33 changed files with 17502 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
module.exports = { |
presets: [ |
'@vue/app' |
] |
} |
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because it is too large
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ |
{ |
"name": "bootstrap-vue-example", |
"version": "0.1.0", |
"private": true, |
"scripts": { |
"serve": "vue-cli-service serve", |
"build": "vue-cli-service build", |
"lint": "vue-cli-service lint" |
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"dependencies": { |
"@vue/compiler-sfc": "^3.0.1", |
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"@vue/cli-service": "^4.5.7", |
"vue-template-compiler": "^2.6.12" |
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"eslintConfig": { |
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<strong>We're sorry but bootstrap-vue-example doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to continue.</strong> |
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<div id="app"></div> |
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<template> |
<div id="app"> |
<!-- ***************** nav items ****************** --> |
<b-navbar toggleable="md" class="navbar-secondary" > |
<b-navbar-toggle target="nav_collapse"> </b-navbar-toggle> |
<b-navbar-brand class="logo simple-text ti-swarmlab text-secondary"> |
Swarmlab.io Doclive |
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<!-- Right aligned nav items --> |
<b-navbar-nav class="ml-auto"> |
<b-nav-item href="http://docs.swarmlab.io/SwarmLab-HowTos/labs/Howtos/asciidoc/AsciiDocSyntaxQuickReference.adoc.html" target="_ascii" > Asciidoc_QuickReference </b-nav-item> |
<b-nav-item > | </b-nav-item> |
<b-nav-item href="https://git.swarmlab.io:3000" target="_swarmlabgit"> Swarmlab_git </b-nav-item> |
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<b-nav-item href="https://api-client.swarmlab.io:8088/#/signin?redirect=%2Fdashboard" target="_swarmlab"> Lab_onDemand </b-nav-item> |
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--> |
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<!-- Using template slot --> |
<template slot="button-content"> |
<em>Template</em> |
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round |
class="btn btn-outline-info btn-sm" |
@click="addtemplate('LabTemplate')"> |
LabTemplate</button> |
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<b-nav-item > </b-nav-item> |
<button type="button" |
round |
class="btn btn-outline-info btn-sm" |
@click="saveDocLive"> |
Save As Zip</button> |
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<b-col cols="12"> |
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style="background-color: #f8f9fa" |
> |
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</template> |
<script> |
import DocLive from './components/DocLive.vue' |
import Asciidoctor from 'asciidoctor' |
import "@/assets/css/themify-icons.css"; |
export default { |
name: 'app', |
components: { |
DocLive |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
show: true, |
SwarmabAsciiLabTemplate:'' |
} |
}, |
mounted() { |
}, |
methods: { |
saveDocLive() { |
this.$root.$emit('asciilive_save','save') |
}, |
addtemplate(template) { |
if( template == 'LabTemplate' ){ |
this.SwarmabAsciiLabTemplate = `= Title! |
myName email@emailserver.foo |
:description: Description |
:keywords: Lab, myLab |
:data-uri: |
:toc: true |
:toc-title: Table of Contents |
:toclevels: 4 |
:source-highlighter: highlight |
:icons: font |
:sectnums: |
{empty} + |
.Welcome to Swarmlab.io |
**** |
Swarmlab is a powerful collaboration tool that connects tutors and students in a unique all-in-one environment that gets work done fast and easily |
Ready-to-Use Virtual Labs one click away. |
**** |
== Chapter 1 |
[NOTE] |
==== |
Assuming you're already logged in |
==== |
=== Install docker |
To Docker είναι μια πλατφόρμα λογισμικού ανοιχτού κώδικα που υλοποιεί Εικονικοποίηση (Virtualization) σε επίπεδο Λειτουργικού Συστήματος. |
Tο Docker προσφέρει αυτοματοποιημένες διαδικασίες για την ανάπτυξη εφαρμογών σε απομονωμένες Περιοχές Χρήστη (User Spaces) που ονομάζονται Software Containers |
Το λογισμικό χρησιμοποιεί τεχνολογιές του πυρήνα του Linux όπως τα cgroups και οι χώροι ονομάτων πυρήνα (kernel namespaces), για να επιτρέπει σε ανεξάρτητα software containers να εκτελούνται στο ίδιο λειτουργικό σύστημα. |
Έτσι αποφεύγεται η χρήση επιπλέον υπολογιστικών πόρων που θα απαιτούσε μια εικονική μηχανή (virtual machine). |
Ορισμός, βασικά χαρακτηριστικά και αρχιτεκτονικές IoT, εφαρμογές ΙοΤ, αντιδιαστολή με τον ιστό των αντικειμένων (Web of Things / WoT), προκλήσεις του IoT όπως προτυποποίηση, κλιμάκωση, μέγεθος συσκευών, κατανάλωση ενέργειας, διευθυνσιοδότηση, ασφάλεια/ιδιωτικότητα, ποιότητας υπηρεσιών, κινητικότητα κ.α |
More Info + |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Docker_(software)[^] |
[[cheat-Dockervideo]] |
== docker Intro |
* Docker - Explained |
+ |
video::wi-MGFhrad0[youtube] |
* How DOCKER works - Virtualization vs containerization |
+ |
video::0e-KiGJIiDc[youtube] |
== Installation (Ubuntu) |
.Run with sudo |
[source,bash] |
---- |
curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add - |
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable" |
sudo apt update |
sudo apt install -y docker-ce |
echo "or" |
sudo apt install docker* |
sudo systemctl status docker |
sudo usermod -aG docker username #οπου username το όνομα του χρήστη που θα δουλεύει με docker |
---- |
== Usage swarmlab.io DocLive |
- Open a console |
- Switch to the directory that contains *.adoc documents |
- Call the Asciidoctor processor with the command |
.If you need to convert only one file |
[TIP] |
==== |
[source,bash] |
---- |
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/documents/ registry.vlabs.uniwa.gr:5080/swarmlab-asciidoctor asciidoctor --safe -b html5 -a theme=flask -a toc2 -o ./path/to/FILENAME.html ./path/from/FILENAME.adoc |
---- |
Please note, there is a **.** in ./path |
==== |
` |
this.$root.$emit('asciilive_template_add', this.SwarmabAsciiLabTemplate) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
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content: "\e6d1"; |
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Binary file not shown.
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Binary file not shown.
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Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
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<template> |
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<!-- menou --> |
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v-show="showmenou == 1" |
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round |
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Max-Notebook View </button> |
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Min-Notebook View</button> |
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style="float: right;" |
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Max-Code View </button> |
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v-if="columncodedefault == '1'" |
style="float: right;" |
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Min-Code View</button> |
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> |
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style="background-color: #f8f9fa" |
> |
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</template> |
<script> |
import RunLlo from "./doclive/runLlo.vue"; |
import AdHoc from "./doclive/AdhocView.vue"; |
export default { |
name: 'DocLive', |
props: { |
}, |
components: { |
RunLlo, |
AdHoc |
}, |
data () { |
return { |
loading: false, |
showhistory : 0, |
productIndex: 1, |
showmenou: 1, |
columnviewdefault : 0, |
columncodedefault : 0, |
columnview : 'col-7 order-first', |
columncode : 'col-5 order-last', |
tutorMenou: 'student' |
} |
}, |
created: function () { |
}, |
mounted() { |
this.$root.$on('LLOshowmenounotebooks', () => { |
this.showmenou = 1 |
}), |
this.$root.$on('lloshowchallengehistory', (llo,active) => { |
this.showhistory = 1 |
}) |
}, |
beforeDestroy () { |
this.$root.$off('LLOshowmenounotebooks'), |
this.$root.$off('lloshowchallengehistory') // working |
}, |
methods: { |
fullscreen(action){ |
if(action == 'max'){ |
this.columnview = 'col-11 order-first' |
this.columncode = 'col-1 order-last' |
this.columnviewdefault = 1 |
this.columncodedefault = 0 |
//set height iframe |
this.$root.$emit('LLOresizemenounotebooks','max') |
console.log(this.columnview) |
} |
else if(action == 'min'){ |
this.columnview = 'col-7 order-first' |
this.columncode = 'col-5 order-last' |
this.columnviewdefault = 0 |
this.columncodedefault = 1 |
//set height iframe |
this.$root.$emit('LLOresizemenounotebooks','min') |
console.log(this.columnview) |
} |
else if(action == 'codemax'){ |
this.columnview = 'col-1 order-first' |
this.columncode = 'col-11 order-last' |
this.columnviewdefault = 0 |
this.columncodedefault = 1 |
console.log(this.columnview) |
} |
else if(action == 'codemin'){ |
this.columnview = 'col-7 order-first' |
this.columncode = 'col-5 order-last' |
this.columnviewdefault = 1 |
this.columncodedefault = 0 |
this.$root.$emit('LLOresizemenounotebooks','min') |
console.log(this.columnview) |
} |
}, |
async onAction (action) { |
this.tutorMenou='tutor' |
//this.tutorMenou='student' |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only --> |
<style scoped> |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,370 @@ |
<template> |
<div> |
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v-if="showlloedit" |
> |
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<b-col cols="5"> |
<div class="input-group input-group-sm sm-3"> |
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class="custom-select custom-select-sm " |
@change="setKeymap" |
v-model="selected"> |
<option |
v-for="option in options" |
v-bind:value="option.value"> |
{{ option.text }} |
</option> |
</select> |
<div class="input-group-append"> |
<button type="button" |
round |
class="btn btn-outline-info btn-sm" |
v-if="cmOptions.keyMap == 'sublime'" |
@click="infoFilter"> |
i</button> |
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<b-col cols="7" > |
<div class="input-group input-group-sm d-flex justify-content-end"> |
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<div class="input-group input-group-sm d-flex justify-content-end"> |
<div class="input-group-append"> |
<button type="button" |
round |
class="btn btn-outline-warning btn-sm" |
v-if="tryLLO[active]" |
@click="closelog(key)"> |
Close</button> |
</div> |
<div class="input-group-append"> |
<button |
type="button" |
class="btn btn-outline-dark btn-sm" |
v-if="tryLLO[active]" |
@click="addlloasciisource" |
>Create task!</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</b-col> |
</b-row> |
<div class="codemirror" > |
<codemirror |
ref="myCm" |
:value="code" |
:options="cmOptions" |
@cursorActivity="onCmCursorActivity" |
@ready="onCmReady" |
@focus="onCmFocus" |
@input="onCmCodeChange" |
></codemirror> |
</div> |
</b-col> |
</b-row> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
//import {mapState, mapGetters, mapActions,dispatch} from 'vuex' |
import Vue from 'vue' |
//import store from '@/store/index' |
//import '@asciidoctor/core/dist/browser/asciidoctor' |
import Asciidoctor from 'asciidoctor' |
//import '@asciidoctor/core/dist/css/asciidoctor.css' |
import { codemirror } from 'vue-codemirror' |
import JSZip from 'jszip'; |
import FileSaver from 'file-saver'; |
import 'codemirror/lib/codemirror.css' |
import 'codemirror/theme/neat.css' |
import'codemirror/addon/selection/active-line.js' |
// hint |
import'codemirror/addon/hint/show-hint.js' |
import'codemirror/addon/hint/show-hint.css' |
import'codemirror/addon/hint/javascript-hint.js' |
import'codemirror/addon/selection/active-line.js' |
import'codemirror/addon/scroll/annotatescrollbar.js' |
import'codemirror/addon/search/matchesonscrollbar.js' |
import'codemirror/addon/search/searchcursor.js' |
import'codemirror/addon/search/match-highlighter.js' |
// keyMap |
import'codemirror/mode/shell/shell.js' |
import'codemirror/addon/edit/matchbrackets.js' |
import'codemirror/addon/comment/comment.js' |
import'codemirror/addon/dialog/dialog.js' |
import'codemirror/addon/dialog/dialog.css' |
import'codemirror/addon/search/searchcursor.js' |
import'codemirror/addon/search/search.js' |
import'codemirror/keymap/sublime.js' |
import'codemirror/keymap/vim.js' |
// foldGutter |
import'codemirror/addon/fold/foldgutter.css' |
import'codemirror/addon/fold/brace-fold.js' |
import'codemirror/addon/fold/comment-fold.js' |
import'codemirror/addon/fold/foldcode.js' |
import'codemirror/addon/fold/foldgutter.js' |
import'codemirror/addon/fold/indent-fold.js' |
import'codemirror/addon/fold/markdown-fold.js' |
import'codemirror/addon/fold/xml-fold.js' |
import 'codemirror/lib/codemirror'; |
import 'codemirror/addon/display/placeholder'; |
//import yaml from 'js-yaml' |
export default { |
components: { |
codemirror |
}, |
data () { |
return { |
swarmlabllo: 'https://git.swarmlab.io:3000/labs/examples-mpi2/raw/branch/master/llo-index.yml', |
ssl:{}, |
url_asciijshighlight:[ |
'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highlight.js/9.15.6/highlight.min.js' |
], |
url_asciijs:[ |
//'https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.5.1.slim.min.js', |
//'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/popper.js@1.16.1/dist/umd/popper.min.js', |
'https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.2/js/bootstrap.min.js' |
], |
url_asciicss:[ |
'https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.2/css/bootstrap.min.css', |
'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highlight.js/9.15.6/styles/github.min.css', |
'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/asciidoctor.js/1.5.9/css/asciidoctor.min.css', |
'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/5.14.0/css/all.min.css' |
], |
code: '# Try!', |
editchoice: '', |
optionsedit: [ |
{ text: 'code', value: 'code' }, |
{ text: 'text', value: 'text' } |
], |
llodesc:[{ |
llo_url : '', |
llo_name : '', |
llo_author : '', |
llo_intro : '' |
}], |
llo:[{ |
id : 0, |
rm : false, |
data_info : 'Asciidoc \n', |
data_code : '#Your source code', |
data_service : '', |
code_datafile : 'url', |
code_name : '', |
code_exec : '', |
code_options : '', |
code_mime : '', |
code_info : '', |
code_code : '', |
code_codeout : '', |
code_codeoutput : 'console', |
points : '', |
challenge_question : '', |
code_challenge_question : '', |
challenge_answer : '', |
challenge_answer_hint : '', |
code_challenge_answer_hint : '', |
challenge_answer_source : '', |
challenge_answer_code_out : '', |
challenge_answer_code : '', |
code_challenge_answer_code : '' |
}], |
searchLLO: [], |
searchLLOactive : false, |
ADOC_html_code:'', |
challenge:[], |
action:'', |
tryLLO:[], |
service:'os2', |
active:0, |
activecount:0, |
remove:'', |
activeField:'', |
bootstrap:false, |
firstbootstrap:0, |
htmlasciitmp:'', |
datafile: 'https://git.swarmlab.io:3000/labs/examples-mpi2/raw/branch/master/0_netstat/data', |
datadir: '0_netstat/data', |
LearningObject:'', |
showllo:true, |
showlloedit:true, |
selected: 'sublime', |
options: [ |
{ text: 'vim', value: 'vim' }, |
{ text: 'sublime', value: 'sublime' } |
], |
optionsmime: [ |
{ text: 'sh', value: 'bash' }, |
{ text: 'javascript', value: 'javascript' }, |
{ text: 'python', value: 'python' }, |
{ text: 'php', value: 'php' }, |
{ text: 'sql', value: 'sq;' }, |
{ text: 'xml', value: 'xml' }, |
{ text: 'c', value: 'c' } |
], |
pValidate: false, |
cmOptions: { |
tabSize: 2, |
styleActiveLine: true, |
lineNumbers: true, |
lineSeparator:'\n', |
line: true, |
foldGutter: true, |
gutters: ["CodeMirror-linenumbers", "CodeMirror-foldgutter"], |
highlightSelectionMatches: { showToken: /\w/, annotateScrollbar: true }, |
styleSelectedText: true, |
mode: 'shell', |
hintOptions:{ |
completeSingle: false |
}, |
keyMap: "sublime", |
//keyMap: "vim", |
matchBrackets: true, |
showCursorWhenSelecting: true, |
indentUnit:this.ADOC_html_code, |
lineWrapping: true, |
theme: 'neat', |
refresh:true, |
autofocus: false, |
extraKeys: { "Ctrl": "autocomplete" } |
}, |
ADOC_html:[] |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
async showactive(index) { |
this.topwindow(index) |
}, |
onCmReady(cm) { |
cm.on('change', (cm, chg) => { |
}), |
cm.on('keypress', () => { |
cm.showHint({completeSingle:false}) |
}) |
}, |
onCmCursorActivity(a, b, c) { |
}, |
onCmFocus(cm) { |
}, |
onCmCodeChange(newCode) { |
this.code = newCode |
this.$root.$emit('asciilive_add',this.code) |
}, |
handleChange() { |
}, |
setKeymap () { |
this.cmOptions.keyMap = this.selected |
}, |
infoFilter() { |
var title1='<h3>Playbook Images</h3>' |
var winfop='<table class="table table-striped table-sm ">'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Shift-Tab</td> <td class="text-left">indentLess</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Shift-Ctrl-K</td> <td class="text-left">deleteLine</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Alt-Q</td> <td class="text-left">wrapLines</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-T</td> <td class="text-left">transposeChars</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Alt-Left</td> <td class="text-left">goSubwordLeft</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Alt-Right</td> <td class="text-left">goSubwordRight</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-Up</td> <td class="text-left">scrollLineUp</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-Down</td> <td class="text-left">scrollLineDown</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-L</td> <td class="text-left">selectLine</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Shift-Ctrl-L</td> <td class="text-left">splitSelectionByLine</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Esc</td> <td class="text-left">singleSelectionTop</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-Enter</td> <td class="text-left">insertLineAfter</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Shift-Ctrl-Enter</td> <td class="text-left">insertLineBefore</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-D</td> <td class="text-left">selectNextOccurrence</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Shift-Ctrl-Space</td> <td class="text-left">selectScope</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Shift-Ctrl-M</td> <td class="text-left">selectBetweenBrackets</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-M</td> <td class="text-left">goToBracket</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Shift-Ctrl-Up</td> <td class="text-left">swapLineUp</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Shift-Ctrl-Down</td> <td class="text-left">swapLineDown</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-/</td> <td class="text-left">toggleCommentIndented</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-J</td> <td class="text-left">joinLines</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Shift-Ctrl-D</td> <td class="text-left">duplicateLine</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">F9</td> <td class="text-left">sortLines</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-F9</td> <td class="text-left">sortLinesInsensitive</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">F2</td> <td class="text-left">nextBookmark</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Shift-F2</td> <td class="text-left">prevBookmark</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-F2</td> <td class="text-left">toggleBookmark</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Shift-Ctrl-F2</td> <td class="text-left">clearBookmarks</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Alt-F2</td> <td class="text-left">selectBookmarks</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Backspace</td> <td class="text-left">smartBackspace</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-K Ctrl-K</td> <td class="text-left">delLineRight</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-K Ctrl-U</td> <td class="text-left">upcaseAtCursor</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-K Ctrl-L</td> <td class="text-left">downcaseAtCursor</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-K Ctrl-Space</td> <td class="text-left">setSublimeMark</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-K Ctrl-A</td> <td class="text-left">selectToSublimeMark</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-K Ctrl-W</td> <td class="text-left">deleteToSublimeMark</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-K Ctrl-X</td> <td class="text-left">swapWithSublimeMark</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-K Ctrl-Y</td> <td class="text-left">sublimeYank</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-K Ctrl-C</td> <td class="text-left">showInCenter</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-K Ctrl-G</td> <td class="text-left">clearBookmarks</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-K Ctrl-Backspace</td> <td class="text-left">delLineLeft</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-K Ctrl-0</td> <td class="text-left">unfoldAll</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-K Ctrl-J</td> <td class="text-left">unfoldAll</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-Alt-Up</td> <td class="text-left">addCursorToPrevLine</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-Alt-Down</td> <td class="text-left">addCursorToNextLine</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-F3</td> <td class="text-left">findUnder</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Shift-Ctrl-F3</td> <td class="text-left">findUnderPrevious</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Shift-Ctrl-[</td> <td class="text-left">fold</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Shift-Ctrl-]</td> <td class="text-left">unfold</td></tr>'+ |
'<tr><td class="text-left">Ctrl-H</td> <td class="text-left">replace</td></tr>'+ |
'</table>' |
//var title1='<div>Repositories are set to Default</div>' |
//var winfo='if you want sumthing special plaese first insert the repo' |
var title1='' |
var winfo='' |
this.$swal({ |
title: '<strong>Sublime Text bindings</strong>', |
type: 'info', |
html: winfop+title1+winfo, |
showCloseButton: true, |
showLoaderOnConfirm: false, |
allowOutsideClick: false |
}) |
} |
}, |
computed: { |
codemirror() { |
return this.$refs.myCm.codemirror |
} |
}, |
mounted() { |
this.$root.$on('asciilive_template_add', (v) => { |
this.$nextTick(function () { |
this.code = v |
}) |
}) |
}, |
beforeDestroy () { |
this.$root.$off('PipelineRunSwarmserviceLLOAdhoc') |
}, |
created () { |
} |
}; |
</script> |
<style> |
.CodeMirror { |
/* Set height, width, borders, and global font properties here */ |
font-family: monospace; |
height: 750px; |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,327 @@ |
<template> |
<b-row no-gutters w-100 h-100 |
v-if="showlloedit" |
> |
<b-col cols="12" sm="12" md="12" > |
<iframe id="llocontainer" |
:srcdoc="htmlasciitmp" |
width="100%" |
height="750" |
frameBorder="0" |
name="Forgot_Iframe"> |
</iframe> |
</b-col> |
</b-row> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Vue from 'vue' |
import Asciidoctor from 'asciidoctor' |
import JSZip from 'jszip'; |
import FileSaver from 'file-saver'; |
export default { |
components: { |
}, |
data () { |
return { |
swarmlabllo: 'https://git.swarmlab.io:3000/labs/examples-mpi2/raw/branch/master/llo-index.yml', |
ssl:{}, |
url_asciijshighlight:[ |
'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highlight.js/9.15.6/highlight.min.js' |
], |
url_asciijs:[ |
//'https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.5.1.slim.min.js', |
//'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/popper.js@1.16.1/dist/umd/popper.min.js', |
'https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.2/js/bootstrap.min.js' |
], |
url_asciicss:[ |
'https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.2/css/bootstrap.min.css', |
'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highlight.js/9.15.6/styles/github.min.css', |
'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/asciidoctor.js/1.5.9/css/asciidoctor.min.css', |
'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/5.14.0/css/all.min.css' |
], |
code: '', |
editchoice: '', |
optionsedit: [ |
{ text: 'code', value: 'code' }, |
{ text: 'text', value: 'text' } |
], |
llodesc:[{ |
llo_url : '', |
llo_name : '', |
llo_author : '', |
llo_intro : '' |
}], |
searchLLO: [], |
searchLLOactive : false, |
ADOC_html_code:'', |
challenge:[], |
action:'', |
tryLLO:[], |
service:'os2', |
active:0, |
activecount:0, |
remove:'', |
activeField:'', |
bootstrap:false, |
firstbootstrap:0, |
htmlasciitmp:'', |
datafile: 'https://git.swarmlab.io:3000/labs/examples-mpi2/raw/branch/master/0_netstat/data', |
datadir: '0_netstat/data', |
LearningObject:'', |
asciidochtml:'', |
showllo:true, |
showlloedit:true, |
selected: 'sublime', |
options: [ |
{ text: 'vim', value: 'vim' }, |
{ text: 'sublime', value: 'sublime' } |
], |
pValidate: false, |
ADOC_html:[] |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
async saveascii() { |
var asciiname = 'myname' |
var filesave = asciiname+"_DocLive.zip" |
var zip = new JSZip(); |
var llofile = zip.folder(asciiname); |
llofile.file("ascii.adoc.html", this.asciidochtml); |
llofile.file("ascii.adoc", this.code); |
zip.generateAsync({type:"blob"}) |
.then(function(content) { |
FileSaver.saveAs(content, filesave); |
}); |
}, |
async bootsrapllo() { |
console.log('created'); |
var action=this.action |
var value=this.code |
var service=this.service |
var asciiID = this.active |
var asciiid = "llo_"+asciiID+"_ascii" |
try { |
// ************************************* |
// ***** ------- HTML ------- ***** |
// ************************************* |
try{ |
// ------------------------------------- |
// ------- create file |
// ------------------------------------- |
var thishtml = `<!doctype html> |
<html lang="en"> |
<head> |
<meta charset="utf-8"> |
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no"> |
</head> |
<body> |
<div id="firstElement"> |
<span id="AsciiElement"></span> |
</div> |
<div id="lastElement"> |
<span id="jsElement"></span> |
</div> |
</body> |
</html>` |
var htmlAscii = new DOMParser().parseFromString(thishtml, "text/html"); |
// ------------------------------------- |
// ------- insert script head |
// ------------------------------------- |
var arrayLengthi1 = this.url_asciijshighlight.length |
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLengthi1; i++) { |
var asciiscript0 = document.createElement('script'); |
asciiscript0.type = 'text/javascript'; |
asciiscript0.src = this.url_asciijshighlight[i] |
htmlAscii.head.appendChild(asciiscript0); |
} |
// ------------------------------------- |
// ------- create css head |
// ------------------------------------- |
var arrayLength = this.url_asciicss.length |
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) { |
var asciilink = document.createElement('link'); |
asciilink.rel = 'stylesheet'; |
asciilink.href = this.url_asciicss[i] |
htmlAscii.head.appendChild(asciilink); |
//console.log(this.url_asciicss[i]) |
} |
// ------------------------------------- |
// ------- insert custom functions head |
// ------------------------------------- |
var myfunction = `function llorm(msg) { |
var origin = 'https://api-client.swarmlab.io:8088' |
window.parent.postMessage({'event': 'warranty-transaction-rm', 'data': msg}, origin); |
}; |
function topwindow(field) { |
var asciiid = "llo_"+field+"_ascii" |
var llotarget = document.getElementById(asciiid); |
if(llotarget){ |
llotarget.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'nearest', inline: 'start' }) |
} |
}; |
function lloedit(msg,field) { |
var origin = 'https://api-client.swarmlab.io:8088' |
topwindow(msg); |
window.parent.postMessage({'event': 'warranty-transaction-success', 'data': msg , 'field': field}, origin); |
};` |
var asciiscript2 = document.createElement('script'); |
asciiscript2.type = 'text/javascript'; |
asciiscript2.innerHTML = myfunction |
htmlAscii.head.appendChild(asciiscript2); |
// ------------------------------------- |
// ------- insert script body |
// ------------------------------------- |
var arrayLengthi = this.url_asciijs.length |
//console.log(arrayLengthi) |
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLengthi; i++) { |
var asciiscript = document.createElement('script'); |
asciiscript.type = 'text/javascript'; |
asciiscript.src = this.url_asciijs[i] |
let parentDiv = htmlAscii.getElementById("jsElement").parentNode |
let lastel = document.getElementById("jsElement") |
parentDiv.insertBefore(asciiscript, lastel) |
//htmlAscii.body.appendChild(asciiscript); |
} |
// ------------------------------------- |
// ------- run hlhs body |
// ------------------------------------- |
var asciiscript1 = document.createElement('script'); |
asciiscript1.type = 'text/javascript'; |
asciiscript1.innerHTML = "hljs.initHighlighting()"; |
htmlAscii.body.appendChild(asciiscript1); |
// ------------------------------------- |
// ------- html serialize |
// ------------------------------------- |
var Myascii = new XMLSerializer(); |
this.htmlasciitmp = Myascii.serializeToString(htmlAscii) |
// ************************************* |
// ***** ------- HTML ------- ***** |
// ************************************* |
//console.log(" asciii3 "+JSON.stringify(this.htmlasciitmp)) |
//console.log(asciidoctor1.getRuntime()) |
this.bootstrap = true |
//console.log(" bootstrap "+JSON.stringify(this.htmlasciitmp)) |
}catch (ex) { |
console.log(" asc error "+JSON.stringify(ex)) |
return |
} |
}catch (ex) { |
console.log(" logi error "+JSON.stringify(ex)) |
return |
} |
}, |
async addlloascii() { |
var value = this.code |
console.log(" ascii code "+JSON.stringify(this.code)) |
// ************************************* |
// ***** ------- HTML ------- ***** |
// ************************************* |
try{ |
var asciidoctor1 = Asciidoctor() |
var value_compiled = asciidoctor1.convert(value, |
{ |
standalone: true, |
backend: 'html5', |
header_footer: false, |
doctype: 'article', |
safe: 'safe', |
attributes: { |
'source-highlighter': 'highlightjs', |
//'toc':'right', |
'sectnumlevels':4, |
'toclevels':4, |
'sectnums':true, |
'icons': 'font', |
'copycss':true, |
'stylesheet': 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/asciidoctor.js/1.5.9/css/asciidoctor.min.css', |
'iconfont-cdn': 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/5.14.0/css/all.min.css', |
'iconfont-name': 'fontawesome-5-14.0', |
'iconfont-remote':true, |
'linkcss': true |
} |
}) // (2) |
var mydinfunction = ` <div> |
${value_compiled} |
</div>` |
console.log(" ascii "+JSON.stringify(value_compiled)) |
var asciiidtext = 'firstElement' |
this.asciidochtml = value_compiled |
document.getElementById('llocontainer').contentWindow.document.getElementById(asciiidtext).innerHTML = this.asciidochtml |
//this.addtask (asciiID, divascii); |
}catch (ex) { |
console.log(" ascerror "+JSON.stringify(ex)) |
return |
} |
}, |
handleChange() { |
}, |
}, |
computed: { |
}, |
mounted() { |
this.$root.$on('asciilive_add', (v) => { |
this.code = v |
this.addlloascii() |
}) |
this.$root.$on('asciilive_save', (v) => { |
this.saveascii() |
}) |
}, |
beforeDestroy () { |
this.$root.$off('asciilive_add') |
this.$root.$off('asciilive_save') |
}, |
created () { |
this.bootsrapllo() |
}, |
}; |
</script> |
<style> |
.CodeMirror { |
/* Set height, width, borders, and global font properties here */ |
font-family: monospace; |
height: 750px; |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ |
import Vue from 'vue' |
import App from './App.vue' |
import BootstrapVue from 'bootstrap-vue' |
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css' |
import 'bootstrap-vue/dist/bootstrap-vue.css' |
import VueSweetalert2 from 'vue-sweetalert2'; |
Vue.use(VueSweetalert2); |
Vue.use(BootstrapVue); |
Vue.config.productionTip = false |
new Vue({ |
render: h => h(App) |
}).$mount('#app') |
Reference in new issue