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# config
<match debug.*>
@type stdout
# input log
@type tail
path /var/log/*.log
path_key tailed_path
tag stats.node
# parse json
@type json
pos_file /tmp/fluentd--1605454018.pos
# input stats
@type tail
path /var/log-in/*/*
path_key tailed_path
tag log.node
# parse none
@type none
pos_file /tmp/fluentd--1605454014.pos
# output mongo log*
<match log.*>
@type copy
@type mongo_replset
database app_swarmlab
collection logs
nodes swarmlabmongo1:27017,swarmlabmongo2:27017,swarmlabmongo1:27017
user app_swarmlab
password app_swarmlab
replica_set rs0
num_retries 60
capped_size 100m
flush_interval 20s
@type stdout
@type file
path /tmp/mylog
timekey 1d
timekey_use_utc true
timekey_wait 10s
# output mongo stats*
<match stats.*>
@type copy
@type mongo_replset
database app_swarmlab
collection logs
nodes swarmlabmongo1:27017,swarmlabmongo2:27017,swarmlabmongo1:27017
user swarmlab
password swarmlab
replica_set rs0
num_retries 60
capped_size 100m
@type stdout