_guest_os_type
parallels_tools_flavor = local.parallels_tools_flavor
parallels_tools_mode = local.parallels_tools_mode
prlctl = local.parallels_prlctl
prlctl_version_file = var.parallels_prlctl_version_file
boot_command = var.boot_command
boot_wait = local.boot_wait
cpus = var.cpus
communicator = local.communicator
disk_size = var.disk_size
floppy_files = local.floppy_files
http_directory = local.http_directory
iso_checksum = var.iso_checksum
iso_url = var.iso_url
memory = local.memory
output_directory = "${local.output_directory}-parallels"
shutdown_command = local.shutdown_command
shutdown_timeout = var.shutdown_timeout
ssh_password = var.ssh_password
ssh_port = var.ssh_port
ssh_timeout = var.ssh_timeout
ssh_username = var.ssh_username
winrm_password = var.winrm_password
winrm_timeout = var.winrm_timeout
winrm_username = var.winrm_username
vm_name = local.vm_name
source "qemu" "vm" {
accelerator = var.qemu_accelerator
display = var.headless ? "none" : var.qemu_display
machine_type = local.qemu_machine_type
qemu_binary = local.qemu_binary
qemuargs = local.qemuargs
boot_command = var.boot_command
boot_wait = local.boot_wait
cd_files = local.cd_files
cpus = var.cpus
communicator = local.communicator
disk_size = var.disk_size
floppy_files = local.floppy_files
headless = var.headless
http_directory = local.http_directory
iso_checksum = var.iso_checksum
iso_url = var.iso_url
memory = local.memory
output_directory = "${local.output_directory}-qemu"
shutdown_command = local.shutdown_command
shutdown_timeout = var.shutdown_timeout
ssh_password = var.ssh_password
ssh_port = var.ssh_port
ssh_timeout = var.ssh_timeout
ssh_username = var.ssh_username
winrm_password = var.winrm_password
winrm_timeout = var.winrm_timeout
winrm_username = var.winrm_username
vm_name = local.vm_name
source "virtualbox-iso" "vm" {
gfx_controller = local.vbox_gfx_controller
gfx_vram_size = local.vbox_gfx_vram_size
guest_additions_path = var.vbox_guest_additions_path
guest_additions_mode = local.vbox_guest_additions_mode
guest_additions_interface = var.vbox_guest_additions_interface
guest_os_type = var.vbox_guest_os_type
hard_drive_interface = var.vbox_hard_drive_interface
iso_interface = var.vbox_iso_interface
vboxmanage = var.vboxmanage
virtualbox_version_file = var.virtualbox_version_file
boot_command = var.boot_command
boot_wait = local.boot_wait
cpus = var.cpus
communicator = local.communicator
disk_size = var.disk_size
floppy_files = local.floppy_files
headless = var.headless
http_directory = local.http_directory
iso_checksum = var.iso_checksum
iso_url = var.iso_url
memory = local.memory
output_directory = "${local.output_directory}-virtualbox"
shutdown_command = local.shutdown_command
shutdown_timeout = var.shutdown_timeout
ssh_password = var.ssh_password
ssh_port = var.ssh_port
ssh_timeout = var.ssh_timeout
ssh_username = var.ssh_username
winrm_password = var.winrm_password
winrm_timeout = var.winrm_timeout
winrm_username = var.winrm_username
vm_name = local.vm_name
source "virtualbox-ovf" "amazonlinux" {
guest_additions_path = var.vbox_guest_additions_path
source_path = local.vbox_source
vboxmanage = var.vboxmanage
virtualbox_version_file = var.virtualbox_version_file
communicator = local.communicator
headless = var.headless
output_directory = "${local.output_directory}-virtualbox-ovf"
shutdown_command = local.shutdown_command
shutdown_timeout = var.shutdown_timeout
ssh_password = var.ssh_password
ssh_port = var.ssh_port
ssh_timeout = var.ssh_timeout
ssh_username = var.ssh_username
vm_name = local.vm_name
source "vmware-iso" "vm" {
guest_os_type = var.vmware_guest_os_type
disk_adapter_type = local.vmware_disk_adapter_type
tools_upload_flavor = var.vmware_tools_upload_flavor
tools_upload_path = var.vmware_tools_upload_path
version = var.vmware_version
vmx_data = var.vmware_vmx_data
vmx_remove_ethernet_interfaces = var.vmware_vmx_remove_ethernet_interfaces
boot_command = var.boot_command
boot_wait = local.boot_wait
cpus = var.cpus
communicator = local.communicator
disk_size = var.disk_size
floppy_files = local.floppy_files
headless = var.headless
http_directory = local.http_directory
iso_checksum = var.iso_checksum
iso_url = var.iso_url
memory = local.memory
output_directory = "${local.output_directory}-vmware"
shutdown_command = local.shutdown_command
shutdown_timeout = var.shutdown_timeout
ssh_password = var.ssh_password
ssh_port = var.ssh_port
ssh_timeout = var.ssh_timeout
ssh_username = var.ssh_username
winrm_password = var.winrm_password
winrm_timeout = var.winrm_timeout
winrm_username = var.winrm_username
vm_name = local.vm_name