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4 years ago
= Linux!
// Metadata:
:description: Intro and Install
:keywords: ubuntu install
:toc: right
:toc-title: Table of contents
:toclevels: 4
:source-highlighter: highlight
:icons: font
{empty} +
.Linux Network Environment!
image:./images/swarmlab-network.png[400,350,role="related thumb right"]
Swarmlab Hybrid provides a *Modern Application Architecture*
* Getting Started with Swarmlab-Hybrid Linux
* Multiple machines
* Each service is a process
* Containerized services in Lightweight containers
* Auto deploy/delivery of services
* Auto deploy/delivery of services
== Videos
=== To video me tin enarxi tou ergastiriou
=== First commands - ascirama
=== Network analysis - ascirama
=== Getting Started with Swarmlab-Hybrid Linux
=== Getting Started with Swarmlab-Hybrid Linux
=== Getting Started with Swarmlab-Hybrid Linux
=== Getting Started with Swarmlab-Hybrid Linux
=== Getting Started with Swarmlab-Hybrid Linux
== Videos
=== readings & practice exercises
== The Linux Network Environment
=== Videos
=== readings & practice exercises
=== Videos
=== readings & practice exercises
== Getting Started with Swarmlab-Hybrid Linux
=== Videos
=== readings & practice exercises
== Getting Started with Swarmlab-Hybrid Linux
=== Videos
=== readings & practice exercises